Well...she gave me this Bible and it sat on my table for at least a week and a half. Finally, one day I went to it. I was gearin' myself up to have one of those HARD conversations & I needed MORE than what this book & my devotional could give me. I opened up the Bible & the heading in the text was about dealing with anger. It drew me in. Then over the next couple days I continued to do that (I know many people will tell you that is NOT the best way to read & understand The Bible.) I kept feeling myself DRAWN into it. Now I feel drawn to the book of Matthew & it will be the first WHOLE chapter I finish since I started reading it again. Just now as I was TRYING to find what book of the Bible I was in that talked about dealing with anger I was again...DRAWN to Hebrews Chapter 11, which talks about remembering the heroes of faith. I NEEDED to read that. I NEEDED to hear the multiple stories of God's disciples that walked out in NOTHING BUT FAITH...even when it didn't makes sense...AT ALL...to do it.
I re-read the chapter & had all kinds of bullet points on what would be a good idea to share with you, but I think I'll end this way. When you start walking out into faith, asking for a relationship with God, calling upon The Holy Spirit & having FAITH that help is coming...you will see changes. You will start feeling NATURAL tugs. I had some natural tuggin' goin' on when I finally opened up my new Bible.Once you start surrendering yourself, He will REVEAL more to you.
Two of my favorite things from this chapter: "Decide that regardless of culture, tradition, reason, or emotion, you choose the Bible as your final authority." & "Daily Bible reading will keep you in range of God's voice." This chapter also discusses the importance of sharing our journey with others...our thoughts...our concerns...our experiences.... That is why I ENCOURAGE you to SHARE whatever it is you are thinking about these posts. It will help us all GROW more.
"Point to Ponder: The truth transforms me."
Daily Bible Verse: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32 (KJV)
Daily Question: "What has God already told me in his Word that I haven't started doing yet?"
From my journal after reading the first time: 1-Completely trusting Him and letting go of worry: I can tell I'm getting better, BUT when worldly pressures come down - the anxiety comes back. (THIS has gotten EXTREMELY better since the first time I read this chapter.) 2 - Reading the Bible cover to cover. (Working on that & have some guidance that has been working for me.) 3 - Learning more - specifically about my church. 4 - I started forgiving people on "my list," but I have not started forgiving each one: Some I need to forgive & some I need to ask for forgiveness. (I've talked to MOST everyone on "my list," but haven't talked to everyone yet.)
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus. If you don't have one, go get you a BIBLE. It'll be the best readin' material, road map, & instruction manual you'll EVER find. God Bless!
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