This chapter does a FANTASTIC job of breaking it down to how we can bullet point all the important parts of our life message...thus far. Like I've said before...These chapters are chalked full of SO much good information, so PLEASE read it....really read it. My plan is to go through Pastor Warren's bullet points & SHARE my experiences.
First of all:
"Your Life Message has four parts to it:
-Your testimony: the story of how you began a relationship with Jesus.
-Your life lessons: the most important lessons God has taught you.
-Your godly passions: the issues God shaped you to care about most.
-The Good News: the message of salvation. "
Keep that in mind as we go through this. Here are a few other quotes from the book to help put the IMPORTANCE of this into perspective.
"There is no other story just like yours, so only you can share it."
"Actually, your personal testimony is more effective than a sermon, because unbelievers see pastors as professional salesmen, but see you as a 'satisfied customer,' so they give you more credibility."
"Shared stories build a relational bridge that Jesus can walk across from your heart to theirs."
"The Bible says, 'A warning given by an experienced person to someone willing to listen is more valuable made of the finest gold.'"
The book challenges you to WRITE OUT your testimony & KNOW the key points of it, by asking these four points: (I'll answer with MY answers.)
"1. What my life was like before I met Jesus." - confusing & a little chaotic
"2. How I realized I needed Jesus." - I had questions and issues and concerns that either no one could help me with, no one knew how to help me, no one wanted to help me, or I wasn't comfortable talking to anyone about them.
"3. How I committed my life to Jesus" - I stepped out in FAITH that what I was being taught by my family & my church about Jesus was TRUE. I prayed a very long & personal prayer to him & ASKED him to walk my walk with me. Help me to feel his presence when I was afraid, confused, aggravated, mad, etc. & to HELP me.
"4. The difference Jesus has made in my life" - ALL the difference. I would NEVER be as successful as I am, in the different areas of my life, if it wasn't for Him. I was LOST & felt no other option, but to TRUST that he could lead me in the right direction.
The book also asks you to make a list of your LIFE LESSONS, by answering several questions. So, here goes....
"What has God taught me from failure?" - God has taught me that there is another side to a failure. WHATEVER you are going will get through it & be ALIVE. Then YOU will have a CHOICE....a choice to move forward from it & learn from it & apply it in your life OR let it define you & make you stagnant. I gave the best advice I think I've ever given someone, the other day: "If you KNOW what you are supposed to do, then you have two choices: 1) Do it...even if it is'll live through it OR 2) Give in."
"What has God taught me from a lack of money?" - I smile as I type this...because...BOY, has he taught me some things.... He's taught me that he will provide just what we need &, if we slow down to look at everything around us...we will figure it out on our own. He's also taught me how to HONOR our hard work & be less frivolous with our money. Probably the biggest thing he's taught me is's really all God's money. I CAN'T serve God & money. So how do we take this massive value off MONEY & what we do with it & how much we lose & how we compare each other based on how much each other has?? Realize that it is ALL God's money. It's kinda like playing monopoly & we spend our money, based on the circumstances at hand, we use what we are given to do the best we can.... In real life...not Monopoly life we aren't all give the same amount, but we are given enough...for whatever our mission is. Our MAIN focus is supposed to be SHARING THE GOOD NEWS...using the GIFTS, TALENTS, & SKILLS God has given us. So...if you use your money to do things that are God's'll ALWAYS be taken care of.
"What has God taught me from pain or sorrow or depression?" That Jesus has walked through EVERYTHING we have walked through or may walk through & has given us stories in the Bible to show us. If we can't identify ourselves with Jesus's walk there are numerous saints, disciples, & people of the Bible that we can. Not only that...but, lately, I've learned how foolish I am for thinking that I am ALONE and that no one else has ever experienced the kinds of feelings I am, at ANY given time. We HAVE to share our stories with others, because you never know when you are helping a COMPLETE STRANGER.
"What has God taught me through waiting?" He's taught me patience....& is still teaching me :). He's taught me to PAUSE & LOOK AROUND. He's taught me to slow my hurry & look for what he's trying to show me. He's taught me that its all about His plan & not mine.
"What has God taught me through illness?" - I have to go back to when we realized that my Dad had went into a diabetic coma, later to find out that he needed a liver transplant, how much it was going to cost, the potential prognosis, & everything that happened after that. Through that ENTIRE experience I learned the IMMENSE importance of our web of relationships and connections. I realized how DEPENDENT we were on the open hearts of other people. I experienced REAL personal criticism, from people we had thought were our friends. I experienced GRACE when I was able to talk to those people in a humble & honest way & move past it. He used that experience to pull my family closer together & allow each member of my family to see areas of WORTH...we hadn't paid attention to before. He taught me that people's hearts are GOOD...when COMPLETE STRANGERS started showing up with auction items & bidding on things at auction. Most of all...maybe...he taught me that, when people work together for the good of one...the illness can be overcome. The goal can be reached. The effort is not for naught. That it matters. That we all matter & that he works through EVERY situation...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Thought I'd share a couple souvenirs from our efforts: Pretty rad koozie to keep our beverages of choice cool. |
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My Belt Buckle for winning the Jackpot class: Good for holdin' my pants up, while I'm flyin' by the seat of my pants. |
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Seein' my Daddy covered up with his grand babies (with his one & only right by his side) EIGHT years later....PRICELESS. |
"What has God taught me from disappointment?" - He's taught me to look for the lesson. Look for the opening. Look for the purpose. He's taught me (over time) that He has a better plan. He's taught me that I am worthy. He's taught me that you get through it & that there is MORE on the other side of the disappointment. He's taught me how to focus on me & not necessarily my expectations of others. He's taught me to KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
"What have I learned from my family, my church, my relationships, my small group, and my critics?" - Boy...that's a loaded question. I've learned from my family many things to do & not to do. I've learned about LOVE & loyalty. I've learned about disappointment & moving forward. I've learned to NEVER give up....& (over time) the right times to give in to certain things. I've learned about pride, jealousy, hard-work, some of my talents, communication skills of people of all ages, & SO MUCH MORE. I've learned to appreciate BOTH the negatives & the positives & I've learned how to accept people that think so differently from one another. From my church: I've learned A LOT about The Holy Trinity. I've learned about Mother Mary, the disciples, the saints... I've learned about the importance of baptism, confirmation, communion, marriage & other sacraments. I've learned prayers & stories & songs that all remind me that I am NEVER alone. From my relationships: What I'm good at & not good at. Areas where I need to grow & areas where I need to help others grow. I've developed more of a servant's heart. I've learned the importance of communication & showing affection & spending time together & acknowledging whatever the other is thinking, whether you agree or not. I've learned & taught about RESPECT. I've learned that, when you work as a team, the results are way BETTER, than goin' it alone or without the help and advice of the other. What have I learned from my small groups: (I've been a part of all kinds) I've learned communication is KEY & communication that is open & objective....TOTALLY. I've learned of the importance of getting groups of people together that have different talents & strengths, but are still able to communicate openly & effectively. I've learned when the leadership is weak the group crumbles & when it is strong it flourishes. I've learned the different ways & reasons people make the decisions they make. I've learned that people put importance on things different from me & I've been able to see things from other viewpoints. I've seen the importance of having a PURPOSE to everything you do & if you don' may as well not do it. I've learned that if I don't know...I NEED to ask & that there is ALWAYS someone that will have the answer. I've learned to work with people I trust & I've learned how to decrease the static. I've learned when to say no, yes, & maybe. From my critics.....I've learned to look at the criticisms from my critics as windows for areas of growth (THAT TOOK ME A WHILE & I STILL HAVE TO WORK ON IT). I've realized that I don't have to have answers for them right away. I've learned that I don't work to make THEM happy. I've realized A LOT about EGOS (mine, theirs, others). I've learned that when people criticize you....they are usually bringing light to some flaw they see in themselves. I've learned that people that criticize you have a real hard time doing it to your face...which is another weakness of theirs. I've learned that to criticize...instead of encourage is their choice & the ONLY way to combat the negativity is to ENCOURAGE the individual(s) to be open & honest & direct to whomever they are criticizing. I've learned the POWER of critics & the instant ability they hold in STEALING JOY from others. You can have 1000 people toot your horn & sing your praises, but as soon as you have that ONE person that hits you in an area (that you already feel weakness in) they can bring you to your knees. For ME: the best way to combat that power is to SURROUND yourself with GOD'S PEOPLE that can help you, encourage you, & give you the ability to learn from their experiences....& to do LOTS of PRAYING....and work on yourself to flush out those areas of NOTHING can prey on them.
Here's a few more important quotes from this chapter:
Talking about your life message: "Whatever it is, you will feel compelled to speak up about it and do what you can to make a difference."
"God uses passionate people to further his kingdom."
"You should not expect everyone else to be passionate about your passion."
If you aren't CERTAIN what "The Good News" is: "'The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself - that it begins and ends with faith.' 'For God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others.'"
"Most important, you must learn to love lost people the way God does."
"We must care about unbelievers because God does."
"If you've been afraid to share the Good News with those around you, ask God to fill your heart with his love for them."
"The eternal salvation of a single soul is more important than anything else you will ever achieve in life."
Here's the DAILY stuff:
"Point to Ponder: God wants to say something to the world through me."
Daily Bible Verse: "Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15B (TEV)
Daily Question: "As I reflect on my personal story, who does God want me to share it with?
From My Journal: I think God wants me to share it to anyone who will listen. That is why I feel compelled to have a radio show, keep blogging & sharing my story, video blog, say a prayer or say a message at my auctions. I struggle with the struggle of me looking like I (just) want the attention and God calling me and conditioning me for it. Believe me...I know because I'd love to be in comfy clothes & no make-up everyday, but that will not spread this word. (I wrote this entry after just coming off a criticism...maybe a perceived criticism. I KNOW that I feel like I am being CALLED to share my experiences with others, because there have been numerous times that I wouldn't have minded the easier road. However, someone else gave their two-cents worth to someone about me enjoying the spotlight. I'm not drudging around unhappy about it, but if I didn't feel CALLED to do it, I'd go get my spotlight elsewhere.)
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! Kick the critics.....I mean...not literally. Just find you some ENCOURAGERS to surround yourself with & SHARE your story. Jesus left it ALL on the cross, the least we can do is SHARE our message.
God Bless!
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