Good Morning!!! I really feel like SHARING some thoughts today. REJOICE is my focus word for the year. I came across it while reading scripture in the New Testament. I started Paul's Letter to the Philippians & the word REJOICE was EVERYWHERE!! So then I decided to read the entire letter, which is quite ENCOURAGING. It ALWAYS amazes me at how EXTREMELY relevant scripture is ALL THE TIME.
One of the things I've been praying specifically for, for the last year or so, is JOY. When I look back at my life, I feel like there were so many moments in my youth where I exuded JOY. I mean...I refer to myself often as bright-eyed, optimistic, & TRUSTING. Over the years I've felt elements of that JOY slowly seeping out of me. Not because I don't want to be JOYful, but because of some of the experiences I've had. TRUSTING...just to be let down. Optimistic for ChanGe....just to become aware that the unanswered optimism slowly sucked the zeal and motivation I once had from me. Anger & Frustration because I felt trapped & LIMITED by my PERCEIVED options and opportunities....
There's always been something about me though.... I mean I used to sit up & plague myself with wOrRy & get all worked-UP & in a FreNZy about so many things that didn't matter....but I'd always get to this MOMENT where I realized it didn't HAVE to be the way it was. I would then USUALLY get myself all TISSIED-Up again trying to FIGURE OUT what "that" was.
I've PRAYED the majority of my life & as I look back...I think of how my PRAYERS have my relationship with The Holy Trinity has I think about so many things now, with SO MUCH MORE PURPOSE than what I used to think about... How my PRIORITIES have TOTALLY swapped around.... and how I still become cOnfUsed, but at least now I'm confused about things that ACTUALLY matter & am able to REST from the worry because I know that I'm accepted just the way I am & that confusion isn't from God. It may not make other PEOPLE happy, but I'm gonna be okay & The Good Lord is still gonna take me where he wants to, as long as I continue to submit to that.
Over the last couple days I sat & talked in some mighty deep discussions about politics, the troubles of our youth, homosexuality, the medical industry & insurance & pharmaceutical companies, The Bible, ISIS, evil, war, our military men & women, the end times....
The truth is....being in kind of an open forum with more than 5 people in each setting....left me exhausted mentally...because the troubles can seem overwhelming...
Through ENCOURAGEMENT I'm trying to be more FOCUSED as I read in The Bible & as I read...I'm focusing on my FOCUS word this year, which is REJOICE.
What I find interesting is Paul was a prisoner when he wrote the Letter to the Philippians, yet REJOICE is what he continued to say, because he was REJOICING in the PROGRESS God was making...Paul accepted the MISSION of bringing more people to BELIEVE in CHRIST, so his JOY came from the forward motion of that mission...whether it be witnessing a group of people making progress because of The Spirit inside them or because his inprisionment was ENCOURAGING others to speak more boldly about Christ. As I reflect on makes me think about all of our Christian brothers and sisters being killed because of their love of Christ. I remember looking at the face of one of the men to be executed on television & his expression had such RESOLVE... It struck me because it was a FIERCE look...not a look of weakness or fear...even though his time was drawing near & would not be able to PHYSICALLY carry anything out on this earth....but READY for whatever God had planned for him next....
A couple days ago...I read in Luke 8:26-39 about the man possessed by demons (many, which called themselves Legion). I've read this passage several times, but there are several things I took away from it this time. One thought I thought is....why did all these demons CHOOSE this man? Let me be clear that we all have demons we wrestle with...alcoholism, pride, depression......and there are SO many others....
Another thing I took away was the MERCY Jesus showed....EVEN TO THE DEMONS, that BEGGED him to "not cast them into the bottomless pit, but into the herd of pigs." The pigs later, burst out of the pen & all drowned....I'm sure there is LOTS of symbolism there & LOTS of things I'm not able to wrap my head around yet, BUT Jesus showed the demons mercy...
There's a lot of things in this world that REPULSE us as individuals. I do not understand WHY some people have the demons that they have. I'm so thankful that I don't have them, but we MUST be mindful & show MERCY...just like Jesus. We are carrying our crosses on this earthly walk and all of ours is UNIQUE. We aren't called to understand each other. We are called to LOVE each other.
When I reflected on the word REJOICE in this passage...I thought of the man that had just been FREED of the he sat at Jesus's feet & listened & loved Him. I thought of how BADLY he must have wanted to GO WITH JESUS.... I could almost feel the longing for him. Then I thought of how he must have felt when Jesus told him that he must stay and share with his family all that God had done for him. He just went & did it....REJOICING!! I learned in that moment....that even though we don't necessarily get to do what WE want, what God CALLS us to do will be much more rewarding.
When you know a little more about the entirety of the situations of some of these people in The gain a better appreciation for the importance of what they do. This story took place in a land that worshiped other gods...the likelihood that those pigs were to be used as a sacrifice for other gods was HIGHLY likely. It's not so hard to then understand why the people that witnessed this asked Jesus to leave. They were SO confused & baffled & afraid & mixed up to SEE the power of the hand of God & to then try and wrap their heads around the way they had been worshiping. Thus...the importance of that, once, demon-filled man to STAY there & SHARE his salvation was of the UTMOST importance. It takes a little ember to catch fire and make a flame.
Then today I read about the birth of John the Baptist in Luke 1:57-80. I REFLECTED again on the word REJOICE & spent a little time thinking about Elizabeth & Zechariah. Both of them were older & without children, yet VERY MUCH loved God. Zechariah was a priest & both were descendants of David. When the Angel of the Lord told Zechariah that he they would have a child, to call him John, & that he would pave the way for Jesus, the Son of God...Zechariah DOUBTED & because of his doubt, became a MUTE. When Elizabeth had the baby many close friends and family came over to bless his circumcision & REJOICE with them for the BLESSINGS God had given them. When they asked what his name should be Elizabeth told them John....which surprised ALL of them. I can just imagine the chatter in that room. It was custom for the child to take on a name of the father least a family member, but there was no one in their family named John. Then they turned to Zechariah, who asked for a tablet because he could not speak yet. He wrote the name John & his mouth was opened & his first words were REJOICING PRAISE TO GOD.
So let's think about this.... (PARENT'S: Think about this from as many perspectives as you can)... If I put myself in their shoes....I would first be astonished & in disbelief that I would become pregnant when we had been trying for years....then humbled when my husband spoke out of turn & was muted.... I think we'd definitely be paying attention. I would feel this overwhelming obligation & IMMENSE amount of importance in MY life & the life of my unborn child. I would be ENCOURAGED everyday by the promise that the life inside me holds. Once I would gave given birth...I would be in this OVERWHELMING AWE of the UN-explainable BLESSING...this UN-Explainable FAVOR...this UN-explainable IMPORTANCE that just happened.... ALL OF IT!: This beautiful MIRACLE of life, the KNOWING of how important his life will be BECAUSE of the promises already fulfilled to them, the MYSTERY between all of the things that led up to what they just WITNESSED...mind, body, soul, & spirit, this OVERWHELMING feeling that we explain as LOVE....because ALL of what is being felt is GOOD. I's highly likely that we would be conFusEd as heck, BUT we would be REJOICING!!!! We couldn't make a choice not to....even if we would be AUTOMATIC....just like Elizabeth & Zechariah's response to the name of their child. I also just want to make note of how they BOTH agreed with each other on the name. The union of marriage is another MYSTERY, but a STRONG one when decisions are made and action is carried out by 2 & not just 1.
What I also took from this reading today is somehow humbling & empowering all at the same time. John was sent BEFORE Jesus to pave the way, to ready the minds, to condition the hearts of God's people. Jesus IS coming again my friends & he WANTS as many people to KNOW THEIR possible. Just like John the Baptist....WE ARE CALLED TO LEAD PEOPLE TO JESUS! Not only are we called, but our children are called. After having the two discussions I've had this weekend I can say with conviction that MORE PEOPLE NEED TO BE GIVEN THE CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW JESUS! We live in a world where young people want something to hold on give some sort of glimpse of meaning to all that they don't understand, yet they grow up in households where their parents don't know Jesus & they find evil make-believe characters that open a doorway to hate versus love. There is no set of criteria that makes you "worthy" to share the love of Christ. You are FULL, COMPLETE, & CAPABLE right now...if you believe that Jesus suffered & died for you, because HE LOVES YOU, UNDERSTANDS YOU, AND WANTS YOU in His Father's kingdom with Him. We don't have to know or understand WHY. It is part of that glorious, merciful MYSTERY that was GIVEN to us.
No matter how deep this may seem...there is a battle of good & evil going on right now that we are fighting in. Which side do you think you are on? We have to examine how we treat people....all people....the one's we agree with & the one's that we don't. The FOCUS has to start on you as an individual & your family. Our FOCUS can not be about how we can CHANGE or CONDEMN the things we don't like about other people. The FOCUS has to be on creATING an environment where those people can CHOOSE to change themselves. If everyone FOCUSED on FULFILLING their MINISTRY & MISSION that God has blessed each and every life with, versus FOCUSING on how other's need to change.....I think REAL progress would happen.
When Jesus called Matthew to follow him He was criticized because Matthew was a tax-collector. At that time tax collectors were frowned upon as the lowest of people & worst of most all the sinners. The Pharisees saw him eating at Matthew's house, with all the tax collectors & other "sinners" & it got them all in a tissy, When Jesus heard how the Pharisees questioned Him, here is what He had to say: "Healthy people do not need a doctor, but sick people do. Go and find out what this means: What I want is mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners." (Matthew 9:12-13)
I'm just sayin'.....some of those people that some of us tend to condemn & shun & turn our nose up at...are the very people that Jesus probably would have wanted to have lunch with.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Operation Get Healthy: Slow Progress's been a couple weeks since I finished my 24-day challenge with Advocare. Here is what I want to share.....
The stricter diet was TOTALLY do-able, but hard. I mean....FOOD is SO ingrained in EVERYTHING....our decisions, our comfort, our schedule, our ability, our knowledge, & for some (not me :)) what we take pride in. So....RIGHT before I started this 24-day challenge....I took a looooooooong, hard look at my diet, the food we bought, & what I was feeding my family & KNEW that I needed to make some adjustments.
I remember buying The Daniel Plan & Journal & although I REALLY wanted to make it work & for my will power to stay strong......I just didn't have enough FAITH in myself that I would stick with it, unless I was held accountable..... Like.... REALLY accountable. By, paying for the challenge, taking the BEFORE pictures & knowing I wanted my AFTER picture to look better than the first & REALLY giving the program a chance....NO EXCUSES! One of my best friends believed in this, had been asking for me to try it for some time & was WILLING to take my phone calls, text messages, & honest opinions about EVERYTHING from diet plans, to my doubts, to my struggles, to: "What the heck is in this stuff?" IF I was going to do it....I was going to REALLY do it....NO cheating.
I finished the challenge. Was really happy with my results & although....quite exhausted (mentally) from the whole experience....was pretty proud that I did it. For the last two weeks (after I completed the challenge)...I fell off the wagon....GLADLY to be quite honest. I MISSED my coffee, my occasional fried calamari or cheese sticks, my friend Little Debbie.... I think I'm painting the picture... I mean... I was more conscious & felt a little more guilt, because I KNOW that it's really not good for me, but I just wanted to eat 6 miniature Milky Ways SO BAD!
So....although I ate MUCH better than how I normally would....I ate quite a bit of things I had cut out the previous 24 days. It took about a week and a half for me to physically feel the difference. Luckily Ashley (my coach) & my husband did a really good job of reminding me about my results....about the simple fact that I COULD do it & that the BIGGEST thing I changed was my diet....which ULTIMATELY for me was my PRIMARY reason for doing all this in the first place. I had become quite AWARE of how, what we put in our bodies - directly affects our long-term health, our mental focus, our ability to have a better quality of life & keep us around as long as the Good Lord needs us to be. I'm in a line of work that PHYSICALLY needs me can't "work from home." I have to be front & center & ON. IF I want to be SUCCESSFUL, which I do...I have to take care of the KEY tools that allow me to help SUPPORT my family & that is my voice, my mind, & my body. The BEST way to teach your children is by example, Kyle & I have to get US right & our children will follow suit.
I tell you all this, because I want everyone to know that you have to WANT to make a change. The program can only help you as much as you help yourself & that not everyone will BE READY at the same time. In fact I was ready at the beginning of January....for the past two weeks I WAS NOT ready & not REAL interested in focusing on it, but now I am again & that's okay. It really is all about forward steps. I love this quote:
The stricter diet was TOTALLY do-able, but hard. I mean....FOOD is SO ingrained in EVERYTHING....our decisions, our comfort, our schedule, our ability, our knowledge, & for some (not me :)) what we take pride in. So....RIGHT before I started this 24-day challenge....I took a looooooooong, hard look at my diet, the food we bought, & what I was feeding my family & KNEW that I needed to make some adjustments.
I remember buying The Daniel Plan & Journal & although I REALLY wanted to make it work & for my will power to stay strong......I just didn't have enough FAITH in myself that I would stick with it, unless I was held accountable..... Like.... REALLY accountable. By, paying for the challenge, taking the BEFORE pictures & knowing I wanted my AFTER picture to look better than the first & REALLY giving the program a chance....NO EXCUSES! One of my best friends believed in this, had been asking for me to try it for some time & was WILLING to take my phone calls, text messages, & honest opinions about EVERYTHING from diet plans, to my doubts, to my struggles, to: "What the heck is in this stuff?" IF I was going to do it....I was going to REALLY do it....NO cheating.
I finished the challenge. Was really happy with my results & although....quite exhausted (mentally) from the whole experience....was pretty proud that I did it. For the last two weeks (after I completed the challenge)...I fell off the wagon....GLADLY to be quite honest. I MISSED my coffee, my occasional fried calamari or cheese sticks, my friend Little Debbie.... I think I'm painting the picture... I mean... I was more conscious & felt a little more guilt, because I KNOW that it's really not good for me, but I just wanted to eat 6 miniature Milky Ways SO BAD!
So....although I ate MUCH better than how I normally would....I ate quite a bit of things I had cut out the previous 24 days. It took about a week and a half for me to physically feel the difference. Luckily Ashley (my coach) & my husband did a really good job of reminding me about my results....about the simple fact that I COULD do it & that the BIGGEST thing I changed was my diet....which ULTIMATELY for me was my PRIMARY reason for doing all this in the first place. I had become quite AWARE of how, what we put in our bodies - directly affects our long-term health, our mental focus, our ability to have a better quality of life & keep us around as long as the Good Lord needs us to be. I'm in a line of work that PHYSICALLY needs me can't "work from home." I have to be front & center & ON. IF I want to be SUCCESSFUL, which I do...I have to take care of the KEY tools that allow me to help SUPPORT my family & that is my voice, my mind, & my body. The BEST way to teach your children is by example, Kyle & I have to get US right & our children will follow suit.
I tell you all this, because I want everyone to know that you have to WANT to make a change. The program can only help you as much as you help yourself & that not everyone will BE READY at the same time. In fact I was ready at the beginning of January....for the past two weeks I WAS NOT ready & not REAL interested in focusing on it, but now I am again & that's okay. It really is all about forward steps. I love this quote:
There's a whole new group of Advocare CHALLENGERS starting this coming Monday. IF you WANT to look into this...I ENCOURAGE it. I am focusing on the last 14 days of the 24-day challenge again, because I feel like I NEED that structure to MAKE PROGRESS towards my NEW GOAL, which is: Losing 20 more pounds & making some sort of exercise a daily routine. I don't know what that will be. I want people to know that they can RandOmly talk to me about health & food & taking care of the HOME of the The Holy Spirit that is inside us....KNOWING that this whole "Gettin' Healthy" journey I'm not easy. I stumble....A LOT sometimes. I have trouble following the plan exactly sometimes... I don't exercise much at all.... I'm just trying....
I do not know sometimes WHY I share all of this with all of you. A big part of something I truly feel like I UNDERSTAND now is that we HELP each other by sharing our experiences, but me sharing THIS journey still kind of takes me by surprise. I mean....I put my big girl picture on Facebook :/! Yeah....I am totally not proud of that BEFORE pic, but sure am of the after....
So choices are to either continue to slowly gain OR to slowly chip away at it.... That is why I continue on this journey. I'm not gonna tell you to Buck Up & do anything, because I was at a point sometime in the last couple weeks, where I would have seriously thought about givin' someone the finger if they even TRIED to tell me what to eat, BUT.... I will ALWAYS ENCOURAGE you to PUSH yourself to BUCK UP in ANY area of your life. Just stretch yourself outside of something you know... to DISCOVER something you don't. Your ENCOURAGEMENT is APPRECIATED. I can get mighty grumpy without some of my comfort foods....JUST SAYIN'!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
OPERATION GET HEALTHY: Cumulative Summary Through Day 24 & What's NEXT....
Apologies for not blogging. Life got pretty hectic....finalizing paperwork from one auction...only to hit the road to South Texas for another & then back to Brenham for another the next night. Traveling...& trying to finish up my 24-day challenge. I'm gonna be honest...the last couple of days of the 24-day challenge were tough. I usually don't like to eat much before I call an auction. The shakes were a life-saver, but there are times where I don't eat lunch OR Dinner....or very little. I remember WHY I'm doing this:
Look at these results from our 24 day challenge:
From a person who has NEVER tried a program like this at all....I NEED IT! I honestly don't know how to stop myself from eating what I want to UNLESS I'm given a structured PLAN & I SEE results. The last 14 days of the challenge I only lost 3 pounds, but my inches melted away. I mean I lost 4 in my hips alone. After Valentine's day I am going to do the 14 day phase again....otherwise I will not hold myself accountable. I don't know why it is harder for me on my just is & OBVIOUSLY...this worked. I think I NEED it MORE for keeping my eating cleaner.
Again...apologies for not being able to post daily posts, but as I can post I will!! I hope these posts have encouraged some of you to take baby steps towards getting healthier. I have been ENCOURAGED by those of you that have reached out to me...not just for your SUCCESSES, but for your strugGLES, because I had either experienced them myself or was currently experiencing. It REALLY makes the journey easier to have someone walk it with you. I've also picked up a few awesome of which I LOVE.
FAVORITE TIP FROM far: Drink a TALL GLASS OF WATER every morning BEFORE you put ANYTHING else in your body. This will help your organs wake up and start functioning properly. The way I look at it now (because I REALLY struggle with consuming enough water for my body) is almost like I'm talking to it & telling it GOOD MORNING. If I STRUGGLE & mess up during the day at least I started out giving it the opportunity to better handle everything that comes at it.
If you & some of your friends want to BEGIN this journey to better health & educating yourself on what we put in our bodies (because that just kind of naturally happens along the way) private message me or my coach: Ashley Farris:
Stay tuned for my next was a little much to share today, but is probably the CORE reason on WHY I see this REAL importance of how we take care of our bodies.
God Bless!! I ENCOURAGE you to take that next step, IF you are ready!!
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If any of you are on Pinterest you should start following The Daniel Plan. They have recipes, inspirational quotes, Bible Verses & SO MUCH MORE!! I give them credit for this pic! |
Look at these results from our 24 day challenge:
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Down 11 lbs & 14.5 inches! |
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Down 9lbs & 16 inches!
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8lbs & 3inches! |
Again...apologies for not being able to post daily posts, but as I can post I will!! I hope these posts have encouraged some of you to take baby steps towards getting healthier. I have been ENCOURAGED by those of you that have reached out to me...not just for your SUCCESSES, but for your strugGLES, because I had either experienced them myself or was currently experiencing. It REALLY makes the journey easier to have someone walk it with you. I've also picked up a few awesome of which I LOVE.
FAVORITE TIP FROM far: Drink a TALL GLASS OF WATER every morning BEFORE you put ANYTHING else in your body. This will help your organs wake up and start functioning properly. The way I look at it now (because I REALLY struggle with consuming enough water for my body) is almost like I'm talking to it & telling it GOOD MORNING. If I STRUGGLE & mess up during the day at least I started out giving it the opportunity to better handle everything that comes at it.
If you & some of your friends want to BEGIN this journey to better health & educating yourself on what we put in our bodies (because that just kind of naturally happens along the way) private message me or my coach: Ashley Farris:
Stay tuned for my next was a little much to share today, but is probably the CORE reason on WHY I see this REAL importance of how we take care of our bodies.
God Bless!! I ENCOURAGE you to take that next step, IF you are ready!!
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