Welcome back readers! I found out today that my computer has a virus so this is the first time for me to post from my iPhone! I hope the formatting is fine! Today we continue on our journey to day 13 of Rick Warren's book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
I'll go thru the bold topics in this chapter & discuss my application/experience.
"God is pleased when our worship is accurate." God keeps leading me to his scripture. Sometimes it's not clear why or what I'm supposed to be taking away from it, but I usually wind up taking several things away from it. I am an experience kind of gal. However this book says: "Worship must be based on the truth of Scripture, not our opinions about God." I am being led to it because the only way I can truly know God is through Scripture...
"God is pleased when our worship is authentic." There is the word AUTHENTIC again. Couple things I learned from this section of the chapter: 1) There is a whole 'nother level to get in tune with...my own spirit...not The Holy Spirit...my own...that is in tune to God's spirit. 2) To really trust my feelings and not try to ignore them. "Heartless praise is not praise at all! It is an insult to God." Important line there... Those people need us to lead them in. This is a cool section and discusses lots and lots of ways to worship God and lots of fun ones.
"God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful." This section encourages you to be specific in prayer and to engage your mind. From the book: "God insists that our worship services be understandable to unbelievers when they are present in our worship gatherings." We should all be trying to bring more people to Christ and to be mindfully aware of that calling. I watched the past season of Vikings on the History Channel. I have to tell you that I really started learning more about God toward the middle of the season. It is a pretty graphic show, and sometimes I felt like it may not be something I should watch. Not to ruin it for people who want to watch it BUT I became hooked when the storyline really began to develop. Pagans/Vikings raided a monastery killing all but one Monk, who was held captive, became a servant to the leader of the Pagan fleet, later became a Viking, Then later was held captive again by a Christian king. The Christian and the Viking leader held so much value in their friendship with the Monk. The series ended with (What I think is) God speaking to the Monk in a way that was clear & Him going back with the Vikings by choice and praying the Lord's prayer with the Viking leader. The Monk lived his life and expressed himself in a way that resonated with some nonbelievers. We are all called to do that. We may not reach everyone but we can all reach someone.
"God is pleased when our worship is practical." This section really goes into how we have to use our mind, spirit, and BODY for worship. I used to wear my body out... I didn't get enough sleep. I ate lots of fast food. I'd wear my mind out stressing out about deadlines... It is SO different now. I can still wear myself out but I know now that I am doing that for the blessings God has given me. Earlier this week I was thinking..."Maybe ease up on me God." He did lots of revealing... Now I am ready for what's next... I think... When you can feel your worship taking effort and using energy you are doing something right.
Today's bullet points:
"Point to Ponder: God wants all of me."
Daily Verse: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30 (NIV)
Daily Question: "Which is more pleasing to God right now - My public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?"
From my journal the day of reading: My private worship. Worship him more. Acknowledge my gifts and LOVE me as God has made me. I will really begin to study his word and when I start to worry I will read Bible verses.
I am working on my public worship and God sure is helping me with the rest of it.
There will be days when you will feel exhausted, but those days lead to a stronger purpose. Buck up baby and ride your ride! God bless!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Day 12: "Developing Your Friendship With God"
Welcome Readers. We continue on as we journey through the chapters of Pastor Rick Warren's book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
Day 12: "Developing Your Friendship With God"
"Point to Ponder: I'm as close to God as I choose to be."
Daily Verse: "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." James 4:8A (NLT)
Daily Question: "What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?"
From my journal the day of reading: I will talk to Kyle (my husband) about my journey, so he understands me. I will plan a schedule to help me grow the gifts, talents, and blessings God has blessed me with.
I'm sitting here smiling because that journal entry doesn't come close to doing justice for the walk I've been walking with God, since reading it. I remember reading this chapter & thinking....I've got a lot to work on before I'm ready for a friendship with God....NOT SO MUCH PEEPS.... I mean, YES...I had to work on things (still do) & they were pretty intense for me, but I've done them & I am ALREADY developing my relationship with God.
I was talking to someone yesterday about an experience I had when praying over a tragedy of some VERY dear friends of mine. She was asking me questions about it & how we KNOW when a certain person needs to be prayed for. I started out by saying: "You know that gut feeling you get....or that AWARENESS you get sometimes when you just KNOW The Holy Spirit is guiding you?" They looked at me & said...."No...I can't say that I've really experienced that. I mean I'll read Bible verses & they will speak to me or be exactly what I need, but I can't say that I've ever experienced what you are talking about." The next question they asked me was: "How do you get that feeling? What do you do?" I'm sitting here tearing up because I am in AWE of God. COMPLETE AWE.... I wrote that post yesterday about the types of friendships I have with The Holy Spirit, Jesus, & God.... In the conversation I had yesterday evening I KNEW what I needed to say to answer that question. Here it is: "You have to INVITE God in. You have to STRIP your EGO & PRIDE (and I gave a few examples of extreme ego & what I think is ego, but you don't really look at it that way) & be able to HUMBLE yourself to whatever member of The Holy Trinity they are really speaking to." I explained that humbling yourself to them is SHOWING them ALL of it: your pain, your anger, your confusion, your stress, what you question....which I REMEMBER...I held back until I realized GOD KNOWS ALL OF IT ANYWAY. He wants the raw & honest TRUTH (good, bad, & the ugly) & he wants YOU to WANT to talk to Him. You don't have to go out and profess it to the world, but to God. Once you start being honest to got you start being honest with yourself too.
My friend gave me a new Bible that has several different translations in it. I have to tell you...I struggle with reading the Bible...not because I don't want to, but because I can't figure out how to really get the most out of it. I read 3 quarters through the Old Testament just page after page, but stopped because I wasn't grasping it the way I thought I would....it was more like a chore...kinda. I've tried that online Bible study.....I mean LONG readings & I found it easy for me to stop & not finish...then have a LONG one to catch up with the next day. This book has helped me verse by verse, to learn parts of the Bible. Since getting the new Bible from my friend....I've went to it twice. I just opened to a page. The first day it took me straight to a story of dealing with anger....I needed it.
Last night it took me to Acts 10-11. What I read discussed how the Apostles started FILLING people...ALL people...with The Holy Spirit & the BIRTH of Christianity. Again...I am in AWE. What do I KNOW? I know that we are supposed to INTRODUCE as many people as we can to The Holy Spirit, which I think is the SECOND step in developing a relationship with GOD. The FIRST is being willing to humble yourself & telling him you want him in your life. Guys remember...He will not give you more than you can handle. You can START right now. I have known the person I talked to yesterday ALL of their life & I know they BELIEVE in God & pray, BUT I think they are ready to GET TO KNOW GOD.
This book says 4 things about developing a relationship with God: "I must choose to be honest to God." "I must choose to obey God in faith." "I must choose to value what God values." "I must desire friendship with God more than anything else."
I REALLY do ENCOURAGE everyone to go get this book, if you haven't already & read this for yourself.
Looking at my journal entry & remembering what I was thinking I KNOW that I felt like I'd be 50 before I was even going to be "worthy" enough to have a TRUE friendship with God. Now I KNOW I am worthy right now.
I have to share another thing that this chapter revealed to me & I had been struggling with it for some time. I know someone that doesn't KNOW how to be authentic. (This chapter discussed being AUTHENTIC.) They sort of adapt to the personalities, wants, needs, thoughts of whoever they are around. Now guys....I LOVE making friends....LOVE IT! However...I was having a REALLY hard time gettin' there with this person...in fact...still haven't gotten there & it BOTHERED me BUT I couldn't MAKE myself invite them into my circle of friends. I don't mean my CLOSE friends...I mean just truly FULLY enjoy their company as any kind of friend. This sentence made the light bulb go off: "What may appear as audacity God views as authenticity." Now this was talking about how we should be frank with God & that he can handle our truth in any kind of way we give it to him. BUT what it revealed to me about my struggle with the person above is that I was struggling because THEY weren't being authentic. You can't MAKE someone be authentic. You can't MAKE someone invite you in, AND you can't build a relationship or a friendship with ANYONE if they aren't being AUTHENTIC. There will be NO trust. There will be NO common ground b/c you won't even know what it is. I think it's important for me to say that I'm not just ASSUMING that they aren't being authentic. I had (from my end) an OPEN & HONEST conversation about concerns of the other & offered guidance & support for whatever that person felt like THEY needed. The next week they were doing EXACTLY what they had such a problem with & I KNOW you can't make an AUTHENTIC decision in even a month's time (in this area) & quite frankly....what we discussed may have not been authentic. I KNOW they need the guidance of The Holy Spirit, but I'm not so sure that I am the person that can break through to them. I've tried twice. That is why it is EVER so important that WE HELP OTHERS. Sometimes the people someone is surrounded with can't give them what they need, no matter how much they WANT to.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! Don't wait! Don't hesitate!! God Bless!
Day 12: "Developing Your Friendship With God"
"Point to Ponder: I'm as close to God as I choose to be."
Daily Verse: "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." James 4:8A (NLT)
Daily Question: "What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?"
From my journal the day of reading: I will talk to Kyle (my husband) about my journey, so he understands me. I will plan a schedule to help me grow the gifts, talents, and blessings God has blessed me with.
I'm sitting here smiling because that journal entry doesn't come close to doing justice for the walk I've been walking with God, since reading it. I remember reading this chapter & thinking....I've got a lot to work on before I'm ready for a friendship with God....NOT SO MUCH PEEPS.... I mean, YES...I had to work on things (still do) & they were pretty intense for me, but I've done them & I am ALREADY developing my relationship with God.
I was talking to someone yesterday about an experience I had when praying over a tragedy of some VERY dear friends of mine. She was asking me questions about it & how we KNOW when a certain person needs to be prayed for. I started out by saying: "You know that gut feeling you get....or that AWARENESS you get sometimes when you just KNOW The Holy Spirit is guiding you?" They looked at me & said...."No...I can't say that I've really experienced that. I mean I'll read Bible verses & they will speak to me or be exactly what I need, but I can't say that I've ever experienced what you are talking about." The next question they asked me was: "How do you get that feeling? What do you do?" I'm sitting here tearing up because I am in AWE of God. COMPLETE AWE.... I wrote that post yesterday about the types of friendships I have with The Holy Spirit, Jesus, & God.... In the conversation I had yesterday evening I KNEW what I needed to say to answer that question. Here it is: "You have to INVITE God in. You have to STRIP your EGO & PRIDE (and I gave a few examples of extreme ego & what I think is ego, but you don't really look at it that way) & be able to HUMBLE yourself to whatever member of The Holy Trinity they are really speaking to." I explained that humbling yourself to them is SHOWING them ALL of it: your pain, your anger, your confusion, your stress, what you question....which I REMEMBER...I held back until I realized GOD KNOWS ALL OF IT ANYWAY. He wants the raw & honest TRUTH (good, bad, & the ugly) & he wants YOU to WANT to talk to Him. You don't have to go out and profess it to the world, but to God. Once you start being honest to got you start being honest with yourself too.
My friend gave me a new Bible that has several different translations in it. I have to tell you...I struggle with reading the Bible...not because I don't want to, but because I can't figure out how to really get the most out of it. I read 3 quarters through the Old Testament just page after page, but stopped because I wasn't grasping it the way I thought I would....it was more like a chore...kinda. I've tried that online Bible study.....I mean LONG readings & I found it easy for me to stop & not finish...then have a LONG one to catch up with the next day. This book has helped me verse by verse, to learn parts of the Bible. Since getting the new Bible from my friend....I've went to it twice. I just opened to a page. The first day it took me straight to a story of dealing with anger....I needed it.
Last night it took me to Acts 10-11. What I read discussed how the Apostles started FILLING people...ALL people...with The Holy Spirit & the BIRTH of Christianity. Again...I am in AWE. What do I KNOW? I know that we are supposed to INTRODUCE as many people as we can to The Holy Spirit, which I think is the SECOND step in developing a relationship with GOD. The FIRST is being willing to humble yourself & telling him you want him in your life. Guys remember...He will not give you more than you can handle. You can START right now. I have known the person I talked to yesterday ALL of their life & I know they BELIEVE in God & pray, BUT I think they are ready to GET TO KNOW GOD.
This book says 4 things about developing a relationship with God: "I must choose to be honest to God." "I must choose to obey God in faith." "I must choose to value what God values." "I must desire friendship with God more than anything else."
I REALLY do ENCOURAGE everyone to go get this book, if you haven't already & read this for yourself.
Looking at my journal entry & remembering what I was thinking I KNOW that I felt like I'd be 50 before I was even going to be "worthy" enough to have a TRUE friendship with God. Now I KNOW I am worthy right now.
I have to share another thing that this chapter revealed to me & I had been struggling with it for some time. I know someone that doesn't KNOW how to be authentic. (This chapter discussed being AUTHENTIC.) They sort of adapt to the personalities, wants, needs, thoughts of whoever they are around. Now guys....I LOVE making friends....LOVE IT! However...I was having a REALLY hard time gettin' there with this person...in fact...still haven't gotten there & it BOTHERED me BUT I couldn't MAKE myself invite them into my circle of friends. I don't mean my CLOSE friends...I mean just truly FULLY enjoy their company as any kind of friend. This sentence made the light bulb go off: "What may appear as audacity God views as authenticity." Now this was talking about how we should be frank with God & that he can handle our truth in any kind of way we give it to him. BUT what it revealed to me about my struggle with the person above is that I was struggling because THEY weren't being authentic. You can't MAKE someone be authentic. You can't MAKE someone invite you in, AND you can't build a relationship or a friendship with ANYONE if they aren't being AUTHENTIC. There will be NO trust. There will be NO common ground b/c you won't even know what it is. I think it's important for me to say that I'm not just ASSUMING that they aren't being authentic. I had (from my end) an OPEN & HONEST conversation about concerns of the other & offered guidance & support for whatever that person felt like THEY needed. The next week they were doing EXACTLY what they had such a problem with & I KNOW you can't make an AUTHENTIC decision in even a month's time (in this area) & quite frankly....what we discussed may have not been authentic. I KNOW they need the guidance of The Holy Spirit, but I'm not so sure that I am the person that can break through to them. I've tried twice. That is why it is EVER so important that WE HELP OTHERS. Sometimes the people someone is surrounded with can't give them what they need, no matter how much they WANT to.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! Don't wait! Don't hesitate!! God Bless!
relationship with God,
Rick Warren,
The Holy Spirit,
The Holy Trinity,
The Purpose Driven Life,
What on Earth am I Here For?
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Day 11: "Becoming Best Friends With God"
Welcome Readers!! Today is Day 11 on our journey through the book: A Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren.
This is such a beautiful chapter. It discusses how we can all DEVELOP a friendship with GOD, JESUS, & THE HOLY SPIRIT & gives us examples from the Bible to help us along the way.
So I have a DIffeRent type of friendship with EACH member of The Holy Trinity. The summer between my Freshman & Sophomore year of high school I had...what is probably my DEEPEST & LONGEST prayer session with God to date. It changed my life. I REALLY developed my FAITH that night. We are ALL HIS, but....GOD took hold of me that day & I KNEW...no matter how HARD things would get...HE HAD ME. From that point though...my relationship with The Holy Spirit began to develop. I was YOUNG, so I didn't know a whole lot about them, BUT I knew what I needed to. I understood in that prayer session that The Holy Spirit would ALWAYS be with me...to guide me, to help me form the RIGHT words and actions, to PROTECT me & I would CONSCIOUSLY acknowledge that throughout my day. I look back now & it may seem like I did it in a selfish way, BUT it was the way God knew I needed him.
Then...as I started to go to church with my boyfriend...husband now...I REALLY came to know Jesus. I credit this to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Fayetteville, TX & my Mother-In-Law. I had a different experience than what it seems like most people have with the Catholic Church. I wasn't Catholic. I was Lutheran...& a Lutheran that hadn't been to church in years. Not that I didn't VALUE my relationship with God (really at that time my relationship with The Holy Spirit), but I would venture to say I'm analytical & I WANT to KNOW MORE...always. I remember the first time I went to church with him. I was EXCITED & NERVOUS, but I felt so OVERWHELMING drawn in to the church & accepted. It is hard to explain really. I went to church there for nearly 6 years before I decided to convert to Catholicism during Kyle & I's engagement. I didn't kneel, or do the sign of the cross, or say the Catholic dinner prayer at meals UNTIL I was confirmed in the church on Easter Saturday. I NEVER felt JUDGED. I really do know how that can sound a bit contradicting. I mean...I didn't kneel like the Catholics, didn't receive communion, didn't pray the same prayers, BUT I began to get this feeling like they wanted me to....like they WANTED me to be a part of it...like I was respected on a level I needed. I'm older than my husband & was in Jr. College when he was going to his CCD classes. It seemed like I ALWAYS had studying to do & I'd go along with him & sit in the truck & study. I was invited in to work inside a couple times, but I REALLY didn't want to for any other reason than I like to study all cramped up like that. Then Kyle's class was going to go see The Passion. His teacher told him to invite me. That I may have to pay for my ticket, but I was WELCOME to come. I was TOTALLY down for it. When we got to the church his teacher told me that the church was paying for it. I offered SEVERAL times to pay, but he said Father Jack approved it. We were in a van & I'm not kidding when I say that I don't think I stopped talking the ENTIRE way home. His teacher opened up discussion & I just went to discussin'. I KNOW this time in my life helped me to know Jesus....helped me to become CLOSE friends with Jesus...really BEST FRIENDS.
A few weeks ago I started meditating on how I know Jesus, but who I really need to spend some time getting to know is God. I'm being 100% HONEST here. I felt a mild sense of loss because I knew that would mean less time for Jesus. I mean...when I prayed it was to God, but by the end of it...I was talkin' to Jesus & giving it ALL to him. I also felt afraid...like I wasn't worthy...like I needed to do more work...like God would JUDGE me more harshly. Then...as I was shopping at Sam's with my Mother-In-Law I saw this book standing out on the shelf with NO other books beside it. I picked it up & read the first few pages. I looked to find another because it challenges you to read as a team. I found her....kind of told her I wanted her to read the book with me & here we are....& NOW I am building my friendship with God. Looking back...I can see WHY my friendships have developed the way they have. HE WILL NOT GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE.
Here's what it's like for me: The Holy Spirit is like the friend that LOVES you unconditionally...TOTALLY. Like the friend that is holding your hair back & dragging you back to the hotel after too many drinks & then acts like NOTHING happened the next morning.
Jesus is the friend that is forgiving because he's been through ALL of it. He UNDERSTANDS why you do the things you do & KNOWS that you didn't know any better. Kind of like a mentor or a big brother.
God...now God. He is the friend that LOVES you unconditionally & will ALWAYS PUSH you to be MORE. It's not enough for Him to ease your troubles & have your back when no one else will. It's not enough to understand that life is tough and settle with that. HE WANTS US TO BE ALL HE MADE US TO BE! HE SEES POTENTIAL & knows, to be a good friend, he has to PUSH us. And my friends, you've gotta have some grit to ya. He is (what sometimes seems) BRUTALLY HONEST with you. He will show you things about yourself that you disliked SO much you forgot about'm. He will REVEAL things about you & your experiences that you didn't even know happened. His LIGHT is SO bright that NOTHING goes uncovered. Then....he'll MAKE you face them. Then...when you drag your feet...he will place a sense of urgency on you...that makes you VERY aware. One of my best friends just shared this video of a little girl telling the story of Jonah....& (I'm just sayin') I don't want it to get that far.
My best advice is: Don't force it. It will all come naturally to you. When I was in high school, I wasn't even THINKING about Jesus's journey. I was worried about my own. A few weeks ago I was draggin' my feet on REALLY gettin' to know God & He wasn't havin' that! God will GIVE you what YOU need & he knows EXACTLY what that is.
There is SO much more in this chapter that will help you develop your friendships with The Holy Trinity. One of the BEST & biggest take aways I got from this chapter is this: "If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate! You just need to switch your attention from your problems to Bible verses." This book urges you to write down these daily verses & keep them with you & work on memorizing them. This is EXACTLY the tool I needed. This is my second time reading the book & there is only one verse that I have memorized (from the book) to where I don't have to double-check the chapter & verse number: "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." Mark 12:30
Here's the Daily Info:
"Point to Ponder: God wants to be my best friend."
Daily Verse: "Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him." Psalm 25:14A (LB)
Daily Question: "What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to him more often throughout the day."
From my journal the first day of reading: I feel like this is something I learned to develop the summer between my Freshman & Sophomore year of high school & I am blessed to still do it. The one thing I NEED and want to do is learn his word. I need to get my note cards & put Bible verses on there, so I can really start letting God speak to me more often.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! He'll take you to GOD & do some teachin' along the way! God Bless!
This is such a beautiful chapter. It discusses how we can all DEVELOP a friendship with GOD, JESUS, & THE HOLY SPIRIT & gives us examples from the Bible to help us along the way.
So I have a DIffeRent type of friendship with EACH member of The Holy Trinity. The summer between my Freshman & Sophomore year of high school I had...what is probably my DEEPEST & LONGEST prayer session with God to date. It changed my life. I REALLY developed my FAITH that night. We are ALL HIS, but....GOD took hold of me that day & I KNEW...no matter how HARD things would get...HE HAD ME. From that point though...my relationship with The Holy Spirit began to develop. I was YOUNG, so I didn't know a whole lot about them, BUT I knew what I needed to. I understood in that prayer session that The Holy Spirit would ALWAYS be with me...to guide me, to help me form the RIGHT words and actions, to PROTECT me & I would CONSCIOUSLY acknowledge that throughout my day. I look back now & it may seem like I did it in a selfish way, BUT it was the way God knew I needed him.
Then...as I started to go to church with my boyfriend...husband now...I REALLY came to know Jesus. I credit this to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Fayetteville, TX & my Mother-In-Law. I had a different experience than what it seems like most people have with the Catholic Church. I wasn't Catholic. I was Lutheran...& a Lutheran that hadn't been to church in years. Not that I didn't VALUE my relationship with God (really at that time my relationship with The Holy Spirit), but I would venture to say I'm analytical & I WANT to KNOW MORE...always. I remember the first time I went to church with him. I was EXCITED & NERVOUS, but I felt so OVERWHELMING drawn in to the church & accepted. It is hard to explain really. I went to church there for nearly 6 years before I decided to convert to Catholicism during Kyle & I's engagement. I didn't kneel, or do the sign of the cross, or say the Catholic dinner prayer at meals UNTIL I was confirmed in the church on Easter Saturday. I NEVER felt JUDGED. I really do know how that can sound a bit contradicting. I mean...I didn't kneel like the Catholics, didn't receive communion, didn't pray the same prayers, BUT I began to get this feeling like they wanted me to....like they WANTED me to be a part of it...like I was respected on a level I needed. I'm older than my husband & was in Jr. College when he was going to his CCD classes. It seemed like I ALWAYS had studying to do & I'd go along with him & sit in the truck & study. I was invited in to work inside a couple times, but I REALLY didn't want to for any other reason than I like to study all cramped up like that. Then Kyle's class was going to go see The Passion. His teacher told him to invite me. That I may have to pay for my ticket, but I was WELCOME to come. I was TOTALLY down for it. When we got to the church his teacher told me that the church was paying for it. I offered SEVERAL times to pay, but he said Father Jack approved it. We were in a van & I'm not kidding when I say that I don't think I stopped talking the ENTIRE way home. His teacher opened up discussion & I just went to discussin'. I KNOW this time in my life helped me to know Jesus....helped me to become CLOSE friends with Jesus...really BEST FRIENDS.
A few weeks ago I started meditating on how I know Jesus, but who I really need to spend some time getting to know is God. I'm being 100% HONEST here. I felt a mild sense of loss because I knew that would mean less time for Jesus. I mean...when I prayed it was to God, but by the end of it...I was talkin' to Jesus & giving it ALL to him. I also felt afraid...like I wasn't worthy...like I needed to do more work...like God would JUDGE me more harshly. Then...as I was shopping at Sam's with my Mother-In-Law I saw this book standing out on the shelf with NO other books beside it. I picked it up & read the first few pages. I looked to find another because it challenges you to read as a team. I found her....kind of told her I wanted her to read the book with me & here we are....& NOW I am building my friendship with God. Looking back...I can see WHY my friendships have developed the way they have. HE WILL NOT GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE.
Here's what it's like for me: The Holy Spirit is like the friend that LOVES you unconditionally...TOTALLY. Like the friend that is holding your hair back & dragging you back to the hotel after too many drinks & then acts like NOTHING happened the next morning.
Jesus is the friend that is forgiving because he's been through ALL of it. He UNDERSTANDS why you do the things you do & KNOWS that you didn't know any better. Kind of like a mentor or a big brother.
God...now God. He is the friend that LOVES you unconditionally & will ALWAYS PUSH you to be MORE. It's not enough for Him to ease your troubles & have your back when no one else will. It's not enough to understand that life is tough and settle with that. HE WANTS US TO BE ALL HE MADE US TO BE! HE SEES POTENTIAL & knows, to be a good friend, he has to PUSH us. And my friends, you've gotta have some grit to ya. He is (what sometimes seems) BRUTALLY HONEST with you. He will show you things about yourself that you disliked SO much you forgot about'm. He will REVEAL things about you & your experiences that you didn't even know happened. His LIGHT is SO bright that NOTHING goes uncovered. Then....he'll MAKE you face them. Then...when you drag your feet...he will place a sense of urgency on you...that makes you VERY aware. One of my best friends just shared this video of a little girl telling the story of Jonah....& (I'm just sayin') I don't want it to get that far.
My best advice is: Don't force it. It will all come naturally to you. When I was in high school, I wasn't even THINKING about Jesus's journey. I was worried about my own. A few weeks ago I was draggin' my feet on REALLY gettin' to know God & He wasn't havin' that! God will GIVE you what YOU need & he knows EXACTLY what that is.
There is SO much more in this chapter that will help you develop your friendships with The Holy Trinity. One of the BEST & biggest take aways I got from this chapter is this: "If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate! You just need to switch your attention from your problems to Bible verses." This book urges you to write down these daily verses & keep them with you & work on memorizing them. This is EXACTLY the tool I needed. This is my second time reading the book & there is only one verse that I have memorized (from the book) to where I don't have to double-check the chapter & verse number: "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." Mark 12:30
Here's the Daily Info:
"Point to Ponder: God wants to be my best friend."
Daily Verse: "Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him." Psalm 25:14A (LB)
Daily Question: "What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to him more often throughout the day."
From my journal the first day of reading: I feel like this is something I learned to develop the summer between my Freshman & Sophomore year of high school & I am blessed to still do it. The one thing I NEED and want to do is learn his word. I need to get my note cards & put Bible verses on there, so I can really start letting God speak to me more often.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! He'll take you to GOD & do some teachin' along the way! God Bless!
Day 10: "A Heart of Worship"
Welcome back readers & WELCOME to new readers!! Today is DAY 10 on our journey through the book: A Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren.
I am in COMPLETE AWE of how God works in our lives. The WORK of SURRENDER I did this morning was work that I thought I already did. It was DEEP rooted. DEEP. As I've been writing these blog posts...I tend to look forward to the next day and what the topic will be & I didn't yesterday.
Let me tell you somethin'! If you ASK the Good Lord to ENTER into your life...If you ASK Him to SHINE LIGHT on situations... If you ASK him to BLESS you...HE WILL DO IT....and you better be ready. I can't really explain it. Let me just tell you that he is REVEALING MORE to me the second time around with this book, than he did the first time. He is not only telling me now....He is MOVING me. He is MAKING me move. I mean it when I say this book is LIFE-CHANGING.
The first line in this chapter: "The heart of worship is surrender." Most of us look at a word like surrender as weakness. I feel like society as a whole goes through a kabillions (prob not a word) of BAND-AIDS to cover up the hurt and the weaknesses that we DON'T WANT TO SURRENDER. I am telling you now...there is SOMETHING (& maybe several things) you have to SURRENDER to God to get closer to Him & break the devil's hold on your life...AND that something or THINGS you probably don't want to touch, or think about, or don't want to let back in. You WANT to sweep them under the rug. ASK GOD to clean you out & take the devil's hold off of you. He will do it in a loving way & he will place the right people in you life to HELP you do it. Be prepared for potential exhaustion. Be prepared for a LIFT in SPIRIT.
He spoke a stripped down, raw & honest TRUTH to me last night & this morning he took the BURDEN I had been carrying (that I thought I had released) from me. Just like that. He just took the devil's hold & BROKE it. BROKE IT! It is GONE. He revealed a hold on me I didn't KNOW was there, made me aware, made me affirm it, & has blessed me.
As you go through this chapter & you learn about Paul & you read the words he preached to people & how he URGED them to surrender, The Spirit will start to stir. He didn't go into great detail. He just asks us to do it. The first time I read this book I didn't "GET IT." I am intrigued by Paul. I got the importance. I got the NEED to do it, but I didn't understand it at the level I NEEDED to understand it. Paul experienced God's GRACE & SUPREME VISION regularly, BUT you can't really EXPLAIN that to people in a way they will understand. What I "GET" now is: You have to have FAITH. If you have faith...INVITE GOD IN. If you invite God in he will SHOW you. He will HELP you SURRENDER & then he will cause you to continually SURRENDER. Doing work on you gives GLORY to God & SAVES you.
Warren writes: "There are three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and confusion."
5 areas to FOCUS on today:
1) "Can I trust God?" Pastor Warren sums this up: "You won't surrender to God unless you trust him, but you can't trust him until you know him better....The more you realize how much God loves you the easier surrender becomes." I had a conversation with someone once about how to find Jesus in some of the REALLY difficult moments: a painful disease, a rape, a beating. How do people find TRUST in God in experiences like that? We are all born with The Spirit inside us. EVEN IF YOU ARE MAD AT GOD...ASK Him to show you where he was & He will. He WILL NOT give us ANYTHING we can't handle & his PLAN for you transcends that pain.
2) "Admitting our limitations." "We don't want to admit that we're just creatures and not in charge of everything...That desire - to have complete control - is the cause of so much stress in our lives." Well put Pastor Rick! Yeah...I was wound up in all of that like a lot of others...still am in some areas. I believe now....that he wants to take care of the HARD & icky stuff. RELEASE it to him. Don't get me wrong. We have to DO WORK, but we don't need to CREATE unnecessary work.
3) "What it means to surrender." This one gets deep. EVERYONE needs to read it. I'll try and keep it short. Pastor Rick's words: "Surrendering to God is not passive resignation, fatalism, or an excuse for laziness. It is not accepting the status quo. It may mean the exact opposite: sacrificing your life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed. God often calls surrendered people to do battle on his behalf. Surrendering is not for cowards or doormats." AMEN! It ain't easy folks & it ain't for sissies & you will NEED God's GRACE to keep you moving. The Bible says, "Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him." I KNOW I've begun this process. There is work I have to do & he is STRIPPING my EGO away from it. It is NOT ABOUT ME. It is about doing HIS work.
One more thing from the book that spoke to me was when Pastor Warren discussed the most difficult area of surrender, which is this thought: "'I want to live for God but I also want to earn enough money to live comfortably and retire someday.'" If you are SURRENDERING...NOTHING competes with God. This was TOUGH for me, but I have AMAZING FAITH that He will PROVIDE everything I need & WHEN we need it & I know that all of our solutions are right in front of us...it's just like putting a puzzle together.
4) "The blessing of surrender." Here is what you will experience: PEACE...(Don't we all want some peace.) Then...FREEDOM. He's talkin' freedom from the binding ties the devil & his army uses. Lastly, "you experience God's power in your life." & yes you do. "Surrendered people are the one's God uses." Examples would be: Mother Mary, Paul, Joseph, Noah, Joshua....
5) "The best way to live." How we live, what we do, what we allow, how we react...is ALL our responsibility. We have to OWN that & stop BLAMING everyone else. In this section we are URGED to give it ALL to The Holy Trinity. We have to PRACTICE this because we will have to continually surrender & sometimes it will be easier than others. Paul said: "I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infused inner strength into me, that is, I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency."
Today's "Point to Ponder: The heart of worship is surrender."
Daily Verse: "Surrender yoru whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes. " Romans 6:13B (TEV)
Daily Question: "What area of my life am I holding back from God?"
From my journal: I'm trying to control it and fix it and fix people and fix myself and get better and do better and make more money. I will give it all to him and even talk to Kyle (my husband) about it too. I know this will be hard and will have to be done over and over again, but I will!
Buck Up Baby & RIDE with Jesus! Nope...won't be easy, BUT will be worth it! God Bless!!
I am in COMPLETE AWE of how God works in our lives. The WORK of SURRENDER I did this morning was work that I thought I already did. It was DEEP rooted. DEEP. As I've been writing these blog posts...I tend to look forward to the next day and what the topic will be & I didn't yesterday.
Let me tell you somethin'! If you ASK the Good Lord to ENTER into your life...If you ASK Him to SHINE LIGHT on situations... If you ASK him to BLESS you...HE WILL DO IT....and you better be ready. I can't really explain it. Let me just tell you that he is REVEALING MORE to me the second time around with this book, than he did the first time. He is not only telling me now....He is MOVING me. He is MAKING me move. I mean it when I say this book is LIFE-CHANGING.
The first line in this chapter: "The heart of worship is surrender." Most of us look at a word like surrender as weakness. I feel like society as a whole goes through a kabillions (prob not a word) of BAND-AIDS to cover up the hurt and the weaknesses that we DON'T WANT TO SURRENDER. I am telling you now...there is SOMETHING (& maybe several things) you have to SURRENDER to God to get closer to Him & break the devil's hold on your life...AND that something or THINGS you probably don't want to touch, or think about, or don't want to let back in. You WANT to sweep them under the rug. ASK GOD to clean you out & take the devil's hold off of you. He will do it in a loving way & he will place the right people in you life to HELP you do it. Be prepared for potential exhaustion. Be prepared for a LIFT in SPIRIT.
He spoke a stripped down, raw & honest TRUTH to me last night & this morning he took the BURDEN I had been carrying (that I thought I had released) from me. Just like that. He just took the devil's hold & BROKE it. BROKE IT! It is GONE. He revealed a hold on me I didn't KNOW was there, made me aware, made me affirm it, & has blessed me.
As you go through this chapter & you learn about Paul & you read the words he preached to people & how he URGED them to surrender, The Spirit will start to stir. He didn't go into great detail. He just asks us to do it. The first time I read this book I didn't "GET IT." I am intrigued by Paul. I got the importance. I got the NEED to do it, but I didn't understand it at the level I NEEDED to understand it. Paul experienced God's GRACE & SUPREME VISION regularly, BUT you can't really EXPLAIN that to people in a way they will understand. What I "GET" now is: You have to have FAITH. If you have faith...INVITE GOD IN. If you invite God in he will SHOW you. He will HELP you SURRENDER & then he will cause you to continually SURRENDER. Doing work on you gives GLORY to God & SAVES you.
Warren writes: "There are three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and confusion."
5 areas to FOCUS on today:
1) "Can I trust God?" Pastor Warren sums this up: "You won't surrender to God unless you trust him, but you can't trust him until you know him better....The more you realize how much God loves you the easier surrender becomes." I had a conversation with someone once about how to find Jesus in some of the REALLY difficult moments: a painful disease, a rape, a beating. How do people find TRUST in God in experiences like that? We are all born with The Spirit inside us. EVEN IF YOU ARE MAD AT GOD...ASK Him to show you where he was & He will. He WILL NOT give us ANYTHING we can't handle & his PLAN for you transcends that pain.
2) "Admitting our limitations." "We don't want to admit that we're just creatures and not in charge of everything...That desire - to have complete control - is the cause of so much stress in our lives." Well put Pastor Rick! Yeah...I was wound up in all of that like a lot of others...still am in some areas. I believe now....that he wants to take care of the HARD & icky stuff. RELEASE it to him. Don't get me wrong. We have to DO WORK, but we don't need to CREATE unnecessary work.
3) "What it means to surrender." This one gets deep. EVERYONE needs to read it. I'll try and keep it short. Pastor Rick's words: "Surrendering to God is not passive resignation, fatalism, or an excuse for laziness. It is not accepting the status quo. It may mean the exact opposite: sacrificing your life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed. God often calls surrendered people to do battle on his behalf. Surrendering is not for cowards or doormats." AMEN! It ain't easy folks & it ain't for sissies & you will NEED God's GRACE to keep you moving. The Bible says, "Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him." I KNOW I've begun this process. There is work I have to do & he is STRIPPING my EGO away from it. It is NOT ABOUT ME. It is about doing HIS work.
One more thing from the book that spoke to me was when Pastor Warren discussed the most difficult area of surrender, which is this thought: "'I want to live for God but I also want to earn enough money to live comfortably and retire someday.'" If you are SURRENDERING...NOTHING competes with God. This was TOUGH for me, but I have AMAZING FAITH that He will PROVIDE everything I need & WHEN we need it & I know that all of our solutions are right in front of us...it's just like putting a puzzle together.
4) "The blessing of surrender." Here is what you will experience: PEACE...(Don't we all want some peace.) Then...FREEDOM. He's talkin' freedom from the binding ties the devil & his army uses. Lastly, "you experience God's power in your life." & yes you do. "Surrendered people are the one's God uses." Examples would be: Mother Mary, Paul, Joseph, Noah, Joshua....
5) "The best way to live." How we live, what we do, what we allow, how we react...is ALL our responsibility. We have to OWN that & stop BLAMING everyone else. In this section we are URGED to give it ALL to The Holy Trinity. We have to PRACTICE this because we will have to continually surrender & sometimes it will be easier than others. Paul said: "I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infused inner strength into me, that is, I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency."
Today's "Point to Ponder: The heart of worship is surrender."
Daily Verse: "Surrender yoru whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes. " Romans 6:13B (TEV)
Daily Question: "What area of my life am I holding back from God?"
From my journal: I'm trying to control it and fix it and fix people and fix myself and get better and do better and make more money. I will give it all to him and even talk to Kyle (my husband) about it too. I know this will be hard and will have to be done over and over again, but I will!
Buck Up Baby & RIDE with Jesus! Nope...won't be easy, BUT will be worth it! God Bless!!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Day 9: "What Makes God Smile?"
Welcome returning & new readers. We are on Day 9 as we continue our journey through the book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren .
Day 9: "What makes God smile?"
"Point to Ponder: God smiles when I trust him."
Daily Verse: "The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love." Psalm 147:11 (CEV)
Daily Question: "Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him the most?"
What I wrote in my journal after reading the first time around: Relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances. He will guide me in ways to console, love, and forgive and will condition the hearts of those in just the right way needed.
Building/Having a place to live. He will provide & shine light on everything necessary to make that happen.
This is a DEEP chapter & the person from the Bible that Pastor Warren chose to EXPLAIN this chapter is NOAH.
From the first page of this chapter: "In Noah's day, the entire world had become morally bankrupt. Everyone lived for their own pleasure, not God's. God couldn't find anyone on earth interested in pleasing him, so he was grieved and regretted making man. God became so disgusted with the human race that he considered wiping it out. But there was one man who made God smile. The bible says, 'Noah was a pleasure to the Lord.'"
From Noah's experience we ALL can learn 5 ACTS OF WORSHIP:
1) "God smiles when we love him supremely."Noah loved God more than ANYTHING else in the world. He wants a relationship with us & that kind!! I am by no means an expert at the Bible, but as I try to LEARN & wrap my head around the word It seems to me that He sent his son, the way he sent him for a VERY precise reason. Jesus walked the walk. He did the tough things. He was ridiculed, beat, cursed, shunned, or questioned his ENTIRE life here on earth...BUT the LIGHT of GOD & the LIGHT in their followers urged him onward. Even as I work through my emotions from day to day I REALize how there are SO many different KINDS of ANGER....of HAPPINESS...of LOSS...of STRUGGLE...of PAIN...of TRUST...of LOVE... I really believe that Jesus experienced ALL of it & sits at the right hand of the Father to HELP him understand our sin here on earth. Jesus was FAITHFUL & God FULLY understands the INTENSE strugGLE we all face & Jesus said to him on that cross: "Forgive them Father. They know not what they do." Luke 23:34 (KJV) & God TRUSTED him & in his FINAL dying breath...SAVED AN ENTIRE WORLD FULL OF SINNERS. That to me...is PROOF that he WANTS a relationship with us & that he loves us & he will TRUST us, if we talk to him.
2)"God smiles when you trust him completely." Noah trusted God when it didn't make sense. The book discusses the 3 main issues Noah faced:
1. "Noah had never seen rain, because prior to the Flood, God irrigated the earth from the ground up."
2. He lived in the middle of dry land hundreds of miles from ANY large body of water.
3. He had to figure out how to round up ALL the animals.
BUT...he did it...without a complaint.
3) "God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly." Boy...do I have to work on this one & is he ever lettin' me know it! Noah followed ever single direction God gave him...down to the last detail...without question. The book says: "That means doing whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation." THIS IS HARD. HARD...I TELL YOU! This means...not taking the time to pray about it...not working it through in your head...not figuring out the right time....SIGH...INSTANTLY acting... Pastor Warren also says: "Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a lifetime of Bible discussions."
4) "God smiles when we praise and thank him continually." Noah praised God before, during, and after his journey on the Ark. I praise God CONTINUALLY in private, BUT now I am working on CONTINUALLY praising him in PUBLIC.
5) "God smiles when we use our abilities." This part of the book is SUCH a good description of this act of worship! Once Noah completed his journey God said: "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth...Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything." Genesis 9:1-3 He wanted them to LIVE. There is not a thing on earth that we can not give to him in worship....washing dishes, caring for livestock, cooking dinner, painting with our children, building a business, selling a product or service, singing a song, enjoying the view......the list could go on for the rest of our lives.
Whew! It's A LOT to take in & I have LOTS of work to do!! Buck UP Baby and Ride with Jesus! He will URGE you to ride in the rain & the hail & the EXTREME wind & ASK you to PERSEVERE through it all & TRUST that he is taking you to a MUCH greener pasture. IT IS NOT EASY, BUT DON'T BE A SISSY!!
Day 9: "What makes God smile?"
"Point to Ponder: God smiles when I trust him."
Daily Verse: "The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love." Psalm 147:11 (CEV)
Daily Question: "Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him the most?"
What I wrote in my journal after reading the first time around: Relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances. He will guide me in ways to console, love, and forgive and will condition the hearts of those in just the right way needed.
Building/Having a place to live. He will provide & shine light on everything necessary to make that happen.
This is a DEEP chapter & the person from the Bible that Pastor Warren chose to EXPLAIN this chapter is NOAH.
From the first page of this chapter: "In Noah's day, the entire world had become morally bankrupt. Everyone lived for their own pleasure, not God's. God couldn't find anyone on earth interested in pleasing him, so he was grieved and regretted making man. God became so disgusted with the human race that he considered wiping it out. But there was one man who made God smile. The bible says, 'Noah was a pleasure to the Lord.'"
From Noah's experience we ALL can learn 5 ACTS OF WORSHIP:
1) "God smiles when we love him supremely."Noah loved God more than ANYTHING else in the world. He wants a relationship with us & that kind!! I am by no means an expert at the Bible, but as I try to LEARN & wrap my head around the word It seems to me that He sent his son, the way he sent him for a VERY precise reason. Jesus walked the walk. He did the tough things. He was ridiculed, beat, cursed, shunned, or questioned his ENTIRE life here on earth...BUT the LIGHT of GOD & the LIGHT in their followers urged him onward. Even as I work through my emotions from day to day I REALize how there are SO many different KINDS of ANGER....of HAPPINESS...of LOSS...of STRUGGLE...of PAIN...of TRUST...of LOVE... I really believe that Jesus experienced ALL of it & sits at the right hand of the Father to HELP him understand our sin here on earth. Jesus was FAITHFUL & God FULLY understands the INTENSE strugGLE we all face & Jesus said to him on that cross: "Forgive them Father. They know not what they do." Luke 23:34 (KJV) & God TRUSTED him & in his FINAL dying breath...SAVED AN ENTIRE WORLD FULL OF SINNERS. That to me...is PROOF that he WANTS a relationship with us & that he loves us & he will TRUST us, if we talk to him.
2)"God smiles when you trust him completely." Noah trusted God when it didn't make sense. The book discusses the 3 main issues Noah faced:
1. "Noah had never seen rain, because prior to the Flood, God irrigated the earth from the ground up."
2. He lived in the middle of dry land hundreds of miles from ANY large body of water.
3. He had to figure out how to round up ALL the animals.
BUT...he did it...without a complaint.
3) "God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly." Boy...do I have to work on this one & is he ever lettin' me know it! Noah followed ever single direction God gave him...down to the last detail...without question. The book says: "That means doing whatever God asks without reservation or hesitation." THIS IS HARD. HARD...I TELL YOU! This means...not taking the time to pray about it...not working it through in your head...not figuring out the right time....SIGH...INSTANTLY acting... Pastor Warren also says: "Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a lifetime of Bible discussions."
4) "God smiles when we praise and thank him continually." Noah praised God before, during, and after his journey on the Ark. I praise God CONTINUALLY in private, BUT now I am working on CONTINUALLY praising him in PUBLIC.
5) "God smiles when we use our abilities." This part of the book is SUCH a good description of this act of worship! Once Noah completed his journey God said: "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth...Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything." Genesis 9:1-3 He wanted them to LIVE. There is not a thing on earth that we can not give to him in worship....washing dishes, caring for livestock, cooking dinner, painting with our children, building a business, selling a product or service, singing a song, enjoying the view......the list could go on for the rest of our lives.
Whew! It's A LOT to take in & I have LOTS of work to do!! Buck UP Baby and Ride with Jesus! He will URGE you to ride in the rain & the hail & the EXTREME wind & ASK you to PERSEVERE through it all & TRUST that he is taking you to a MUCH greener pasture. IT IS NOT EASY, BUT DON'T BE A SISSY!!
acts of worship,
Rick Warren,
The Purpose Driven Life,
what makes God smile,
What on Earth am I Here For?,
Friday, May 23, 2014
Day 8: "Planned For God's Pleasure"
Welcome readers!! For new readers we are going through Rick Warren's: A Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? We are going through a chapter each day. I'm laying out how I have applied, am applying, OR try to apply these principles in my life. I've read the book through once & now am spending a little time with each chapter.
Here are the topics of discussion for today:
Day 8: "Planned for God's Pleasure"
"Point to Ponder: I was planned for God's pleasure."
Daily Verse: "The Lord takes pleasure in his people." Psalm 149:4A (TEV)
Daily Question: "What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?"
What I wrote in my journal the first day of reading the chapter: Talking to Jesus when I start a new task or project. Thank him for the opportunity. Ask him to bless it. Ask him to protect me & light my path.
Common Task: Shower....I've now added washing dishes.
This is a VERY important chapter because it goes into DEEP discussion about WORSHIP: what it means to God, the different ways we can worship, how to offer our routine daily living to God as worship...and SO much more.
This may seem like an easy chapter, but let me tell you...(at least for me) the number one thing that came rising up was my EGO. This is why I told you a few chapters ago...that EGO was one of the things I struggle with the most & would venture to believe most others do to. KNOW THIS: EGO IS UNGODLY. Most of us are SO chalked full of EGO...it will probably take a LIFETIME to put it to the side. We really think we are THAT important that we have the ability to FIX everything & that OUR way of thinking is the right way & only way.
I have said it before & I will say it again. I HATE housework. I feel like I am lacking in the ability to create a system that works for me. I WILL figure it out & I have improved (although my husband may beg to differ). When the chapter asked me to choose an everyday activity...I chose shower & I LOVE showers..and (brace yourself) UNFORTUNATELY I don't get one EVERY day. SO...I thought what if I make it a daily point to do it directly for Jesus? Here's the thing...He's already got that...maybe not daily. But I pray and have Jesus time when I have shower time. So then my thoughts went to doing dishes..................I REALLY don't like doing them. I can't wait until I have a dishwasher again. I mean...I don't like them sitting there, but I don't like to do them either. (For the record...I KNOW how silly this sounds. It's gotta be done for crying out loud!!) Anyways....I thought to myself...I CAN'T GIVE THAT TO GOD! Why would I give him something I don't like? GUYS...that is my ego, trying to control & justify what is and is not good enough to give to God. HE WANTS IT ALL!!! So...long story short...if you are ever over & I'm washing dishes...you will probably here me singing "Give GLORY to God, Give GLORY to God" OR "Jesus Loves Me."
This chapter says: "Bringing enjoyment to God, living for his pleasure, is the first purpose of your life. When you FULLY understand this truth, you will never again have a problem with feeling insignificant." I can tell you I do not FULLY grasp this yet & really feel like I'm a long way from it. Here is something I want you ALL to think on. It is a lot to think about and I'm not going to discuss it within this blog post. It could get one all its own. GUILT, EGO, & PRIDE are not from God & quite frankly...I'd like them to GO TO HELL & STAY THERE. They jack with your everything. They STOP us from GRASPING exactly what this chapter says. "You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to God like nothing else he has ever created." Read that line about five more times.
You will STRUGGLE (just like I do) once you pass this chapter & go on to apply other things. Guilt says we are not worthy & don't deserve to be THAT special. Ego says we have to accomplish these things & act this way & then I will be fit to be that special, OR it may say I am active in the community, I go to church every Sunday, & I love Jesus. I'm giving him enough glory. I'm doing my part. Pride will STOP us from HUMBLING ourselves before God & before others...& could make it really hard to give God all the glory.
I didn't even want to type the last paragraph, BUT I want everyone to understand what I understand. Now wipe that train of thinking from your thoughts, b/c it will do you NO good.
Repeat this again...as many times as you need to: "You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to God like nothing else he has ever created." OWN that! BE that...and REMIND ME to be that too!
GOD IS SO GOOD & wants us to drop all that crap where we stand, but will LOVE us through figuring out how.
I didn't feel like writing this blog today. This book MAKES you do the work & I was feeling pretty exhausted today. God knows I'm not perfect....even though I really want to be & he wants me to use my imperfections to help others...even if I don't FEEL like it all the time. BUT...We've all gotta BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! He did a lot of things he didn't feel like doing too.
God Bless!
Here are the topics of discussion for today:
Day 8: "Planned for God's Pleasure"
"Point to Ponder: I was planned for God's pleasure."
Daily Verse: "The Lord takes pleasure in his people." Psalm 149:4A (TEV)
Daily Question: "What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?"
What I wrote in my journal the first day of reading the chapter: Talking to Jesus when I start a new task or project. Thank him for the opportunity. Ask him to bless it. Ask him to protect me & light my path.
Common Task: Shower....I've now added washing dishes.
This is a VERY important chapter because it goes into DEEP discussion about WORSHIP: what it means to God, the different ways we can worship, how to offer our routine daily living to God as worship...and SO much more.
This may seem like an easy chapter, but let me tell you...(at least for me) the number one thing that came rising up was my EGO. This is why I told you a few chapters ago...that EGO was one of the things I struggle with the most & would venture to believe most others do to. KNOW THIS: EGO IS UNGODLY. Most of us are SO chalked full of EGO...it will probably take a LIFETIME to put it to the side. We really think we are THAT important that we have the ability to FIX everything & that OUR way of thinking is the right way & only way.
I have said it before & I will say it again. I HATE housework. I feel like I am lacking in the ability to create a system that works for me. I WILL figure it out & I have improved (although my husband may beg to differ). When the chapter asked me to choose an everyday activity...I chose shower & I LOVE showers..and (brace yourself) UNFORTUNATELY I don't get one EVERY day. SO...I thought what if I make it a daily point to do it directly for Jesus? Here's the thing...He's already got that...maybe not daily. But I pray and have Jesus time when I have shower time. So then my thoughts went to doing dishes..................I REALLY don't like doing them. I can't wait until I have a dishwasher again. I mean...I don't like them sitting there, but I don't like to do them either. (For the record...I KNOW how silly this sounds. It's gotta be done for crying out loud!!) Anyways....I thought to myself...I CAN'T GIVE THAT TO GOD! Why would I give him something I don't like? GUYS...that is my ego, trying to control & justify what is and is not good enough to give to God. HE WANTS IT ALL!!! So...long story short...if you are ever over & I'm washing dishes...you will probably here me singing "Give GLORY to God, Give GLORY to God" OR "Jesus Loves Me."
This chapter says: "Bringing enjoyment to God, living for his pleasure, is the first purpose of your life. When you FULLY understand this truth, you will never again have a problem with feeling insignificant." I can tell you I do not FULLY grasp this yet & really feel like I'm a long way from it. Here is something I want you ALL to think on. It is a lot to think about and I'm not going to discuss it within this blog post. It could get one all its own. GUILT, EGO, & PRIDE are not from God & quite frankly...I'd like them to GO TO HELL & STAY THERE. They jack with your everything. They STOP us from GRASPING exactly what this chapter says. "You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to God like nothing else he has ever created." Read that line about five more times.
You will STRUGGLE (just like I do) once you pass this chapter & go on to apply other things. Guilt says we are not worthy & don't deserve to be THAT special. Ego says we have to accomplish these things & act this way & then I will be fit to be that special, OR it may say I am active in the community, I go to church every Sunday, & I love Jesus. I'm giving him enough glory. I'm doing my part. Pride will STOP us from HUMBLING ourselves before God & before others...& could make it really hard to give God all the glory.
I didn't even want to type the last paragraph, BUT I want everyone to understand what I understand. Now wipe that train of thinking from your thoughts, b/c it will do you NO good.
Repeat this again...as many times as you need to: "You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to God like nothing else he has ever created." OWN that! BE that...and REMIND ME to be that too!
GOD IS SO GOOD & wants us to drop all that crap where we stand, but will LOVE us through figuring out how.
I didn't feel like writing this blog today. This book MAKES you do the work & I was feeling pretty exhausted today. God knows I'm not perfect....even though I really want to be & he wants me to use my imperfections to help others...even if I don't FEEL like it all the time. BUT...We've all gotta BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! He did a lot of things he didn't feel like doing too.
God Bless!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Day 7: "The Reason for Everything"
Welcome friends!! Please feel free to comment & discuss. For first-time readers: This is a daily discussion of the chapters in Pastor Rick Warren's Book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
Day 7: "The Reason for Everything"
"Point to Ponder: It's all for him."
Daily Bible Verse: "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36 (LB)
Daily Question: "Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?"
What I wrote in my journal: My heart and mind went straight to the business of getting my kids off to their schools. We can wake up earlier and be less rushed and/or enjoy the moment in the journey. I googled "glory" when I started reading this chapter. Glory seems to me like the journey and perseverance on that journey that gets to the accomplishment/goal, so...instead of letting it pass by in a rush - I will try to be more present in the many moments along my journey.
The day I initially read this I went for a run. No matter how you start applying these principals there will still be things that happen to you that you don't understand OR people you don't understand. I was stressed to the hilt on this day & I had been in the presence of a person that just DRAINS me, but I know I am called to LOVE THEM, but it sure is hard to like them sometimes. So I went for a run & as I was running and the negative thoughts & anger about some of the things that come out of their mouth was causing me to run faster. I was lost in it & didn't even realize it UNTIL I became flat winded. I looked up to Heaven & smiled b/c he was using MY BODY to SHOW ME how those deep-rooted feelings were ONLY affecting me & making me tired.
Those thoughts & that anger didn't just subside, BUT I started thanking GOD for EVERYTHING along my path: the leaves, the grass, the beautiful blue sky, the gravel beneath my feet, the ponds I got to pass as I ran, the cows grazing, the shoes on my feet, my socks preventing blisters, the water to quench my thirst, the ability to run, the butterflies flying, the gift of life, the choice to choose which direction to run....EVERYTHING. Giving thanks to Him helped me to put things into perspective & NOT WORRY about someone else. It's all a diversion from what is most important. It also made me feel like all WE (the world) need to fix and cure and mend EVERYTHING is right before us. We just have to peel the crap away to see it.
On the subject of other people: This chapter tells us something Paul said:" 'Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified.' " Sigh... EVERY person is fighting their own battle & EVERY person is UNIque & EVERY person you encounter is a child of God. There are things that you might do better than me. There are things that I might do better than you, BUT that does not make any one person MORE important than the other. It takes ALL of us to ACCOMPLISH God's plan...or we wouldn't be here.
The devil & his army are ever-present & you better believe he will use whatever & whomever he can, when he can, and how he can. So we (myself included) have to remember when, that anger & negative emotion starts rising up to ASK GOD to cast the devil's ploys FAR away from you & the person you are harboring anger toward. Ask Him for EXACTLY what you want. My prayer for this particular person is: "God please shine your LIGHT on our relationship. Help condition both of our hearts to UNDERSTAND each other & MEND the broken parts of our relationship. Cause us to LOVE each other, just the way we are & APPRECIATE each other for the GOOD you put in us. Put a wall around our relationship that the devil can not enter. Let the whispers that form our thoughts ONLY come from YOU Lord God & BLESS us, so we can bless others. Amen." WE HAVE TO PRAY FOR OTHERS. People's level of understanding differs on...pretty much everything. We NEED each other to make it through. This prayer may not "fix" all my problems in this relationship, but it will STOP the devil in his tracks. We'll have to work through what hurt has already been done, BUT everything that builds from this point forward, will be God's work & not the devil's.
Another side note that I have observed since finishing this book & since typing out the prayer of protection (which I never SPOKE out loud until just a few minutes ago). We can KNOW what needs to be done, but we have to DO IT. That's it. Let me tell you the peace & the "Jesus-moment" I had on that run I will remember forever...BUT do you think I have CONSTANTLY practiced that, since.....NO. WE HAVE TO HAVE OTHERS TO CONTINUE TO URGE US ON. My close friends KNOW that I have asked them to check me, if I need checking. Straighten me out!! We have been conditioned from a young age to see & think & act certain ways. There is a lot that is subconscious.
Let me give you an example. A VERY much God-fearin' woman took her children out to eat. She studies the Bible, ministers to people, & is devoted to serving others. She sits down & says "Okay let's say the blessing." Her 3 year old says "Mom, we can't pray HERE." She's taken aback & she grabs her little one's hand & says "Well we sure can!" & they do. Her thoughts went to: What have WE done (in the past 3 years) to make my sweet baby feel like it is unacceptable to say GRACE over our food in certain places?
SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW! They don't know HOW. They don't know WHY. This chapter also says: "Once we know the truth he expects us to share it with others." It is our duty!! Once you know....you are held responsible. Chew on that one for a minute. It makes things mean SO MUCH MORE..I'm sure.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! We have to TELL it! We have to LEARN it! We have to SHARE it! We have to PRACTICE it! We have to KEEP REMINDING EACH OTHER about our obligations!!
May GOD BLESS you on your journey! JOIN our trail ride & ride along with Jesus!!
Day 7: "The Reason for Everything"
"Point to Ponder: It's all for him."
Daily Bible Verse: "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36 (LB)
Daily Question: "Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?"
What I wrote in my journal: My heart and mind went straight to the business of getting my kids off to their schools. We can wake up earlier and be less rushed and/or enjoy the moment in the journey. I googled "glory" when I started reading this chapter. Glory seems to me like the journey and perseverance on that journey that gets to the accomplishment/goal, so...instead of letting it pass by in a rush - I will try to be more present in the many moments along my journey.
The day I initially read this I went for a run. No matter how you start applying these principals there will still be things that happen to you that you don't understand OR people you don't understand. I was stressed to the hilt on this day & I had been in the presence of a person that just DRAINS me, but I know I am called to LOVE THEM, but it sure is hard to like them sometimes. So I went for a run & as I was running and the negative thoughts & anger about some of the things that come out of their mouth was causing me to run faster. I was lost in it & didn't even realize it UNTIL I became flat winded. I looked up to Heaven & smiled b/c he was using MY BODY to SHOW ME how those deep-rooted feelings were ONLY affecting me & making me tired.
Those thoughts & that anger didn't just subside, BUT I started thanking GOD for EVERYTHING along my path: the leaves, the grass, the beautiful blue sky, the gravel beneath my feet, the ponds I got to pass as I ran, the cows grazing, the shoes on my feet, my socks preventing blisters, the water to quench my thirst, the ability to run, the butterflies flying, the gift of life, the choice to choose which direction to run....EVERYTHING. Giving thanks to Him helped me to put things into perspective & NOT WORRY about someone else. It's all a diversion from what is most important. It also made me feel like all WE (the world) need to fix and cure and mend EVERYTHING is right before us. We just have to peel the crap away to see it.
On the subject of other people: This chapter tells us something Paul said:" 'Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified.' " Sigh... EVERY person is fighting their own battle & EVERY person is UNIque & EVERY person you encounter is a child of God. There are things that you might do better than me. There are things that I might do better than you, BUT that does not make any one person MORE important than the other. It takes ALL of us to ACCOMPLISH God's plan...or we wouldn't be here.
The devil & his army are ever-present & you better believe he will use whatever & whomever he can, when he can, and how he can. So we (myself included) have to remember when, that anger & negative emotion starts rising up to ASK GOD to cast the devil's ploys FAR away from you & the person you are harboring anger toward. Ask Him for EXACTLY what you want. My prayer for this particular person is: "God please shine your LIGHT on our relationship. Help condition both of our hearts to UNDERSTAND each other & MEND the broken parts of our relationship. Cause us to LOVE each other, just the way we are & APPRECIATE each other for the GOOD you put in us. Put a wall around our relationship that the devil can not enter. Let the whispers that form our thoughts ONLY come from YOU Lord God & BLESS us, so we can bless others. Amen." WE HAVE TO PRAY FOR OTHERS. People's level of understanding differs on...pretty much everything. We NEED each other to make it through. This prayer may not "fix" all my problems in this relationship, but it will STOP the devil in his tracks. We'll have to work through what hurt has already been done, BUT everything that builds from this point forward, will be God's work & not the devil's.
Another side note that I have observed since finishing this book & since typing out the prayer of protection (which I never SPOKE out loud until just a few minutes ago). We can KNOW what needs to be done, but we have to DO IT. That's it. Let me tell you the peace & the "Jesus-moment" I had on that run I will remember forever...BUT do you think I have CONSTANTLY practiced that, since.....NO. WE HAVE TO HAVE OTHERS TO CONTINUE TO URGE US ON. My close friends KNOW that I have asked them to check me, if I need checking. Straighten me out!! We have been conditioned from a young age to see & think & act certain ways. There is a lot that is subconscious.
Let me give you an example. A VERY much God-fearin' woman took her children out to eat. She studies the Bible, ministers to people, & is devoted to serving others. She sits down & says "Okay let's say the blessing." Her 3 year old says "Mom, we can't pray HERE." She's taken aback & she grabs her little one's hand & says "Well we sure can!" & they do. Her thoughts went to: What have WE done (in the past 3 years) to make my sweet baby feel like it is unacceptable to say GRACE over our food in certain places?
SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW! They don't know HOW. They don't know WHY. This chapter also says: "Once we know the truth he expects us to share it with others." It is our duty!! Once you know....you are held responsible. Chew on that one for a minute. It makes things mean SO MUCH MORE..I'm sure.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! We have to TELL it! We have to LEARN it! We have to SHARE it! We have to PRACTICE it! We have to KEEP REMINDING EACH OTHER about our obligations!!
May GOD BLESS you on your journey! JOIN our trail ride & ride along with Jesus!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Day 6: "Life Is a Temporary Assignment"
Welcome!!! Today is Day 6 on OUR journey through Rick Warren's book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?"
This chapter has not left me since I read it. It truly AMAZES me at what strikes a cord with me...& what strikes a cord with others. Sure SHOWS me unIQue we are.
From the second paragraph in today's reading: "To make the best use of your life, you must never forget two truths: First, compared with eternity, life is extremely brief. Second, earth is only a temporary residence. You won't be here long, so don't get too attached."
I said in yesterday's blog how all of the choices and actions I make tend to have MORE purpose than what they did before. I think it is because THIS chapter has helped me tie up SOME loose ends. I had a moment where I realized that I wouldn't have forever to be a Mom, or a wife, or WASTE my time with worry.
MAN!! I used to be chalked FULL of worry. I worried about moving myself up the ladder. I worried about impressing new clients. I worried about if other people in the company were going to do their job. I worried about how others were treated in comparison to myself. I worried about impressing my bosses, my co-workers, my family. I worried about how much weight I gained. I worried about the decisions I made. Man I worried!! I'm not sayin' it NEVER creeps in anymore. It does....BUT it makes me stop to look around b/c the Holy Spirit is tryin' to tell me something.
I have been free from the corporate shackles for 6 months now. I had to work through the mindset of having to answer to someone else and having to look busy & over the past few months that anxious/edgy feeling has left me for the most part. I still get anxious sometimes before an auction or birthday party or whatever, but it's a different kind of anxious...a good kind. I'm not clouded by thoughts and opinions and frustrations that really DON'T matter in the grand scheme of things. NOW, when I get that icky anxious feeling I believe it is the Holy Spirit talking to me. He's causing me to PAY ATTENTION.
Like we learned yesterday: God has entrusted us with gifts, talents, and blessings. Family, friends, business relationships, our house, our car, our talents (which could be anything like: crunching numbers, caring for livestock, building relationships, caring for the sick, teaching young people, or protecting our country) are GIVEN to us....NOT to use for ONLY ourselves, but to bring glory to God. He gave MY BLESSINGS TO ME. Therefore, when I feel like they are being endangered...it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT them. They are entrusted to me for a purpose I don't yet know, but they are mine & I have FAITH that God won't give me anything I can't handle & doing the best job I can with the blessings HE gives me...will get me closer to meeting my friend & brother Jesus.
So....Here are the specifics for today:
Day 6: "Life is a temporary assignment."
"Point to Ponder: This world is not my home."
Daily Bible Verse: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)
Daily Question: "How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living right now?"
From my journal the first day of reading: I should be sure that all I am doing is bringing glory to God...in ALL situations: How I care for myself & my family, How I use the gifts God has given me, how I handle ALL situations: Good & Bad, Easy & Difficult, how I praise Him.
This will relieve the stress and busyness of my life and make my assignment more clear.
Well....let me just tell you. It has done just that. It hasn't fixed all my problems. We are supposed to have problems. Our problems prepare us for future problems. My focus has been sharpened. I've still got some sharpening to do, but you better believe there's been PROGRESS.
This is a cliff note of this chapter. You can apply it a totally different way at each reading. I really URGE you to get this book & really read this chapter, so you can begin to wrap your head around it.
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!!! Join in on the discussion!!
God Bless!!
This chapter has not left me since I read it. It truly AMAZES me at what strikes a cord with me...& what strikes a cord with others. Sure SHOWS me unIQue we are.
From the second paragraph in today's reading: "To make the best use of your life, you must never forget two truths: First, compared with eternity, life is extremely brief. Second, earth is only a temporary residence. You won't be here long, so don't get too attached."
I said in yesterday's blog how all of the choices and actions I make tend to have MORE purpose than what they did before. I think it is because THIS chapter has helped me tie up SOME loose ends. I had a moment where I realized that I wouldn't have forever to be a Mom, or a wife, or WASTE my time with worry.
MAN!! I used to be chalked FULL of worry. I worried about moving myself up the ladder. I worried about impressing new clients. I worried about if other people in the company were going to do their job. I worried about how others were treated in comparison to myself. I worried about impressing my bosses, my co-workers, my family. I worried about how much weight I gained. I worried about the decisions I made. Man I worried!! I'm not sayin' it NEVER creeps in anymore. It does....BUT it makes me stop to look around b/c the Holy Spirit is tryin' to tell me something.
I have been free from the corporate shackles for 6 months now. I had to work through the mindset of having to answer to someone else and having to look busy & over the past few months that anxious/edgy feeling has left me for the most part. I still get anxious sometimes before an auction or birthday party or whatever, but it's a different kind of anxious...a good kind. I'm not clouded by thoughts and opinions and frustrations that really DON'T matter in the grand scheme of things. NOW, when I get that icky anxious feeling I believe it is the Holy Spirit talking to me. He's causing me to PAY ATTENTION.
Like we learned yesterday: God has entrusted us with gifts, talents, and blessings. Family, friends, business relationships, our house, our car, our talents (which could be anything like: crunching numbers, caring for livestock, building relationships, caring for the sick, teaching young people, or protecting our country) are GIVEN to us....NOT to use for ONLY ourselves, but to bring glory to God. He gave MY BLESSINGS TO ME. Therefore, when I feel like they are being endangered...it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT them. They are entrusted to me for a purpose I don't yet know, but they are mine & I have FAITH that God won't give me anything I can't handle & doing the best job I can with the blessings HE gives me...will get me closer to meeting my friend & brother Jesus.
So....Here are the specifics for today:
Day 6: "Life is a temporary assignment."
"Point to Ponder: This world is not my home."
Daily Bible Verse: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)
Daily Question: "How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living right now?"
From my journal the first day of reading: I should be sure that all I am doing is bringing glory to God...in ALL situations: How I care for myself & my family, How I use the gifts God has given me, how I handle ALL situations: Good & Bad, Easy & Difficult, how I praise Him.
This will relieve the stress and busyness of my life and make my assignment more clear.
Well....let me just tell you. It has done just that. It hasn't fixed all my problems. We are supposed to have problems. Our problems prepare us for future problems. My focus has been sharpened. I've still got some sharpening to do, but you better believe there's been PROGRESS.
This is a cliff note of this chapter. You can apply it a totally different way at each reading. I really URGE you to get this book & really read this chapter, so you can begin to wrap your head around it.
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!!! Join in on the discussion!!
God Bless!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Day 5: "Seeing Life From God's View"
Welcome! Welcome!! For everyone that is a NEW reader...we are going through a book I recently finished reading. It is a chapter-a-day book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren.
I am inviting others to join in on the discussion. You can comment here OR on my Facebook Page. I am going back through each chapter to discuss it & share how I've started applying it to my daily life, the struggles I have/had with the discussion, & so on.
Today is Day 5!
Day 5: "Seeing Life From God's View."
"Point to Ponder: Life is a test & a trust."
Daily Bible Verse: "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." Luke 16:10A (NLT)
Daily Question: "What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?"
From My Journal the Day of Reading:
Recent Happenings That Were a Test: My past work experiences, situations & disagreements with certain family members, less than ideal business transactions
The Greatest Matters Entrusted to Me: Sharing my spiritual journey, human nature - learning & understanding it, the exchange of goods & services, using personal connections to shine light to each other.
I can say...when you START thinking like this (How God views our lives) ALL the B.S. starts fallin' by the way side. There is plenty of drama that you can get caught up in...other peoples' drama, your drama, the drama you crEatE with your mind, the drama others create with their mind.....that literally... DOES NOT MATTER.
When you realize & AFFIRM that our time on earth is limited; you start making your actions matter more & you start focusing on yourself & your family versus everyone else's opinion. You focus on your mission (if you know what that is.) If you're not sure what that is take a look at your gifts. They are sure enough clues.
I KNOW that I am supposed to BLESS people through auctions. I can't tell you EXACTLY how I'm supposed to do that...and I don't think there is an exact way... Since I have gone FULL-time at it I KNOW that I have created an atmosphere or setting to help estranged family members start mending their relationships. I've seen severed friendships MEND. I have created an environment where complete strangers are helping other complete strangers ALL because they have LOVE for one of the people involved OR they have gone through something similar. I have GENERATED IDEAS of how larger entities can help smaller entities & EXHIBITED how. I have SEEN a cancer patient become FILLED with SO MUCH LOVE for the people that came out to SUPPORT her...ENOUGH to take with her on the LONG journey ahead of her. I have witnessed people most would have forgotten about, find PURPOSE that they didn't KNOW they had. I have been a key player in generating LARGE sums of $$$ (a little from everyone with a little) - to really HELP someone in need. I have seen families of tragedies HELP other families of tragedies. I have seen causes with a small intent BALLOON out to WAY more than what they expected. I have seen families & communities RALLY around others that are down. I have made life-long friends out of COMPLETE strangers. I have been URGED forward by people of ALL kinds. I have made CONNECTIONS with other GIFTED & BLESSED people that I will be able to work with.
I also KNOW now that ALL the difficulties I have faced, have gotten me to where I am now. ALL the false perception, all the INTENSE feelings, the words from ALL the critics, all the disagreements.....EVERYTHING are tools to put in my tool bag for MY journey....BECAUSE there will be a time when it will REALLY matter & God is equipping me with the tools to OVERCOME it.
I second guess myself quite often, & in all different areas of my life. There is a sentence from this chapter that GROUNDS me, when my thoughts start whirlin' around: "Our time on earth and our energy, intelligence, opportunities, relationships, and resources are all gifts from God that he has entrusted to our care and management." -Rick Warren
So...when I start thinking about how I should maybe do something like this wife, or this mom, or this business owner, or this sister, or sister-in-law, or friend....I check myself. GOD TRUSTS ME with ALL the gifts, people, relationships, experiences, opportunities, THOUGHTS....EVERYTHING. He doesn't give the same ones to everyone. Everyone does not see what I see or understand what I understand. THEY ARE ENTRUSTED TO ME. On that note...once you wrap your head around this thought....you MOVE faster on the things you KNOW you have to move on.
I can tell you what I still struggle with is: OTHER people trying to get in OUR business. Say some prayers for me, because I don't KNOW the right or wrong way to handle that one. I've just been bringing it back to FOCUSING on MY actions & what I have to do to PROTECT my family & my mission & my blessings. We can't control others...it's not our gig.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! Join in on the discussion. God Bless!!
I am inviting others to join in on the discussion. You can comment here OR on my Facebook Page. I am going back through each chapter to discuss it & share how I've started applying it to my daily life, the struggles I have/had with the discussion, & so on.
Today is Day 5!
Day 5: "Seeing Life From God's View."
"Point to Ponder: Life is a test & a trust."
Daily Bible Verse: "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." Luke 16:10A (NLT)
Daily Question: "What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?"
From My Journal the Day of Reading:
Recent Happenings That Were a Test: My past work experiences, situations & disagreements with certain family members, less than ideal business transactions
The Greatest Matters Entrusted to Me: Sharing my spiritual journey, human nature - learning & understanding it, the exchange of goods & services, using personal connections to shine light to each other.
I can say...when you START thinking like this (How God views our lives) ALL the B.S. starts fallin' by the way side. There is plenty of drama that you can get caught up in...other peoples' drama, your drama, the drama you crEatE with your mind, the drama others create with their mind.....that literally... DOES NOT MATTER.
When you realize & AFFIRM that our time on earth is limited; you start making your actions matter more & you start focusing on yourself & your family versus everyone else's opinion. You focus on your mission (if you know what that is.) If you're not sure what that is take a look at your gifts. They are sure enough clues.
I KNOW that I am supposed to BLESS people through auctions. I can't tell you EXACTLY how I'm supposed to do that...and I don't think there is an exact way... Since I have gone FULL-time at it I KNOW that I have created an atmosphere or setting to help estranged family members start mending their relationships. I've seen severed friendships MEND. I have created an environment where complete strangers are helping other complete strangers ALL because they have LOVE for one of the people involved OR they have gone through something similar. I have GENERATED IDEAS of how larger entities can help smaller entities & EXHIBITED how. I have SEEN a cancer patient become FILLED with SO MUCH LOVE for the people that came out to SUPPORT her...ENOUGH to take with her on the LONG journey ahead of her. I have witnessed people most would have forgotten about, find PURPOSE that they didn't KNOW they had. I have been a key player in generating LARGE sums of $$$ (a little from everyone with a little) - to really HELP someone in need. I have seen families of tragedies HELP other families of tragedies. I have seen causes with a small intent BALLOON out to WAY more than what they expected. I have seen families & communities RALLY around others that are down. I have made life-long friends out of COMPLETE strangers. I have been URGED forward by people of ALL kinds. I have made CONNECTIONS with other GIFTED & BLESSED people that I will be able to work with.
I also KNOW now that ALL the difficulties I have faced, have gotten me to where I am now. ALL the false perception, all the INTENSE feelings, the words from ALL the critics, all the disagreements.....EVERYTHING are tools to put in my tool bag for MY journey....BECAUSE there will be a time when it will REALLY matter & God is equipping me with the tools to OVERCOME it.
I second guess myself quite often, & in all different areas of my life. There is a sentence from this chapter that GROUNDS me, when my thoughts start whirlin' around: "Our time on earth and our energy, intelligence, opportunities, relationships, and resources are all gifts from God that he has entrusted to our care and management." -Rick Warren
So...when I start thinking about how I should maybe do something like this wife, or this mom, or this business owner, or this sister, or sister-in-law, or friend....I check myself. GOD TRUSTS ME with ALL the gifts, people, relationships, experiences, opportunities, THOUGHTS....EVERYTHING. He doesn't give the same ones to everyone. Everyone does not see what I see or understand what I understand. THEY ARE ENTRUSTED TO ME. On that note...once you wrap your head around this thought....you MOVE faster on the things you KNOW you have to move on.
I can tell you what I still struggle with is: OTHER people trying to get in OUR business. Say some prayers for me, because I don't KNOW the right or wrong way to handle that one. I've just been bringing it back to FOCUSING on MY actions & what I have to do to PROTECT my family & my mission & my blessings. We can't control others...it's not our gig.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! Join in on the discussion. God Bless!!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Day 4: "Made To Last Forever."
Welcome Back!! For NEW readers this is the book that we are discussing & we will for the next 38 days.
I know yesterday was a humdinger. I mean...it got the brain muscle workin'. There will be days in this book that MIGHT mentally drain you. He usually goes easier on you the next day or so after that :).
Day 4: "Made To Last Forever"
"Point to Ponder: There is more to life than just here & now."
Daily Verse: "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will love forever." 1 John 2:17 (NLT)
Daily Question: "Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today?"
From my journal the first day of reading:
Stop: Worrying, waiting, being guarded, over-analyzing
Start: Moving forward with the things that God has placed in my heart & forgive people & forgive myself.
This is my FAVORITE part of this chapter & YES...I'm going to type the whole thing out: "Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production. You will spend far more time on the other side of death - in eternity - than you will here. Earth is the staging area, the preschool, the tryout for you life in eternity. It is the practice workout before the actual game; the warm-up lap before the race begins. This life is preparation for the next."
I am Catholic & I went to to a mission about a year and a half ago that talked about purgatory. At the time it was somewhat fascinating to me & I was trying to wrap my head around it. I converted from Lutheran when I married my husband, so I never really KNEW what purgatory was all about. What if purgatory is the bundle of layers our souls travel to...to get to Heaven? I think about all of us & how it just seems IMPOSSIBLE for us to FULLY understand all there is to understand about how & why & when things happen. What about the MOSTLY life-long atheist that receives GOD on his deathbed? I'm thinkin' he's not goin' straight to Heaven with the saints, BUT I think God will save him & his soul will have to go the course of whatever journey God has in store for him; to reveal what needs to be revealed, to give him the opportunity to KNOW & LEARN & DEVELOP a relationship with Jesus Christ. Just like the priest said at that mission: "There is gonna be a lot of disappointed Christians, if we all think we are going straight to Heaven." It takes MORE than going to church every SUNDAY, & MORE than living a GOOD life by the accounts of society.
Remember: The two questions God is likely to ask: "What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" & "What did you do with what I gave you?" Are you bringing others to Jesus? Are you bringing yourself to Jesus?
I can say that this chapter has made me look at EVERYTHING differently...in a good way. I've gotten a lot better at not sweatin' the small stuff & being DIRECT about the big stuff & YES...I believe there is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more past this life. I don't need to KNOW what exactly. I find PEACE knowing that there is!
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus & with all of us too!! Thanks to ALL that have participated in discussion thus far!!
I know yesterday was a humdinger. I mean...it got the brain muscle workin'. There will be days in this book that MIGHT mentally drain you. He usually goes easier on you the next day or so after that :).
Day 4: "Made To Last Forever"
"Point to Ponder: There is more to life than just here & now."
Daily Verse: "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will love forever." 1 John 2:17 (NLT)
Daily Question: "Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today?"
From my journal the first day of reading:
Stop: Worrying, waiting, being guarded, over-analyzing
Start: Moving forward with the things that God has placed in my heart & forgive people & forgive myself.
This is my FAVORITE part of this chapter & YES...I'm going to type the whole thing out: "Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production. You will spend far more time on the other side of death - in eternity - than you will here. Earth is the staging area, the preschool, the tryout for you life in eternity. It is the practice workout before the actual game; the warm-up lap before the race begins. This life is preparation for the next."
I am Catholic & I went to to a mission about a year and a half ago that talked about purgatory. At the time it was somewhat fascinating to me & I was trying to wrap my head around it. I converted from Lutheran when I married my husband, so I never really KNEW what purgatory was all about. What if purgatory is the bundle of layers our souls travel to...to get to Heaven? I think about all of us & how it just seems IMPOSSIBLE for us to FULLY understand all there is to understand about how & why & when things happen. What about the MOSTLY life-long atheist that receives GOD on his deathbed? I'm thinkin' he's not goin' straight to Heaven with the saints, BUT I think God will save him & his soul will have to go the course of whatever journey God has in store for him; to reveal what needs to be revealed, to give him the opportunity to KNOW & LEARN & DEVELOP a relationship with Jesus Christ. Just like the priest said at that mission: "There is gonna be a lot of disappointed Christians, if we all think we are going straight to Heaven." It takes MORE than going to church every SUNDAY, & MORE than living a GOOD life by the accounts of society.
Remember: The two questions God is likely to ask: "What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" & "What did you do with what I gave you?" Are you bringing others to Jesus? Are you bringing yourself to Jesus?
I can say that this chapter has made me look at EVERYTHING differently...in a good way. I've gotten a lot better at not sweatin' the small stuff & being DIRECT about the big stuff & YES...I believe there is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more past this life. I don't need to KNOW what exactly. I find PEACE knowing that there is!
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus & with all of us too!! Thanks to ALL that have participated in discussion thus far!!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Day 3: "What Drives Your Life?"
Welcome all the new readers & returning readers!!
Today the book talks about what drives your life... You'll be doing some self-analyzin' today.
Day 3: What Drives Your Life?
Point to Ponder: "Living on purpose is the path to peace."
Daily Verse: "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you." Isaiah 26:3 (TEV)
Daily Question: "What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?"
Here's what I put in my journal: I really think they'd say all different things. Some would say: 1) to have a successful business & something to leave her kids. 2) To be as successful as she was working for others...for herself. 3) Helping others. 4) Auctioning or selling things. 5) Learning. 6) Living out her purpose. 7) The journey. The people that don't agree with what I'm doing OR don't understand it might say: 8) the attention & praise. 9) the perception of success.
I really think and want my driving force to be fulfilling God's plan for me and managing the relationships and responsibilities of the people I love most, the best way I possibly can.
What I have to ADD: I think PERCEPTION is one of the devil's MOST-USED tools.
Each chapter has several other Bible verses that go along with the chapter & this one had this at the beginning: "I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving force of envy & jealousy!" Ecclesiastes 4:4 (LB)
Here are the MOST important things I took away from this chapter. Ya'lls may be different & that is GOOD. We all apply things differently.
1) We are not supposed to do EVERYTHING or be good at EVERYTHING, so we shouldn't focus on it so much.
3) We are working on our ETERNAL LEGACY. Living a good life here on earth, will make things easier (maybe) for the people we leave behind, BUT what we should FOCUS on is our ETERNAL LEGACY. There is more than what is here & ALL the PERCEPTION & FLUFF that goes along with our legacy here will be STRIPPED AWAY....to get right down to the nuts & bolts of our use with the time God has given us.
Pastor Warren writes in his book about the two questions WE KNOW (from the Bible) God will ask us when we stand before him: 1) "What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" Did we develop a relationship with him, accept what he did for us, & learn to trust him & love him? 2) "What did you do with what I gave you?" Think about some of the things he gave you. Think of all the opportunities, people & relationships, talent, gifts, opportunities, resources... God has given me lots of things...and NOW I can look back and see how its ALL connected together to put me right where I am now. I KNOW with EVERY ounce of me that God has commissioned me with the talent of being an auctioneer & all that goes with it. I also know that this talent could have been revealed to me YEARS ago...& saved me a few steps...BUT I needed to walk those steps. Thus I know that....I will walk this path as long as he wants me to. I will walk through ALL of the doors he opens (& it has happened WITHOUT me asking) & I will TRUST that whatever is ahead of me is GREATER than what is behind me. I also KNOW & am CONTENT with the fact that he might have me flying airplanes or swimming with dolphins 20 years from now....and if that is where he thinks I need to be...I WILL GO.
One other thing I want to talk about is PERCEPTION. I have come to believe that it is one of the devil's STRONGEST tools because it can be placed in the minds of others. It can be placed in our own minds. It can create feelings that are false....& BOTTOM LINE it is a falsehood. PERCEPTION IS NOT REAL, but we ALL STRuggle with it.
This is the definition of perception I'm talking about: a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.
I bring this up because it is ALWAYS present & it will ALWAYS try & deter you OR jack you up some how. Here are some examples:
Having a disagreement with someone, kind of mending it, but never really addressing where the words/emotions/thoughts came from & ULTIMATELY not really getting to know that person & why you both reacted the way you did. Based on the actions of OTHERS or the words of OTHERS you perceive MENTALLY that the two of you never will get along & look at the surface of things...and it ends there. UNLESS someone makes the effort to know that the other person felt guarded, was going through something else, felt a twinge of jealousy or frustration & had other things to work out & that you REALLY would not get it at the time.
Here's another: A person doesn't really know God, has no relationship with God, doesn't know how to pray....not because they don't want to, BUT because they don't know HOW. They didn't grow up knowing God. They start dating someone that has gone to church all their life & EXPECTS them to also. They don't know what to do. They're kind of like a lost duck & they just go through the motions to make the other person happy & make themselves be PERCEIVED as satisfying the "wants" of that person. That perception creates a road block to REALLY developing a relationship with GOD & other people as well....because the motions are just a show that hold no meaning.
One more: Two friends start two different businesses. They both enter into it, excited about helping each other. Things start rolling for both of them & one talks to the other about potential investors & what was important for her & what she THOUGHT she REALLY needed to get her business to the next level, which included the friend's business. The natural twinge of jealousy hits. WHY does SHE have that opportunity? She just got started? The perception of what it SEEMS like & what it may actually be - aren't addressed. A road block starts forming. Instead of digging into how & why & what happened for her to get the interest of investors & ALL the work she might have had to do & how long she'd been working on it...the other starts thinking about how the success of HER business will be PERCEIVED in comparison. The relationship of helping each other halts b/c the FOCUS changes from working together to working on how to reach the PERCEIVED success of the other.
WE worry about the perception others may have about: the homes we build, the church we go to, the cars we drive, the food we eat, the places we go, what organizations we are part of, where we work...EVERYTHING. And if you are sittin' there sayin' you don't...it's time to get HONEST with yourself. Are ALL the choices you make FOCUSED on how your actions or decisions will move you forward on your God-given mission?
I HOPE you guys see what I'm getting at. ALL of the thoughts are PERCEIVED thoughts, that are created by filling in the details we DON'T KNOW! We are ALL meant to work with each other....not against each other. Just think about the PROGRESS that could be made IF we worked WITH each other, instead of by ourselves & if we worked for God's purpose & not with the purpose to please others. We all have our own journey & our own timeline - that we really DON'T have control of. The devil doesn't like progress, unless it benefits his cause...to have more souls join his army.
SO.....I KNOW....lots to think about. But NOW to answer the question of: "What do I want the driving force in my life to be?" Here it is: To COMPLETE God's mission & be stronger & smarter for the next one he gives me. To SHARE with MORE people, how to avoid the devil's ploys. To be a GOOD soldier in God's army. To help the people I love become stronger soldiers for CHRIST. To INTRODUCE my children to God's word, SO they can introduce his LOVE to other children EARLY in life. To MINISTER to people when the OPPORTUNITY arises....or CREATE the opportunity. (Once you OPEN yourself up to that...the opportunities PRESENT themselves.) & TO BLESS OTHERS WITH THE BLESSINGS GOD HAS GIVEN ME.
I mean it ya'll! GO get this book!!! We are only on DAY 3!! BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!! He's got your mount ready!!
Today the book talks about what drives your life... You'll be doing some self-analyzin' today.
Day 3: What Drives Your Life?
Point to Ponder: "Living on purpose is the path to peace."
Daily Verse: "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you." Isaiah 26:3 (TEV)
Daily Question: "What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?"
Here's what I put in my journal: I really think they'd say all different things. Some would say: 1) to have a successful business & something to leave her kids. 2) To be as successful as she was working for others...for herself. 3) Helping others. 4) Auctioning or selling things. 5) Learning. 6) Living out her purpose. 7) The journey. The people that don't agree with what I'm doing OR don't understand it might say: 8) the attention & praise. 9) the perception of success.
I really think and want my driving force to be fulfilling God's plan for me and managing the relationships and responsibilities of the people I love most, the best way I possibly can.
What I have to ADD: I think PERCEPTION is one of the devil's MOST-USED tools.
Each chapter has several other Bible verses that go along with the chapter & this one had this at the beginning: "I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving force of envy & jealousy!" Ecclesiastes 4:4 (LB)
Here are the MOST important things I took away from this chapter. Ya'lls may be different & that is GOOD. We all apply things differently.
1) We are not supposed to do EVERYTHING or be good at EVERYTHING, so we shouldn't focus on it so much.
3) We are working on our ETERNAL LEGACY. Living a good life here on earth, will make things easier (maybe) for the people we leave behind, BUT what we should FOCUS on is our ETERNAL LEGACY. There is more than what is here & ALL the PERCEPTION & FLUFF that goes along with our legacy here will be STRIPPED AWAY....to get right down to the nuts & bolts of our use with the time God has given us.
Pastor Warren writes in his book about the two questions WE KNOW (from the Bible) God will ask us when we stand before him: 1) "What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" Did we develop a relationship with him, accept what he did for us, & learn to trust him & love him? 2) "What did you do with what I gave you?" Think about some of the things he gave you. Think of all the opportunities, people & relationships, talent, gifts, opportunities, resources... God has given me lots of things...and NOW I can look back and see how its ALL connected together to put me right where I am now. I KNOW with EVERY ounce of me that God has commissioned me with the talent of being an auctioneer & all that goes with it. I also know that this talent could have been revealed to me YEARS ago...& saved me a few steps...BUT I needed to walk those steps. Thus I know that....I will walk this path as long as he wants me to. I will walk through ALL of the doors he opens (& it has happened WITHOUT me asking) & I will TRUST that whatever is ahead of me is GREATER than what is behind me. I also KNOW & am CONTENT with the fact that he might have me flying airplanes or swimming with dolphins 20 years from now....and if that is where he thinks I need to be...I WILL GO.
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I believe in GOD's plan! |
This is the definition of perception I'm talking about: a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.
I bring this up because it is ALWAYS present & it will ALWAYS try & deter you OR jack you up some how. Here are some examples:
Having a disagreement with someone, kind of mending it, but never really addressing where the words/emotions/thoughts came from & ULTIMATELY not really getting to know that person & why you both reacted the way you did. Based on the actions of OTHERS or the words of OTHERS you perceive MENTALLY that the two of you never will get along & look at the surface of things...and it ends there. UNLESS someone makes the effort to know that the other person felt guarded, was going through something else, felt a twinge of jealousy or frustration & had other things to work out & that you REALLY would not get it at the time.
Here's another: A person doesn't really know God, has no relationship with God, doesn't know how to pray....not because they don't want to, BUT because they don't know HOW. They didn't grow up knowing God. They start dating someone that has gone to church all their life & EXPECTS them to also. They don't know what to do. They're kind of like a lost duck & they just go through the motions to make the other person happy & make themselves be PERCEIVED as satisfying the "wants" of that person. That perception creates a road block to REALLY developing a relationship with GOD & other people as well....because the motions are just a show that hold no meaning.
One more: Two friends start two different businesses. They both enter into it, excited about helping each other. Things start rolling for both of them & one talks to the other about potential investors & what was important for her & what she THOUGHT she REALLY needed to get her business to the next level, which included the friend's business. The natural twinge of jealousy hits. WHY does SHE have that opportunity? She just got started? The perception of what it SEEMS like & what it may actually be - aren't addressed. A road block starts forming. Instead of digging into how & why & what happened for her to get the interest of investors & ALL the work she might have had to do & how long she'd been working on it...the other starts thinking about how the success of HER business will be PERCEIVED in comparison. The relationship of helping each other halts b/c the FOCUS changes from working together to working on how to reach the PERCEIVED success of the other.
WE worry about the perception others may have about: the homes we build, the church we go to, the cars we drive, the food we eat, the places we go, what organizations we are part of, where we work...EVERYTHING. And if you are sittin' there sayin' you don't...it's time to get HONEST with yourself. Are ALL the choices you make FOCUSED on how your actions or decisions will move you forward on your God-given mission?
I HOPE you guys see what I'm getting at. ALL of the thoughts are PERCEIVED thoughts, that are created by filling in the details we DON'T KNOW! We are ALL meant to work with each other....not against each other. Just think about the PROGRESS that could be made IF we worked WITH each other, instead of by ourselves & if we worked for God's purpose & not with the purpose to please others. We all have our own journey & our own timeline - that we really DON'T have control of. The devil doesn't like progress, unless it benefits his cause...to have more souls join his army.
SO.....I KNOW....lots to think about. But NOW to answer the question of: "What do I want the driving force in my life to be?" Here it is: To COMPLETE God's mission & be stronger & smarter for the next one he gives me. To SHARE with MORE people, how to avoid the devil's ploys. To be a GOOD soldier in God's army. To help the people I love become stronger soldiers for CHRIST. To INTRODUCE my children to God's word, SO they can introduce his LOVE to other children EARLY in life. To MINISTER to people when the OPPORTUNITY arises....or CREATE the opportunity. (Once you OPEN yourself up to that...the opportunities PRESENT themselves.) & TO BLESS OTHERS WITH THE BLESSINGS GOD HAS GIVEN ME.
I mean it ya'll! GO get this book!!! We are only on DAY 3!! BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!! He's got your mount ready!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Day 2: "You Are Not an Accident"
I hope some of you have come back for Day 2 of our discussion on Finding our GOD-given purpose & I hope that there are new readers!
Thoughts after reading the book through:
It is REALLY important to read these chapters to get the most out of them, so I will only hit the highlights so you all understand the topic.
DAY 2: You are not an accident.
Daily Verse: "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2 (CEV)
Daily Question: "I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?"
Here's what I put in my journal the day of reading: Things I struggle to accept: My inability to keep clean spaces (house, office, car), my struggle with PERFECT button-downed time management, the lack of attention I pay to myself, how long I take to say things that need to be said - after an argument or misunderstanding - PRIDE, scheduling time to do certain, specific things I want to do with my family.
Thoughts after reading the book through:
This chapter discussed how GOD DOESN'T MAKE ACCIDENTS...EVER. It discussed how EVERYTHING in our lives is planned for a purpose. I'm not sure where ya'lls minds take you when you hear this, but I started thinking about several things including:
-Children born to crappy parents.
-Children going thru some of the most unthinkable situations...like child abuse.
-Adults going thru some of the most unthinkable situations...like the Holocaust.
-Things about myself that are less than stellar.
-Sickness & Disease.
-The process of aging...& dying.
You think about all these things & it throws you because they are horrific. BUT then I KNOW... the devil NEVER wins. So in that mess....where is the purpose?
I didn't get this from the book (although it mentions it). I was listening to an interview of Mr. Rick Warren by Oprah. When he spoke these words they hit my soul. "There might be illegitimate parents, but there are no illegitimate children. God needed that specific DNA to CREATE you!!" We ALL have a purpose & we ALL have a chance. No matter what our circumstances are GOD will not give us more than we can handle.
That statement takes my thoughts back to a situation like the Holocaust, where SO many people died...horrible deaths. What I HAVE to bring it back to is: WHATEVER is passed this life is FAR, FAR greater than ANY suffering on this earth. THE DEVIL DOES NOT WIN! I truly feel like we are all warriors fighting a constant battle with the devil.
When I was a Marketing Liaison for a skilled nursing facility I ran into people of all kinds. One lady I went to visit comes to mind during this chapter. I'd say she was probably in her 50s. She was VERY weak, but of sound mind. She had nothing. She had been in hospitals so long she had lost her apartment & didn't even know where her belongings were. Her elderly mother was sending her what little money she could, but she hadn't heard from her in weeks. I went to see if we could meet her needs. She had no insurance of any kind, so I had to assess whether or not she met the requirements for Medicaid in a skilled nursing facility. So everyone knows, these requirements consist of: meeting a financial requirement (which she did) & having medical necessity. Medical necessity pretty much means that you NEED the care of a nurse 24-7. Some of the diagnosis or conditions that typically meet this requirement are: Dementia, Alzheimers, had the inability to safely administer your medications & Wounds...especially those requiring a wound vac. You would only meet medical necessity with a wound until it had healed to a point where Medicaid deemed you could care for it yourself or call someone to care for it. To put it plainly...if you were of sound mind, could list your medications, & had the ability to call someone for help you would not qualify. It does not matter that this lady was almost too weak to walk & had to have her stomach pumped every other day b/c the fluid would build up from her liver condition. I had to break the news to her that she would not qualify. She was broken. SO broken. She cried & asked me: "WHY? I need help!" I stood there and told her that I agreed & that I was sorry & that I WISH there was a way for us to accept her, but that I would talk with her case manager about other POTENTIAL options. I assured her though...that as long as she had a breath, she still had purpose.
A few weeks later, I was back at the same hospital & as I was on my way up to meet another patient a tech had wheeled the same lady into the elevator I was in. They were going to run some tests. She was talking to the tech & having a REALLY joy-filled conversation. She looked back & saw me. She smiled & talked to me about how good EVERYONE at the hospital was treating her & how, of all the hospitals she's been at, this was her favorite. She apologized for getting so upset when I visited her, but that she really appreciated me coming.
I got back to the parking garage & just sat in my car for a minute...KNOWING that, although it was not exactly clear to me, there was a PURPOSE for that meeting. That woman's LIFE still had EXTREME PURPOSE...even though her physical body was broken.
God's creation TRANSCENDS the physical. It is of another realm...on a level that we have to WORK to get to. A level that will be REVEALED to us when we can handle it.
Although there are things that are BROKEN about ALL of us, those broken pieces fit together to make a whole that works seamlessly. So now... (even though some people challenge me at EVERY encounter) I KNOW that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has a a UniQue purpose, tailored by GOD & not one other person will EVER fully understand it. That is why we are supposed to LOVE EACH OTHER ANYWAY.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Day 1: Join Me On a Journey to FIND Our Purpose.
Before Easter, I started reading the book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren.
It CHALLENGES you to go on a journey to FIND out your GOD-GIVEN purpose. It is a chapter a day for 42 days. The book CHALLENGES you to memorize verses from The Bible and to crEAte a group to share your journey. IT IS LIFE-CHANGING.
I have decided that I am going to RE-read the book & share my journey with whoever wants to be a part of it. I'll discuss how I am applying it to my life, challenges I have faced, the clarity that it has given me & give us a place (this blog or my Facebook feed) to have our very own Bible Discussion. If others interact I KNOW that this will help others & may just bring people closer to GOD OR bring people to God that never knew him before. You will ALWAYS be able to go back to my blogs to join in on the discussion, even if you start a little later.
I have to tell you....when I first started reading this book I was slowly falling into it & by day 4 or 5 I thought to myself: "I've gotta blog about this!!" Then EVERYtime I thought about making time to blog about it, keep up with each chapter, & keep up with my life....I decided: I'm going to read it through & then RE-read it & REALLY discuss the topics it challenges us to think about. So here goes...
Day 1: It All Starts With God
Daily Verse: "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16B (MSG)
Daily Question: "In Spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?"
What I journaled the day of reading: Turn to God & STOP focusing on why people hurt ME, don't understand ME, don't agree with ME & stay focused on the positive things & FOCUS on being me & loving the people God has put in my life to love, care for, & touch.
What I can ADD after reading the book through & applying what I've learned in my life: This entire year I have had to make some decisions that were ScarRy, HARD to make, & (although I KNEW I was being called to do it & GOD wouldn't remove it from my heart) had NO idea what it would be/look like/who would agree with me/how I'd pull it off/ AND about 500 more concerns that ran through my head. SO....I get to the point where I LITERALLY step out into FAITH.....& I mean WAY out. There were a few WORLDLY things I KNEW would go along with my decision. I credit this knowledge to my sales career.
1) I'd be dealin' with REJECTION & it would be PERSONAL this time.
2) There would be people that wouldn't GET IT & now I know....MAY NEVER GET IT. Some of those people are the people that are closest to me.
3) I'd have to do some educatin'.
4) I may be entering into something I THINK I can't handle, BUT will have to TRUST GOD to KNOW that I can.
5) Life would change.....in ALL kinds of ways.
6) I'd have to THROW my ego out the window......This may have been the hardest part for me. Not sure, BUT I can tell you that in my day-to-day decisions I have to check myself on this.
All that said & taking into account EVERYTHING listed about that went with it & then some, would I change my decision to MOVE FORWARD in making a LIFE change and CAREER change? NO!!!!!!
Praise JESUS! Now that I'm finished talking about MY initial worries & how the decision would & has affected ME, I can sincerely say that this chapter helped to bring it ALL back to what REALLY matters! I still don't know what life is going to look like 6 months from now, but I KNOW that ALL the decisions leading up to it, came from the RIGHT place. The WHOLE reason I did this was because I felt like God was calling me to do it. I mean...it reached a point in my previous position that I felt like I was DISOBEYING God & the mission he was giving me.
There was a time when I was going through college & I was working at a little home decor shop in my hometown & one of the gals that worked at a restaurant a few doors down came in to do some shoppin' while she was on break. I had brought my Bible to work & was reading it when it was slow. When she walked in I closed it immediately & put it under something...pretty much hiding it. She walked straight up to me, pulled it out from beside the register, patted the top of my closed Bible & said: "Keep reading it. I read mine everyday & I think more people should." She kept shopping & shot her typical BEAMING smile at me. I can tell you that I NEVER want to feel that SHAME again & I was starting to feel it & more & MORE the longer I kept working in a position that was less than what GOD HAD PLANNED for me.
Buck Up Baby!! DO NOT BE AFRAID of ANYTHING of this world. We are ALL made by God, for God & HIS glory. He LOVES us! He LOVES us enough to give us LIFE & although it may be hard sometimes, I truly believe EVERYTHING will be worth it.
I met with a friend today that is REALLY going through a hard time. After I left, I felt like the conversation we had was EXACTLY what they needed. People will not understand every decision we make. Sometimes people won't MAKE THE EFFORT to understand the decisions we make, and FRANKLY...they don't have to. It is our responsibility to KNOW that our decisions are grounded by what God teaches us. Our thoughts & decisions transcend this world IF our FOCUS is to please GOD & not anyone else.
It CHALLENGES you to go on a journey to FIND out your GOD-GIVEN purpose. It is a chapter a day for 42 days. The book CHALLENGES you to memorize verses from The Bible and to crEAte a group to share your journey. IT IS LIFE-CHANGING.
I have decided that I am going to RE-read the book & share my journey with whoever wants to be a part of it. I'll discuss how I am applying it to my life, challenges I have faced, the clarity that it has given me & give us a place (this blog or my Facebook feed) to have our very own Bible Discussion. If others interact I KNOW that this will help others & may just bring people closer to GOD OR bring people to God that never knew him before. You will ALWAYS be able to go back to my blogs to join in on the discussion, even if you start a little later.
I have to tell you....when I first started reading this book I was slowly falling into it & by day 4 or 5 I thought to myself: "I've gotta blog about this!!" Then EVERYtime I thought about making time to blog about it, keep up with each chapter, & keep up with my life....I decided: I'm going to read it through & then RE-read it & REALLY discuss the topics it challenges us to think about. So here goes...
Day 1: It All Starts With God
Daily Verse: "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16B (MSG)
Daily Question: "In Spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?"
What I journaled the day of reading: Turn to God & STOP focusing on why people hurt ME, don't understand ME, don't agree with ME & stay focused on the positive things & FOCUS on being me & loving the people God has put in my life to love, care for, & touch.
What I can ADD after reading the book through & applying what I've learned in my life: This entire year I have had to make some decisions that were ScarRy, HARD to make, & (although I KNEW I was being called to do it & GOD wouldn't remove it from my heart) had NO idea what it would be/look like/who would agree with me/how I'd pull it off/ AND about 500 more concerns that ran through my head. SO....I get to the point where I LITERALLY step out into FAITH.....& I mean WAY out. There were a few WORLDLY things I KNEW would go along with my decision. I credit this knowledge to my sales career.
1) I'd be dealin' with REJECTION & it would be PERSONAL this time.
2) There would be people that wouldn't GET IT & now I know....MAY NEVER GET IT. Some of those people are the people that are closest to me.
3) I'd have to do some educatin'.
4) I may be entering into something I THINK I can't handle, BUT will have to TRUST GOD to KNOW that I can.
5) Life would change.....in ALL kinds of ways.
6) I'd have to THROW my ego out the window......This may have been the hardest part for me. Not sure, BUT I can tell you that in my day-to-day decisions I have to check myself on this.
All that said & taking into account EVERYTHING listed about that went with it & then some, would I change my decision to MOVE FORWARD in making a LIFE change and CAREER change? NO!!!!!!
Praise JESUS! Now that I'm finished talking about MY initial worries & how the decision would & has affected ME, I can sincerely say that this chapter helped to bring it ALL back to what REALLY matters! I still don't know what life is going to look like 6 months from now, but I KNOW that ALL the decisions leading up to it, came from the RIGHT place. The WHOLE reason I did this was because I felt like God was calling me to do it. I mean...it reached a point in my previous position that I felt like I was DISOBEYING God & the mission he was giving me.
There was a time when I was going through college & I was working at a little home decor shop in my hometown & one of the gals that worked at a restaurant a few doors down came in to do some shoppin' while she was on break. I had brought my Bible to work & was reading it when it was slow. When she walked in I closed it immediately & put it under something...pretty much hiding it. She walked straight up to me, pulled it out from beside the register, patted the top of my closed Bible & said: "Keep reading it. I read mine everyday & I think more people should." She kept shopping & shot her typical BEAMING smile at me. I can tell you that I NEVER want to feel that SHAME again & I was starting to feel it & more & MORE the longer I kept working in a position that was less than what GOD HAD PLANNED for me.
Buck Up Baby!! DO NOT BE AFRAID of ANYTHING of this world. We are ALL made by God, for God & HIS glory. He LOVES us! He LOVES us enough to give us LIFE & although it may be hard sometimes, I truly believe EVERYTHING will be worth it.
I met with a friend today that is REALLY going through a hard time. After I left, I felt like the conversation we had was EXACTLY what they needed. People will not understand every decision we make. Sometimes people won't MAKE THE EFFORT to understand the decisions we make, and FRANKLY...they don't have to. It is our responsibility to KNOW that our decisions are grounded by what God teaches us. Our thoughts & decisions transcend this world IF our FOCUS is to please GOD & not anyone else.
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