Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Places God Puts You

Let me tell you.... Sometimes I wake up in the mornings, go to work, & wonder "What the heck am I doing?"

I can honestly say that I NEVER saw myself doing or SEEING some of the things I have seen. I have been working as a Marketing Liaison for a skilled nursing facility since February. I THOUGHT I might have some idea of what the job would entail, but...come to find out....not really.

I mean....I like it. I am learning a WHOLE lot....about the industry & MYSELF. For example....I used to think I was maybe a little pessimistic... NEGATIVE. I am about as optimistic as they come. Total reality check. I might be a little bit of a hypochondriac......maybe. Maybe it's temporary & maybe it comes with the territory & bein' in hospitals all the time, but I'm thinkin' one of the local docs might think I've gone a little koo koo.

So it may help to enlighten you on what some of my job responsibilities are. Ultimately it is to sell our business to prospects in the community that need the skilled nursing services that my facility can provide. However, that is a TOTAL understatement. Since I have been there I have assessed patients of all kinds, (with nursing assistance) with VERY different needs, complex personalities, & dealt with families in a capacity I never thought I would. I have learned a lot about Qualified Income Trusts, Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care Insurances, & the qualifications & guidelines that go with them. I have learned the process in how patients are referred to the next level of health care, whether that be skilled nursing, home health, hospice...& the differences of all of them. I have learned to APPRECIATE health care professionals & the ELDERLY on a whole different level than I did before. I have been forced to face what most see as the harsh reality...but what is simply the cycle of life. I have sat with family members explaining to their loved one, for the first time, that they are incapable of adequately caring for them & that nursing home placement will be good for everyone. I have also seen those types of individuals adapt & prosper socially, in comparison from their previous situation. I have also had to sit with families & patients & tell them they do not meet certain requirements set forth by their payer/potential payer source. Praise God that I am able to guide them to people that will help. I have gotten to meet & learned to know some extremely wonderful, talented, hard-working, educated residents.

I can say...I DON'T KNOW WHY (exactly) THE GOOD LORD PUT ME HERE, BUT THERE IS A PURPOSE. What that purpose is....I'm figurin' out. Until then (I can already tell) it is going to be one heck of a journey. I know I'm meant to touch the lives of the people I encounter, but its more than that. I have seriously experienced some of the strangest emotions I ever have. To name a few: the finality of life on Earth & the affirmation that it is completely beyond our control; this sudden feeling of being overheated & breaking into a cold sweat...all at the same time (probably because of the things I see or the reactions of family members); & the complexity of the human mind & the amount of importance certain people place on certain things. Whatever the GOOD LORD has in store for me...I can tell ya - is a HUMDINGER.

I had a situation that happened a few weeks back that made me: 1) Ask myself...Whaaaat the Heeeck am I doin'? & 2) Know that, without a doubt, I was supposed to be in that very situation for a reason that I may never REALLY know.

I had to go assess a patient at another facility, that wanted to move to a different city. When I say assess I mean make sure that they meet medical necessity to qualify for Medicaid in a nursing home. So I go in. I'm taken to the top floor & I go in with the social worker to meet this fella. So the first thing I notice is..............
PLAYBOY CENTERFOLDS all over the walls....... I am not joking...... I keep my distance & just start asking the questions I need to & opening dialogue making a note that I DEFINITELY NEED TO ASK THE SOCIAL WORKER ABOUT HIS BEHAVIORS. Then he says to me: "I guess you saw what I posted on my bathroom door." I just look at him blankly for a bit & say: "No. Actually I didn't." Then I slowly make my way over there (considering just walking right past & running for the hills) & take a look. I'm sure you are all wondering what it said. I'll be honest....I don't even want to type it.....

There it was, posted on white notebook paper in red ink(???): "Worship Satan 666 & a Mantra of Principles." I take a deep breath. I ask Jesus to help me & I turn around and go back in & just look at him. His words: "Those aren't actually my beliefs, but I don't like people forcing theirs on me." Hmmmm.... Really?

Our Dialogue:
Me: "How have others tried to force it on you?"
Him: "They bring me stuff & want to come in and pray with me & I just want to be left alone."
Me: "Have you told them that?"
Him: "Yes, but someone new comes in."
Me: "Have you ever thought about how you are forcing your thoughts & beliefs on someone by posting something like that?"
Him: "Well, I can tell you it happens a lot less often now & if they are going to force their beliefs on me than they will have to see that."
Me: "Well, I am a Christian & I don't understand why you would post something like that if you don't believe it or why you would not be offering the same sort of respect to others that you are asking not force beliefs on them."

We continued to discuss how he was not being respected & that was his way of shielding himself from things he did not want to hear & I continued to try & explain to him how he subjected me, as well as any other person (that never tried to push anything on him at all) to this form of beliefs that "aren't actually his beliefs."

Honestly.....I don't know that I got anywhere with him. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. He is a very sick man & we all should remember that the devil will find any opportunity he can. I believe it could have made a slight difference in his life, BUT it made a significant difference in mine.

We as Christians have to be able to look the devil straight in the face, pray for God's divine grace, then turn around & interject any piece of the gospel or good morals or common decency that we can right back in his face. It isn't to preach to someone and tell them how they ought to live. It is to remind yourself of your commitment to Jesus & at least say something in his defense. It is the least we can do. 

Our entire conversation NEVER got heated. In was laid back open dialogue. This man wanted to come to our facility, but we could not say with certainty that he met the requirements needed & some of his behaviors had the potential to put other residents at risk.

May GOD bless that man & may we all pray for the weak, the sick, the confused....

BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! He will put you to work in the most subtle of ways & use you as his disciple whether you want to be there or not.

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