Welcome friends!! Please feel free to comment & discuss. For first-time readers: This is a daily discussion of the chapters in Pastor Rick Warren's Book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
Day 7: "The Reason for Everything"
"Point to Ponder: It's all for him."
Daily Bible Verse: "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36 (LB)
Daily Question: "Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?"
What I wrote in my journal: My heart and mind went straight to the business of getting my kids off to their schools. We can wake up earlier and be less rushed and/or enjoy the moment in the journey. I googled "glory" when I started reading this chapter. Glory seems to me like the journey and perseverance on that journey that gets to the accomplishment/goal, so...instead of letting it pass by in a rush - I will try to be more present in the many moments along my journey.
The day I initially read this I went for a run. No matter how you start applying these principals there will still be things that happen to you that you don't understand OR people you don't understand. I was stressed to the hilt on this day & I had been in the presence of a person that just DRAINS me, but I know I am called to LOVE THEM, but it sure is hard to like them sometimes. So I went for a run & as I was running and the negative thoughts & anger about some of the things that come out of their mouth was causing me to run faster. I was lost in it & didn't even realize it UNTIL I became flat winded. I looked up to Heaven & smiled b/c he was using MY BODY to SHOW ME how those deep-rooted feelings were ONLY affecting me & making me tired.
Those thoughts & that anger didn't just subside, BUT I started thanking GOD for EVERYTHING along my path: the leaves, the grass, the beautiful blue sky, the gravel beneath my feet, the ponds I got to pass as I ran, the cows grazing, the shoes on my feet, my socks preventing blisters, the water to quench my thirst, the ability to run, the butterflies flying, the gift of life, the choice to choose which direction to run....EVERYTHING. Giving thanks to Him helped me to put things into perspective & NOT WORRY about someone else. It's all a diversion from what is most important. It also made me feel like all WE (the world) need to fix and cure and mend EVERYTHING is right before us. We just have to peel the crap away to see it.
On the subject of other people: This chapter tells us something Paul said:" 'Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified.' " Sigh... EVERY person is fighting their own battle & EVERY person is UNIque & EVERY person you encounter is a child of God. There are things that you might do better than me. There are things that I might do better than you, BUT that does not make any one person MORE important than the other. It takes ALL of us to ACCOMPLISH God's plan...or we wouldn't be here.
The devil & his army are ever-present & you better believe he will use whatever & whomever he can, when he can, and how he can. So we (myself included) have to remember when, that anger & negative emotion starts rising up to ASK GOD to cast the devil's ploys FAR away from you & the person you are harboring anger toward. Ask Him for EXACTLY what you want. My prayer for this particular person is: "God please shine your LIGHT on our relationship. Help condition both of our hearts to UNDERSTAND each other & MEND the broken parts of our relationship. Cause us to LOVE each other, just the way we are & APPRECIATE each other for the GOOD you put in us. Put a wall around our relationship that the devil can not enter. Let the whispers that form our thoughts ONLY come from YOU Lord God & BLESS us, so we can bless others. Amen." WE HAVE TO PRAY FOR OTHERS. People's level of understanding differs on...pretty much everything. We NEED each other to make it through. This prayer may not "fix" all my problems in this relationship, but it will STOP the devil in his tracks. We'll have to work through what hurt has already been done, BUT everything that builds from this point forward, will be God's work & not the devil's.
Another side note that I have observed since finishing this book & since typing out the prayer of protection (which I never SPOKE out loud until just a few minutes ago). We can KNOW what needs to be done, but we have to DO IT. That's it. Let me tell you the peace & the "Jesus-moment" I had on that run I will remember forever...BUT do you think I have CONSTANTLY practiced that, since.....NO. WE HAVE TO HAVE OTHERS TO CONTINUE TO URGE US ON. My close friends KNOW that I have asked them to check me, if I need checking. Straighten me out!! We have been conditioned from a young age to see & think & act certain ways. There is a lot that is subconscious.
Let me give you an example. A VERY much God-fearin' woman took her children out to eat. She studies the Bible, ministers to people, & is devoted to serving others. She sits down & says "Okay let's say the blessing." Her 3 year old says "Mom, we can't pray HERE." She's taken aback & she grabs her little one's hand & says "Well we sure can!" & they do. Her thoughts went to: What have WE done (in the past 3 years) to make my sweet baby feel like it is unacceptable to say GRACE over our food in certain places?
SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW! They don't know HOW. They don't know WHY. This chapter also says: "Once we know the truth he expects us to share it with others." It is our duty!! Once you know....you are held responsible. Chew on that one for a minute. It makes things mean SO MUCH MORE..I'm sure.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! We have to TELL it! We have to LEARN it! We have to SHARE it! We have to PRACTICE it! We have to KEEP REMINDING EACH OTHER about our obligations!!
May GOD BLESS you on your journey! JOIN our trail ride & ride along with Jesus!!
So beautiful Heather! And so true! thank you for sharing with me!