I'm tellin' you.... Pastor Rick Warren's writing is on the same rhythm as my thinking....almost always... It amazes me sometimes.
Today The Daniel Plan Journal talks about sleep restoration & how our sleeping habits are linked to our eating habits.
So last night I got the most sleep I've gotten in a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time. I mean...the most sleep I usually get is 6 hours...and that is the most. Last night...I got 7 1/2 hours of sleep! I felt AMAZING today. I actually had a moment of.. "Is everything okay? I mean....should I have this much energy?" How ridiculous is that? I mean really?! I mean for once I have felt TOTALLY rested ALL day, the only food I've put in my body is GOOD food & water (which I really should have drank more of) & man....had laser beam focus. So much so, that I almost shocked myself with it. This is what our "normal" is supposed to feel like. I mean...I had gotten to a point where EXHAUSTED, HUNGRY, & ACHY were "normal" for me. I found a way to randomly exercise for over 45 minutes today & exercised at almost any in between time I had. Ya'll!!! That NEVER happens. Not only that, but I made PROGRESS in ALL the areas where I need to & further progress than what I'm used to getting done. I am convinced that the BAD food we put into our bodies, blocks stuff up in our brains. I'm sure there is a fancier, more educated sounding way to say that...but ultimately....it muddies the waters.
The Daniel Plan Journal was discussing how....people tend to run to carbs and caffeine, & sugar to boost our energy, which only makes us crash harder...later. GUILTY! Totally me before I started the 24-day challenge.
"Matthew 11:28-29 says, 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.' What longings stir in you when you read Jesus' invitation to rest?"
My answer: I long for a routine that allows just the right progress needed to carry out God's mission for my life, in his timing - with clear focus and joy.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! He is giving me all that I'm asking him for. I NEVER know what it is going to look like, but He gets me there! God Bless!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Before I get goin' on what I've got to say today...I want to share some info & ENCOURAGEMENT for the people starting a challenge on Monday. This is easier if you can get someone to do this with you. It has been VERY helpful to me to have a couple people I call/text and ask and/or share things with.
With the SPARK...I used 10 ounces of water instead of 8, because I can't handle REAL sweet stuff. 10 ounces makes it perfect & Strawberry Mango is my favorite. If you haven't ordered your stuff yet....get the Peaches & Cream Fiber Drink...It was delish & I had no trouble drinking it, but I had friends that weren't crazy about the other flavors. On the shakes....I add ice, so I put less water than what it calls for, so it doesn't taste watered down. When you do them right...they taste pretty good. My favorites: Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, & Berry.
Also...if you aren't used to cooking healthy. Cook A LOT of healthy food, so all you have to do is warm it up during the week and you don't have to think so hard.
I did not feel the ENERGY other people were feeling from the Spark right away, which concerned me, but once I got MORE sleep I TOTALLY did. Also...if you are sensitive to caffine....(which I didn't think I was..but am....) don't drink a second Spark right before bed....even though I was tired... I couldn't shut it off. I like to have my second (if I feel like I need one) no later than 4:30. It'll be different for everyone, but maybe this will help some of you. Here's the link to where you can order things (CLICK HERE), BUT if you decide to do this PLEASE call or message Ashley Farris...my coach: ashley_farris@hotmail.com or 979.966.3372.
Here is the coolest thing from The Daniel Plan Journal from yesterday. My answers are based on the 24-Day Advocare Challenge & the OVERALL get healthy journey I'm on.
"Write down some of the mistakes or setbacks you have had so far on your journey toward better health. Use just one or two words to identify them. Then write 'NO CONDEMNATION' next to each entry on the list. Pray through the list, and thank God that you are forgiven and that he goes before you."
Here are mine :):
Ate more carbs than recommended. NO CONDEMNATION
Skipped snacks. NO CONDEMNATION
Skipped supplements. NO CONDEMNATION
Questioned plan. NO CONDEMNATION
"God doesn't expect us to be perfect. In fact, he uses our failures to show us that we need him and to drive us into his arms of grace. ... This means that no matter how bad you blow it in life or on The Daniel Plan, God will never condemn you." - The Daniel Plan Journal
With the SPARK...I used 10 ounces of water instead of 8, because I can't handle REAL sweet stuff. 10 ounces makes it perfect & Strawberry Mango is my favorite. If you haven't ordered your stuff yet....get the Peaches & Cream Fiber Drink...It was delish & I had no trouble drinking it, but I had friends that weren't crazy about the other flavors. On the shakes....I add ice, so I put less water than what it calls for, so it doesn't taste watered down. When you do them right...they taste pretty good. My favorites: Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, & Berry.
Also...if you aren't used to cooking healthy. Cook A LOT of healthy food, so all you have to do is warm it up during the week and you don't have to think so hard.
I did not feel the ENERGY other people were feeling from the Spark right away, which concerned me, but once I got MORE sleep I TOTALLY did. Also...if you are sensitive to caffine....(which I didn't think I was..but am....) don't drink a second Spark right before bed....even though I was tired... I couldn't shut it off. I like to have my second (if I feel like I need one) no later than 4:30. It'll be different for everyone, but maybe this will help some of you. Here's the link to where you can order things (CLICK HERE), BUT if you decide to do this PLEASE call or message Ashley Farris...my coach: ashley_farris@hotmail.com or 979.966.3372.
Here is the coolest thing from The Daniel Plan Journal from yesterday. My answers are based on the 24-Day Advocare Challenge & the OVERALL get healthy journey I'm on.
"Write down some of the mistakes or setbacks you have had so far on your journey toward better health. Use just one or two words to identify them. Then write 'NO CONDEMNATION' next to each entry on the list. Pray through the list, and thank God that you are forgiven and that he goes before you."
Here are mine :):
Ate more carbs than recommended. NO CONDEMNATION
Skipped snacks. NO CONDEMNATION
Skipped supplements. NO CONDEMNATION
Questioned plan. NO CONDEMNATION
"God doesn't expect us to be perfect. In fact, he uses our failures to show us that we need him and to drive us into his arms of grace. ... This means that no matter how bad you blow it in life or on The Daniel Plan, God will never condemn you." - The Daniel Plan Journal
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Hey! Hey! So, It's been a BuSy couple of days. Switching phases on this 24-day challenge threw me for a loop... a little, but you MUST know that I have A LOT going on & sometimes implementing new things throws my mind on overload....plus following through on other obligations & having a few road blocks suddenly appear, just detours me.
Well....the responses that we have received over the last several days...honestly....made me feel so blessed that I could somehow ENCOURAGE others to try and implement a healthier lifestyle & also made me feel a sense of responsibility to REALLY keep making an effort. Believe me....when I felt all over the place the last couple days....I just wanted to grab something fast. I didn't want to think about anything more than what I had to, BUT....I made the effort & I am REALLY thankful for my friends & my friend/coach....because a lifestyle change just ain't easy.
In fact...without that SUPPORT - I would have derailed. I see SO much VALUE in it, that I made the decision to become an Advocare Distributor. It will allow me to continue using the vitamins and supplements that my body POSITIVELY responds to & serve as a resource for people that WANT to know more. It also creates more REGULAR conversation about my health and fitness & the goals that I'd love to achieve one day. Not to mention... I...all of a sudden....found myself in this role as an ENCOURAGER....just by sharing my journey & realized that I NEEDED guidance & support to stick with it & to allow myself to be educated....just by being a part of something that has already made me reach goals I didn't think I was made for.
I also know the key to that is a SOLID coach/friend/supporter that KNOWS the things I don't & KNOWS that things are possible that the normal person doesn't...like myself. I WANT to be that girl that didn't believe, tried anyway, to her surprise...succeeded, & can now ENCOURAGE others to do the same & not feel bad about it or like it's not my place b/c I don't know...
What you all don't know...that I find EXTREMELY interesting...is how God is connecting some dots. My friend/coach, Ashley, got her degree in Health & Fitness & has been working in this industry since before graduation. She's had her hands in all kinds of things, but her PASSION is in health and fitness. I don't even think you could question that, if you really spent some time talking to her. She's tried programs. She's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. She's worked with ALL kinds of people that have all kinds of different fitness goals, body types, CraZy schedules, lame excuses....you name it.
I've learned a thing or two in MY professional career & life. The biggest lesson is that, when you are trying to tackle something you know very little to nothing about and you want to make a change, you FIND people that know what they are doing. That is a common thread across the board: photographers, real estate agents, auctioneers that hold different specialties, production crews, tax services.....ANYTHING. As much as we'd like to be...we aren't good at everything. We are all given special and unique skills and interests that allow us to carry out the PURPOSE God put us on this earth to do.
She was in a place where she was trying to "figure things out" & she just couldn't let go of Advocare. I mean...I had talked to her a couple times URGING her to go in a direction that I thought made more sense.... She's not programmed like me though.... It doesn't work that way. Sometimes we have to TRUST our gut. We have to follow, what others don't get.
So here are my take-aways from The Daniel Plan Journal over the last several days:
"God wants you to 'use your head - and heart! to discern what is right, to test what is authentically right.'" - John 7:24 MSG)
In short discussion of the book One Word That Will Change Your Life - which discusses how focusing on one word for a year can change your life Pastor Warren urges us to choose a word that will motivate us in our FITNESS goals. Mine is "DO." KSBJ (Christian radio station) ENCOURAGED listeners to choose a word to focus on & my word for the year is RELEASE.
Something I found interesting, while journaling, is that; when asked what makes it difficult for me to shift my focus to God; my answer was...feeling rushed. Who is making me feel rushed??? Myself.
"The problems of everyday life often tempt us to make unhealthy choices out of convenience or as a temporary fix for handling stress. But the truth is, problems will follow you the rest of your life. If you're waiting to deal with stress until you make it to a new stage in your life, you will be waiting a long time!"
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus.... If you have any questions or want to learn more about the 24-day challenge you can CLICK HERE or Email or Facebook Message Ashley Farris: ashley_farris @hotmail.com
Buck Up Baby & God Bless!! A new group of 24-Day Challengers is starting this coming Monday. If you're ready... go on with your bad self!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
So I'm just gonna skip right on ahead for ya'll! Today is day 11...the day after the Advocare cleanse. I went to bed last night....kind of exhausted...and a itty bitty bit bummed because I was expecting my typical results from trying to eat a little healthier & exercising....you know lose 3 pounds initially and gain one back....while your husband loses 15.
So I get up this morning....get on the scale...& do a double-take, look back at my initial weight...step off the scale & step back on....DOWN 8 POUNDS....with NO exercise. I'm on the phone with Ashley my coach/long-time friend askin': "When are you comin' to get my measurements?" That scale made me pay attention....Down 8.75 inches....2 in my waist alone. So then I think to myself...I'm pretty happy where I'm at. I can't wait to see what Day 24 looks like, but didn't really think people would be able to notice yet.
I called an auction for the Red HOT Round Top Chili Cook-Off that benefits the Round Top Family Library. I had more people commenting on my appearance than normal: "What are you doing? You look great." "Heather, your always beautiful, but you look really good today." "You are just radiating!" "Have you lost weight?" Yes PEOPLE! YES! All those things because I'm eating healthier and am on the Advocare 24-day challenge! Obviously I had some room for improvement. Apologies for tootin' my own horn a little bit here... It will still be a challenge for me to stick with it, but man..... I mean...I wasn't prepared for all that, but I WILL TAKE IT!! It makes it quite encouraging to keep going!!
Below are my results so far & I'm also sharing the results of 2 other friends that are doing the challenge right now also.
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8 lbs. - 8.75 inches down. |
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3 lbs - 10 inches down. |
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6.4lbs - not sure on inches. |
What Essentials have you been focusing on, and why?: Food - because I was unhealthy eater overall & the Advocare Plan pushes you to change that.
What progress have you made?: (My results listed above).
Is something still standing in your way? If so, what will you do differently to overcome it?: I need to work on better fitness, so I'll do that.
What is something new you have learned about yourself?: I can do this!
Based on what you have learned, what will you change next week?: More exercise
Already achieved your goals? Congratulations! It's time to set some new goals: Lose 20 more pounds.
What is a new Essential(s) to focus on for the next 10 days?: FITNESS
Now set your SMART Goals & share them with a friend!: AT LEAST: 50 jumping jacks a day, 50 sit ups, & arm workouts with weights
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! He WILL get you to your better self!! God Bless!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Something The Daniel Plan Journal said today was: "our brains aren't computers; they can't run different programs simultaneously." I'm pretty sure I operate thinking they can. I'm serious. You can probably ask almost anyone that talks to me even, semi-regularly....I TOGGLE back & forth and too & fro from "one program" to the next. Then I wonder why I lose my train of thought.... I mean... Here's a screenshot of me... RIGHT NOW. I've got LOTS of programs running.
This journal entry tells us how important it is for us to learn to FOCUS & be MINDFUL of what we are putting into our body....& I have learned....that NEEDS to carry over in ALL aspects of your life for you to get any real PURPOSEFUL success out of them. I bet it EXHAUSTS some of you...just looking at this picture.
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That is 13 programs & 2 images. I'm OBVIOUSLY not working on ALL of them right now... |
This journal entry tells us how important it is for us to learn to FOCUS & be MINDFUL of what we are putting into our body....& I have learned....that NEEDS to carry over in ALL aspects of your life for you to get any real PURPOSEFUL success out of them. I bet it EXHAUSTS some of you...just looking at this picture.
Surprisingly (all those programs open or not) I have learned to hone focus in some areas of my life. I have to REMIND myself quite regularly, but....BIG strides from where I used to be, Now...I just have to work on my FOCUS on what I put in my body...
Today I had a lunch meeting....at a MEXICAN Restaurant of all places & I TOTALLY stuck it! I ordered chicken fajitas for one, told them to keep the tortillas & ate grilled chicken strips and onions and peppers...right off the skillet. It was pretty stinkin' good honestly. It probably helped that I finished my meal replacement shake (that was supposed to be for breakfast) like... 30 minutes before I got there. It's tough for me to get those down. In fact...I felt like I consumed SO MUCH stuff before 2:00 that I didn't have room for much more....and I skipped a snack (between breakfast and lunch). I am looking forward to life after this cleanse...just to see how I'll actually be when I don't have a guideline of what to do.
My prayer for everyone (including myself) tonight is: Dear Heavenly Father, Allow The Holy Spirit to guide us to a more focused, mindful, and purposeful life. We are here to do the work of Christ Jesus, using the gifts and talents you've given us. Help us to FOCUS as much of our energy on that....in all areas of our lives. We can not do it without your DIVINE guidance. Thank you. I ask this in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
I can't believe it is the 8th day!!! For reals! Today The Daniel Plan Journal talks about FITNESS. I had every intention of doing minimal stuff from the beginning & then when my little boy got the flu...it just wasn't gonna happen, because when Little Man slept...he was sleeping on me & would wake at most slight movements. I know I need to add some FITNESS to get the most out of both the 24-Day Advocare Challenge and The Daniel Plan. Pretty funny how I'm randomly urged by another friend today, to join her kid-friendly fit club here in town. Funny how things work out... I probably still can't go right away, but now I have a REALLY close-to-home option that has a SAFE environment for kids. Can't beat that.
I don't really have a lot to write about today. I have my moments where I miss MORE FLAVOR. It has a lot to do with me NOT knowing how to add HEALTHY flavor to my cooking - which then takes me to a little point of frustration, but I've been good at channeling it & thinking about how much better it is for all of us. I'm trying to be PATIENT with myself - knowing that EVENTUALLY I'll LEARN how to make things taste better with healthy ingredients. My hubs has been pretty patient....usually eating the same food I am & some days it's just better than others.
To ALL those people that have been supporting me & those that are in my circle to ENCOURAGE...
IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. Just TRY to make it better than it was the day before. If you keep doing that...you'll be making little changes that turn into big changes.
Hmmm....I just glanced back my journal & this is something interesting that I will share. Back when BUCKET LISTS were the new rave...I made one & on it was: "To run a FULL marathon." Well...since then...it's went from a FULL to a 1/2, to a 10K, to a 5K. Now I know that I should start at, where I have now brought myself. However, it was interesting to me that I shot BIG...knowing it was possible & slowly, but surely I've let the zest for it dwindle down a bit. Interesting how that faded... The question from the journal was: "What is your Big Fitness Dream?"
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! God Bless!
I don't really have a lot to write about today. I have my moments where I miss MORE FLAVOR. It has a lot to do with me NOT knowing how to add HEALTHY flavor to my cooking - which then takes me to a little point of frustration, but I've been good at channeling it & thinking about how much better it is for all of us. I'm trying to be PATIENT with myself - knowing that EVENTUALLY I'll LEARN how to make things taste better with healthy ingredients. My hubs has been pretty patient....usually eating the same food I am & some days it's just better than others.
To ALL those people that have been supporting me & those that are in my circle to ENCOURAGE...
IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. Just TRY to make it better than it was the day before. If you keep doing that...you'll be making little changes that turn into big changes.
Hmmm....I just glanced back my journal & this is something interesting that I will share. Back when BUCKET LISTS were the new rave...I made one & on it was: "To run a FULL marathon." Well...since then...it's went from a FULL to a 1/2, to a 10K, to a 5K. Now I know that I should start at, where I have now brought myself. However, it was interesting to me that I shot BIG...knowing it was possible & slowly, but surely I've let the zest for it dwindle down a bit. Interesting how that faded... The question from the journal was: "What is your Big Fitness Dream?"
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! God Bless!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Today was a different kind of day. I had to go to Austin for a training. I had originally planned to meet some people for lunch, but I was running a little behind and wasn't positive where I was going. So...I had lunch in my car. LUCKILY I planned ahead in case that happened, so I didn't have to either:
A) Hunt for a place I could find something healthy & probably be late OR
B) Not eat & then me SO hungry I could barely stand it.
Now...I was movin' when I walked out the door & had to b\pack enough for a couple snacks too, so it was not the most delicious lunch: Planters NUTrition Heary Healthy Mix, jalapeno cheese stick, and some sun-dried tomatoes. Sometimes...you gotta work with what you got. I brought a banana along for snack. The fam was getting ready to eat supper when I called, so I thought...CRAP. I'm HUNGRY & what am I going to find. So I thought......Taco Bell! They have a Fresca Menu.....negative. No wheat tortillas & I totally could not even see the Fresa menu on the drive-thru (at least the one I was at), so I found the nearest Subway & got me a small sandwich. So I did it. Ate healthy, on the go. PREPARATION is the key to making this whole thing easier....just gotta get there.
Today The Daniel Plan Journal urges us to throw out anything in our fridge or pantry that has ingredients that we do not recognize as food. (I wish I knew how to insert a smiley face here with those HUGE eyes). We got a lotta stuff that oughta go. We've got some Little Debbie, some SPAM, some Manwich, some Ramen.... I'm tellin' ya... It ain't lookin' good in there, BUT we didn't buy any of that the last two times we went grocery shopping & after reading a few articles, some of that food is going straight into the trash. Seriously... The Food Chapter is long in The Daniel Plan, but totally worth reading - just so you can see how much certain foods can help you & how others work against you.
Since I have one sick little one & my allergies were bothering me the other day, I've been trying to drink all the recommendations for Spark & add the Rehydrate, that are part of the Advocare plan...mainly to get more vitamins in my body that can fight away the flu. Well...I have to tell you... Since I've been eating better food & drinking drinks with vitamins in them and not sugars my clarity was for real. I'll sit through training classes & about 30 minutes in: feel tired, have trouble focusing, not really listen & I was literally ALL-IN. The last time I remember being that vocal in a class was Mr. Chilton's English class at Blinn. I was asking WAY more questions than I normally do. I mean.....I learned a lot today & I know it was because of how engaged I was. Also....even though that lunch I had wasn't the most mouth-watering meal I've ever eaten...I was satisfied. So satisfied that I didn't really feel like I needed that banana, but they brought the cookies out & I just did my best to not even look at'm and ate it, so I wouldn't think about it. I really like those sweets. Now the BIG question for me is if I can REALLY continue this journey PAST the 40 days? I have HOPE that I can & enough FAITH to get me there...and the SUPPORT.
One question it asks us in the journal is: "How do you need to change your thinking so that your health is more important than your convenience?" My answer: Look at my body & my family members' bodies as long-term investments...& the most important ones at that.
I think everyone's answers will be different based on the way they think & visualize things. I get real caught up in the business tasks that I know need to get done, & learning the things that I want to know, so I can help my clients....BUT I'm learning fast...that I'm not helping anyone to my full potential, if I don't MAKE AN EFFORT to keep this vessel moving & keep it moving for as long as my body & The Good Lord will allow. The more you learn about how so many chronic conditions can be CURED by a better diet...the more you realize that the POWER is still in our hands. If we can't change our habits overnight, what makes us think doctors can change hundreds of people's habits, by putting a band-aid on it. They can treat us & they can even do miraculous things, but there are some things they wouldn't have to fix, if we didn't take ourselves there.
BUCK UP BABY & Ride With Jesus! He'll go with you as you open that pantry door & chunk it!
A) Hunt for a place I could find something healthy & probably be late OR
B) Not eat & then me SO hungry I could barely stand it.
Now...I was movin' when I walked out the door & had to b\pack enough for a couple snacks too, so it was not the most delicious lunch: Planters NUTrition Heary Healthy Mix, jalapeno cheese stick, and some sun-dried tomatoes. Sometimes...you gotta work with what you got. I brought a banana along for snack. The fam was getting ready to eat supper when I called, so I thought...CRAP. I'm HUNGRY & what am I going to find. So I thought......Taco Bell! They have a Fresca Menu.....negative. No wheat tortillas & I totally could not even see the Fresa menu on the drive-thru (at least the one I was at), so I found the nearest Subway & got me a small sandwich. So I did it. Ate healthy, on the go. PREPARATION is the key to making this whole thing easier....just gotta get there.
Today The Daniel Plan Journal urges us to throw out anything in our fridge or pantry that has ingredients that we do not recognize as food. (I wish I knew how to insert a smiley face here with those HUGE eyes). We got a lotta stuff that oughta go. We've got some Little Debbie, some SPAM, some Manwich, some Ramen.... I'm tellin' ya... It ain't lookin' good in there, BUT we didn't buy any of that the last two times we went grocery shopping & after reading a few articles, some of that food is going straight into the trash. Seriously... The Food Chapter is long in The Daniel Plan, but totally worth reading - just so you can see how much certain foods can help you & how others work against you.
Since I have one sick little one & my allergies were bothering me the other day, I've been trying to drink all the recommendations for Spark & add the Rehydrate, that are part of the Advocare plan...mainly to get more vitamins in my body that can fight away the flu. Well...I have to tell you... Since I've been eating better food & drinking drinks with vitamins in them and not sugars my clarity was for real. I'll sit through training classes & about 30 minutes in: feel tired, have trouble focusing, not really listen & I was literally ALL-IN. The last time I remember being that vocal in a class was Mr. Chilton's English class at Blinn. I was asking WAY more questions than I normally do. I mean.....I learned a lot today & I know it was because of how engaged I was. Also....even though that lunch I had wasn't the most mouth-watering meal I've ever eaten...I was satisfied. So satisfied that I didn't really feel like I needed that banana, but they brought the cookies out & I just did my best to not even look at'm and ate it, so I wouldn't think about it. I really like those sweets. Now the BIG question for me is if I can REALLY continue this journey PAST the 40 days? I have HOPE that I can & enough FAITH to get me there...and the SUPPORT.
One question it asks us in the journal is: "How do you need to change your thinking so that your health is more important than your convenience?" My answer: Look at my body & my family members' bodies as long-term investments...& the most important ones at that.
I think everyone's answers will be different based on the way they think & visualize things. I get real caught up in the business tasks that I know need to get done, & learning the things that I want to know, so I can help my clients....BUT I'm learning fast...that I'm not helping anyone to my full potential, if I don't MAKE AN EFFORT to keep this vessel moving & keep it moving for as long as my body & The Good Lord will allow. The more you learn about how so many chronic conditions can be CURED by a better diet...the more you realize that the POWER is still in our hands. If we can't change our habits overnight, what makes us think doctors can change hundreds of people's habits, by putting a band-aid on it. They can treat us & they can even do miraculous things, but there are some things they wouldn't have to fix, if we didn't take ourselves there.
BUCK UP BABY & Ride With Jesus! He'll go with you as you open that pantry door & chunk it!
Monday, January 12, 2015
Well...today I succeeded staying on the plan, without a hiccup really. I had to do more planning the night before & as I packed my lunch, Kylee packed hers. As a parent...it is pretty cool to see your kids adapting. I know one of the things that always hindered me from really trying was thinking about how it could be a battle with the kiddos over some things, but it hasn't really been at all. Now...it was a little bit of a bummer that everyone had an ice cream cone after dinner, besides me....but that's just for a little while.
It will be extremely hard for me to TOTALLY cut EVERYTHING out, that I ate before, but I can make it through the challenge.
The journal entry in The Daniel Plan Journal...urges us to take things one day at a time. It is obviously focusing on our journey to better health, but I am applying to ALL areas of my life.
My son has the flu, so my husband and I are doing some juggling, so we hold as many of the commitments we already made - yet have one of us here to love on him & take care of him. I'm tellin' you...moment by moment life changes & plans change....
That's how I'm gonna take this journey....day by day. One thing the journal asks is "Why do you think God wants you to take it one day at a time?" My answer: Because he doesn't want us to get overwhelmed and discouraged. It then asks us to make a list of all of our concerns pertaining to our journey to better health. Then it asks us to trim that list down to what needs to be done TODAY. I had a list of 4 & only 1 was something I could do today. Really try and zone in your focus.
My prayer for myself & all of you today is that we invite God into our lives...every avenue of our lives...to transform us into the people that he wants us to become...to carry out our God-given purpose. Help us to focus DAY to DAY & show us how it will all fall into it's pre-destined place. Cover us with your love, allow us to find strength in Christ Jesus, & unleash the power & mystery of The Holy Spirit into our lives, so we STRENGTHEN, NOURISH, & CLEAN out our lives... In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I introduced my kids to a pomegranate tonight. It has been 13 + years, since I've had one & Kyle never has. We ate half. Kylee tried it, then tried a second bite, but didn't come back for a third ;).
Buck Up Baby & introduce some new grub to the fam!! God bless!
Sunday, January 11, 2015
I feel myself STARTING to fall into this lifestyle... It's a slow fall...& mentally it jacks with me a little. I'm pretty irritable. I'm sure it is a combination of changing my eating habits & having such severe allergies today. I'm talkin' itchy nose, scratchy throat, watery eyes...HOWEVER I stuck to the plan really good & it helped me TREMENDOUSLY to not skip anything. I had skipped some meals and snacks the other days because I just wouldn't be hungry or I couldn't get to it, or figure it out, but then I felt like I was INHALING my next meal. Eat your snacks.
Other good news: I left a little food on my plate today (rarely happens), because I FELT full & my little girl who is normally a REALLY good eater & LOVES fruit and vegetables ate EVERYTHING for dinner.... and stuff she gives me trouble with periodically: cabbage & broccoli....and she ate all the turkey. When she ate that cabbage like she did, I just couldn't help but think about how GOOD that was for her. YEP! I read up on it...SUPER good for the brain & now I know she likes the way I prepared it ;).
So the next thing The Daniel Plan Journal discusses is FRIENDS & unconditional acceptance. Like I told you....I was irritable today...feeling a little OVERWHELMED because I had to cancel and reschedule some appointments last week & I have A LOT to do in the next coming weeks, & need to figure out who can help at what auctions & make a schedule... but now I am starting to feel CRUMMY & I really wish that Chocolate Silk Pie wasn't unhealthy. Then I became COMPLETELY annoyed at something somebody sent me & HAD to call a friend that I KNOW accepts me UNCONDITIONALLY. I mean...I can sound like a whiny little brat with her. I can tell her when I KNOW I'm being selfish, but I just want to be for a minute. I start out my conversations with: "I know I am probably being UNREASONABLE & OVERREACTING, BUT...."
THANK GOD FOR FRIENDS!!!! I mean that. Not only did she UNDERSTAND where I was coming from, but she offered AMAZING advice, for how I should handle all the things I need to do. She knew that, that ONE message wasn't making me react like that. It was a combination of all of it. For years, and years, & YEARS...I've been that person who ALWAYS has somewhere to be, something to do, & I used to get myself roped into things that DRAINED me. (Luckily, I've cut some of that out.) But now....(like I will be for the rest of my life) I'm REALLY tryin' to figure things out with my businesses & ministry (what I want to do to use my God-given talents to bring more people to Jesus.) I forget sometimes that I don't work for any other entity anymore. I don't have to RUSH, I don't have to get the most, I don't have to impress anyone else....I just have to be happy at the end of the day with how I handled business, that we MOVED FORWARD....even a little & not be so hard on myself, because no one else is going to be. It is freeing, BUT...when you've been a certain way for so long...you have to unwind yourself. It's gradual & I'm makin' progress ;). I'm thankful for her advice...one big task A DAY & PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!
In the journal... It asks us to write down five events from our past that makes it hard for you to believe God accepts you. I don't care where you write them, but PRAY OVER THEM tonight/tomorrow/whenever you get to Day 5.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! RELEASE yourself from that stress & worry & SEND IT ON UP to God.
God Bless!
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My Coach, who also happens to be my friend gave me a sample packet of this & told me I should take it, since I'm not feeling the best. We'll see how it works! |
Other good news: I left a little food on my plate today (rarely happens), because I FELT full & my little girl who is normally a REALLY good eater & LOVES fruit and vegetables ate EVERYTHING for dinner.... and stuff she gives me trouble with periodically: cabbage & broccoli....and she ate all the turkey. When she ate that cabbage like she did, I just couldn't help but think about how GOOD that was for her. YEP! I read up on it...SUPER good for the brain & now I know she likes the way I prepared it ;).
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My SWEET & Sassy Baby Girl! |
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This is before Junk Prom...Precious little bit... |
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I gotta keep that little rascal healthy!! |
THANK GOD FOR FRIENDS!!!! I mean that. Not only did she UNDERSTAND where I was coming from, but she offered AMAZING advice, for how I should handle all the things I need to do. She knew that, that ONE message wasn't making me react like that. It was a combination of all of it. For years, and years, & YEARS...I've been that person who ALWAYS has somewhere to be, something to do, & I used to get myself roped into things that DRAINED me. (Luckily, I've cut some of that out.) But now....(like I will be for the rest of my life) I'm REALLY tryin' to figure things out with my businesses & ministry (what I want to do to use my God-given talents to bring more people to Jesus.) I forget sometimes that I don't work for any other entity anymore. I don't have to RUSH, I don't have to get the most, I don't have to impress anyone else....I just have to be happy at the end of the day with how I handled business, that we MOVED FORWARD....even a little & not be so hard on myself, because no one else is going to be. It is freeing, BUT...when you've been a certain way for so long...you have to unwind yourself. It's gradual & I'm makin' progress ;). I'm thankful for her advice...one big task A DAY & PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!!
In the journal... It asks us to write down five events from our past that makes it hard for you to believe God accepts you. I don't care where you write them, but PRAY OVER THEM tonight/tomorrow/whenever you get to Day 5.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! RELEASE yourself from that stress & worry & SEND IT ON UP to God.
God Bless!
Overall...today - I pretty much got back on track. I had a good breakfast: Turkey Breast & a Banana. I skipped the next snack because I had the same leftover spaghetti (I LOVE spaghetti). Then I had a snack of blackberries and a cheesestick. Then I had Chicken Stew for supper, which had LOTS of protein & I just finished my last snack of greek yougurt. The coolest thing is I am down 3 pounds already this morning.
We went to a birthday party this evening & I'm not gonna lie. It was tough. They had those yummy little pinwheels with salsa & chips & dip & brownies & ice cream & a turtle pie. Whew...I had to direct my attention elsewhere, because truth is...it bummed me out a little that I didn't eat any of that. I KNOW.....I can eat those things in moderation once this cleanse & challenges are over....but I didn't like it. I mean...I do, but a REALLY big part of me is having a hard time resisting. Thank goodness I KNOW God will supply whatever it is I need to get there.
Chapter 4 in The Daniel Plan is 70+ pages long, so.....I haven't read it all, but it is the reason I had originally chose to try this plan out. Thank goodness for Advocare, because I don't know that I had the food discipline it took to pull it off on my own, without a step-by-step guide...and a coach. The Daniel Plan's main focus is to eat foods that came from the earth or others made from products from the earth....organic, whole, fresh. The authors of this book are also VERY aware of the struggle we face. Our lives have become so fast-paced that we LOOK for convenience. Some of us are so used to it that we don't know any different. I mean...we are talking about breaking long-term habits that are engrained in us. The Daniel Plan gives you a good amount of food to eat...probably more than I normally eat, but it is ALL good for you. I think it will really help me to come of the Advocare 24-day challenge into a more structered, yet understanding approach to food. This chapter breaks down & gives examples of the foods we need to eat & how much, based on a plate diagram.
It is going to be a challenge, but I think if I ALWAYS try to keep my focus on putting food in my body that comes directly from products from the earth & not products that came from the earth, then went to a processing plant...I'll be okay. If I even cut out 1/2 of what we normally did...I think it will significantly impact our health. Today, the hardest thing for me was not giving in to all those yummies & then being a little bummed about it...but I was able to hold on, because I want to get to where I can see & feel a change.
I encourage you guys to get The Daniel Plan journal, if you decide to do something like this. Pastor Warren's church tried and tested this plan, so it is no surprise that the journal message is EXACTLY what I was feeling. The mental choice of what you will put in your body. The mental part is the tough part, which I believe is how the devil jacks with us the most.
Also....I was REALLY going to try and keep up in The Daniel Plan book, with the journal - but that will be pretty hard for me, so I ENCOURAGE you to do it the way it makes the most sense in your life. I didn't want to skip to the next chapter because FOOD & FITNESS are by far my weakest two areas that The Daniel Plan measures; Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, & Friends. So be sure to READ the book, but - If you are like me...just doing this diet plan is putting a lot of pressure on yourself.
We went to a birthday party this evening & I'm not gonna lie. It was tough. They had those yummy little pinwheels with salsa & chips & dip & brownies & ice cream & a turtle pie. Whew...I had to direct my attention elsewhere, because truth is...it bummed me out a little that I didn't eat any of that. I KNOW.....I can eat those things in moderation once this cleanse & challenges are over....but I didn't like it. I mean...I do, but a REALLY big part of me is having a hard time resisting. Thank goodness I KNOW God will supply whatever it is I need to get there.
Chapter 4 in The Daniel Plan is 70+ pages long, so.....I haven't read it all, but it is the reason I had originally chose to try this plan out. Thank goodness for Advocare, because I don't know that I had the food discipline it took to pull it off on my own, without a step-by-step guide...and a coach. The Daniel Plan's main focus is to eat foods that came from the earth or others made from products from the earth....organic, whole, fresh. The authors of this book are also VERY aware of the struggle we face. Our lives have become so fast-paced that we LOOK for convenience. Some of us are so used to it that we don't know any different. I mean...we are talking about breaking long-term habits that are engrained in us. The Daniel Plan gives you a good amount of food to eat...probably more than I normally eat, but it is ALL good for you. I think it will really help me to come of the Advocare 24-day challenge into a more structered, yet understanding approach to food. This chapter breaks down & gives examples of the foods we need to eat & how much, based on a plate diagram.
It is going to be a challenge, but I think if I ALWAYS try to keep my focus on putting food in my body that comes directly from products from the earth & not products that came from the earth, then went to a processing plant...I'll be okay. If I even cut out 1/2 of what we normally did...I think it will significantly impact our health. Today, the hardest thing for me was not giving in to all those yummies & then being a little bummed about it...but I was able to hold on, because I want to get to where I can see & feel a change.
I encourage you guys to get The Daniel Plan journal, if you decide to do something like this. Pastor Warren's church tried and tested this plan, so it is no surprise that the journal message is EXACTLY what I was feeling. The mental choice of what you will put in your body. The mental part is the tough part, which I believe is how the devil jacks with us the most.
Also....I was REALLY going to try and keep up in The Daniel Plan book, with the journal - but that will be pretty hard for me, so I ENCOURAGE you to do it the way it makes the most sense in your life. I didn't want to skip to the next chapter because FOOD & FITNESS are by far my weakest two areas that The Daniel Plan measures; Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, & Friends. So be sure to READ the book, but - If you are like me...just doing this diet plan is putting a lot of pressure on yourself.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Yesterday was day 3 & my little boy was still sick.... He actually felt worse than he did the day before, which meant - he NEEDED to be loved on more.
When I started the Advocare 24-Day Challenge...I had EVERY intention of TOTALLY sticking to it...eating all the meals they listed in the plan....all the snacks...all the meals...all of it. Well...let's just say that when you have a little one that just doesn't feel good & you're waking up with him & you don't get very good sleep... Sleep becomes more important than food, or staying on your schedule, or any of that. I stayed on it to the very best of my ability.
I woke up to get my little girl to school, but my little boy woke up with me and just wanted to be held. I couldn't get his HIGH fever (103.8) to break, so I just held him & we both nodded back off... I finally sneaked away & let him sleep to have my Spark & my fiber drink, but by the time I finished those...Heath woke up and it was almost time for lunch, so then I had some greek yougurt for my snack and had a late lunch of whole grain organic spaghetti, 93/7 ground beef & a salad. All circumstances perfect...I wouldn't have had the same meal again for supper, but with a sick little one...it's just the way it was. I'm TOTALLY good with it. Lot's healthier than how I would have normally ate & enjoyed it just as much. Since I had more starch than what I would've liked to have...I skipped the snack between lunch and dinner & then wound up skipping the last one....because I had a little boy laying on me & I was exhausted. I didn't feel overly hungry though..... I've been talking to a couple of friends who have told me that they can feel a difference in their energy since starting. I can say that I don't feel that yet... MAINLY because I'm not getting enough sleep. It will come...I feel healthier for sure. I did have some cravings for some of the comfort foods I usually would have went for, but totally resisted and just went and cuddled with little man. Good news is his fever is GONE & he's back to himself.
Chapter 3 in The Daniel Plan talks all about FAITH & how that is the foundation for our success...not only in our health journey, but every journey, I can speak to this because I had a situation that COMPLETELY caused me to step out in FAITH & I'm thankful for that experience because I understand the potential rewards that come from it. Have any of you ever had the thought: "I just wish someone who KNOWS more than I do, would tell me what to do next." I reached that point in a FIERCE way at the end of 2013. I knew I was in a job that didn't have much to do with my God-given purpose...no matter which way I spun it. I also knew God wasn't going to waste the experience, but I had to get off that path. However, getting off that path looked SCARY. I'm talkin' pay cuts, people thinkin' I'm crazy, stepping out into LOTS of unknowns, puttin' lots of puzzles together - which means trial and error, criticism, a nervous husband, nervous family....TOTALLY steppin' off the path I'd been on (which lots of people can understand) onto a new one, which I didn't even totally understand, much less anyone else.... BUT I DID IT. I really don't know how to put it into words, but I wish I could. I'll just list out some of the ways it has changed my life: less fear, less nervousness, less worry, money doesn't control my life anymore, I have a deeper (& getting deeper every day) relationship with The Holy Trinity, self-esteem is way better, my husband's relationship with Christ is growing & so are my kids, I want to know MORE, I'm able to help people more, I know I'm capable of WAY more than I thought I was, I'm less fearful, I PRAY more, I'm able to help others in more ways than I did before, I've added to tools to my toolbag & I'm good with them, I witnessed the value others saw in my....at maybe one of the lowest points I've been at in years, I've gained more people that believe in this journey I've set out on, & I know that I have a different relationship with God, Jesus, & The Holy Spirit. ALL of EQUAL importance & all continuing to grOW. That's not even all of'm. FAITH is one of the most powerful tools to have in your toolbag. I can say that I know I am protected on this health journey & I'm supported not only with The Holy Trinity, but by my friends and family - in all the ways I need them.
The Daniel Plan & The Purpose Driven Life, will both tell you that the BEST way to deepen your faith is to read The Bible. If you want to, but don't know how...just tell God. The Holy Spirit will go to work & before you know it, you will have a plan, a friend, and develop a routine that leads to another routine. Just INVITE God in, Through the scripture you read...The Holy Spirit will pull at your heart & soul & spirit and just MOVE you. You probably won't understand it until you do it. I'm not gonna tell you how, because God will show you how. Everyone has a different way to get there. My very good friend always says: "The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. You have to invite Him in." He wants to know you want Him. You will than have the guidance in your life from God Almighty that knows EVERYTHING you need to know.
I'll end this post by urging you to think about ten ways you would finish this sentence. (This is an exercise out of The Daniel Plan.): "It's just like me to...." Some of them may have some truth & some of them may be unGodly beliefs you have about yourself. Either way...once you identify them...Pray that God helps you work those out. Invite him in & THANK HIM in advance,
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! The fun ride starts when you open that Bible! God bless!
When I started the Advocare 24-Day Challenge...I had EVERY intention of TOTALLY sticking to it...eating all the meals they listed in the plan....all the snacks...all the meals...all of it. Well...let's just say that when you have a little one that just doesn't feel good & you're waking up with him & you don't get very good sleep... Sleep becomes more important than food, or staying on your schedule, or any of that. I stayed on it to the very best of my ability.
I woke up to get my little girl to school, but my little boy woke up with me and just wanted to be held. I couldn't get his HIGH fever (103.8) to break, so I just held him & we both nodded back off... I finally sneaked away & let him sleep to have my Spark & my fiber drink, but by the time I finished those...Heath woke up and it was almost time for lunch, so then I had some greek yougurt for my snack and had a late lunch of whole grain organic spaghetti, 93/7 ground beef & a salad. All circumstances perfect...I wouldn't have had the same meal again for supper, but with a sick little one...it's just the way it was. I'm TOTALLY good with it. Lot's healthier than how I would have normally ate & enjoyed it just as much. Since I had more starch than what I would've liked to have...I skipped the snack between lunch and dinner & then wound up skipping the last one....because I had a little boy laying on me & I was exhausted. I didn't feel overly hungry though..... I've been talking to a couple of friends who have told me that they can feel a difference in their energy since starting. I can say that I don't feel that yet... MAINLY because I'm not getting enough sleep. It will come...I feel healthier for sure. I did have some cravings for some of the comfort foods I usually would have went for, but totally resisted and just went and cuddled with little man. Good news is his fever is GONE & he's back to himself.
Chapter 3 in The Daniel Plan talks all about FAITH & how that is the foundation for our success...not only in our health journey, but every journey, I can speak to this because I had a situation that COMPLETELY caused me to step out in FAITH & I'm thankful for that experience because I understand the potential rewards that come from it. Have any of you ever had the thought: "I just wish someone who KNOWS more than I do, would tell me what to do next." I reached that point in a FIERCE way at the end of 2013. I knew I was in a job that didn't have much to do with my God-given purpose...no matter which way I spun it. I also knew God wasn't going to waste the experience, but I had to get off that path. However, getting off that path looked SCARY. I'm talkin' pay cuts, people thinkin' I'm crazy, stepping out into LOTS of unknowns, puttin' lots of puzzles together - which means trial and error, criticism, a nervous husband, nervous family....TOTALLY steppin' off the path I'd been on (which lots of people can understand) onto a new one, which I didn't even totally understand, much less anyone else.... BUT I DID IT. I really don't know how to put it into words, but I wish I could. I'll just list out some of the ways it has changed my life: less fear, less nervousness, less worry, money doesn't control my life anymore, I have a deeper (& getting deeper every day) relationship with The Holy Trinity, self-esteem is way better, my husband's relationship with Christ is growing & so are my kids, I want to know MORE, I'm able to help people more, I know I'm capable of WAY more than I thought I was, I'm less fearful, I PRAY more, I'm able to help others in more ways than I did before, I've added to tools to my toolbag & I'm good with them, I witnessed the value others saw in my....at maybe one of the lowest points I've been at in years, I've gained more people that believe in this journey I've set out on, & I know that I have a different relationship with God, Jesus, & The Holy Spirit. ALL of EQUAL importance & all continuing to grOW. That's not even all of'm. FAITH is one of the most powerful tools to have in your toolbag. I can say that I know I am protected on this health journey & I'm supported not only with The Holy Trinity, but by my friends and family - in all the ways I need them.
The Daniel Plan & The Purpose Driven Life, will both tell you that the BEST way to deepen your faith is to read The Bible. If you want to, but don't know how...just tell God. The Holy Spirit will go to work & before you know it, you will have a plan, a friend, and develop a routine that leads to another routine. Just INVITE God in, Through the scripture you read...The Holy Spirit will pull at your heart & soul & spirit and just MOVE you. You probably won't understand it until you do it. I'm not gonna tell you how, because God will show you how. Everyone has a different way to get there. My very good friend always says: "The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. You have to invite Him in." He wants to know you want Him. You will than have the guidance in your life from God Almighty that knows EVERYTHING you need to know.
I'll end this post by urging you to think about ten ways you would finish this sentence. (This is an exercise out of The Daniel Plan.): "It's just like me to...." Some of them may have some truth & some of them may be unGodly beliefs you have about yourself. Either way...once you identify them...Pray that God helps you work those out. Invite him in & THANK HIM in advance,
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! The fun ride starts when you open that Bible! God bless!
Friday, January 9, 2015
So yesterday morning my little boy woke up - throwing up at 5:30ish. He was totally fine & playful the night before, so I wasn't expecting it. The doctor thought that he probably threw up because of drainage & high fever, which upset his stomach. He didn't throw up anymore & got to be himself in the afternoon, but was a very clingy little guy most of the day...like he is today.
I did my best to stay on the challenge plan... In fact I was SO proud of myself for how well I did on Day 1. Then yesterday....I did my shake and my cleanse & had a good breakfast....Then, the first snack after breakfast....
Well...let me SHARE something with all those people that don't have kiddos. They don't finish their food a lot....& mine have little snacks...little bite-size snacks. Well...my son thinks it's funny to feed us & he's SO stinkin' cute! Who wouldn't want to see him smile....
So...I TOTALLY didn't think about ANYTHING...as I consumed the two mini-chocolate chip cookies. In fact...I didn't even think about it until AFTER I already ate them.... Then about an hour later (on the phone again & about snack time) I grabbed the little Goldfish graham crackers that Heath was carrying around and started snacking....but that time I caught myself on the second one. Needless to say....I moped around the house...pretty bummed out at myself for about 30 minutes, mainly because I could not wrap my head around how I TOTALLY didn't make a conscious decision....there were no thoughts as I consumed them. I then started thinking about how much I probably NORMALLY consume and don't even REMEMBER. What a habit! I mean...I really feel like the only way I can STOP myself is by LIMITING what is actually in the house.
So then...I ate one less meatball for lunch & smaller vegetable portions & didn't have my last snack of the day.
That leads into something I read in The Daniel Plan...Chapter 2. In this chapter it discussed how our thoughts can sabotage us. "Negative thoughts, positive thoughts, or lack of thought can consume you." I've had both negative and positive thoughts consume me, but...lack of thought??? I mean...obviously it happened to me on Day 2, but HOW are we consumed by lack of thought? Because we are thinking of other things? Because it became a habit? But how? That's another one of those "in the middles" of how I go from Point A (Not consciously thinking... I guess) To Point B (consuming junk even though I THOUGHT I was making a CONSCIOUS effort not to.) I am VERY aware that I don't know how to fix that - EXCEPT for not having it around. I can also tell you...with two cute little munchkins that like those chocolate chip cookies too - It's gonna take MORE than will power.
So although I was shortly bummed out, I didn't beat myself up too bad & felt even MORE encouraged when I read this in The Daniel Plan: "The Daniel Plan encourages you to turn bad days into good information and to study your failures." I did that.
I want to share a little bit about Daniel. Daniel was one of the children that was taken captive when the King of Babylon and his army took over Jerusalem. The king put certain men over the different houses that held the captive children. Daniel was in a house with three other boys: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. The King ordered that all the children eat from the food of the King's table (including his wine), but Daniel felt moved in his heart not to & asked the master of the house (who really liked Daniel), if he could not eat it. The master of the house told him he was concerned because they needed to be nourished & the King may become angry if they look frailer than the children in other houses. Daniel and the house master agreed that for 10 days (same number of days as my cleanse) the 4 boys in his house would eat peas & beans and drink water. If at the end of the ten days they looked frailer they would eat of the King's table. After the ten days...those 4 boys looked healthier than the rest. In the book of Daniel it tells us that God blessed the boys with wisdom and learning. When all the children were brought before the King, not only were they stronger, but the King found them to be wiser and have a better understanding of things than all the magicians and astrologers in his kingdom. Coincidence? Hardly. The King decided to let them live with him because of all they had to offer.
It MATTERS...what we put in our body. That said, this whole change is gonna be TOUGH for me...REALLY. Especially when I think about my eating habits for...pretty much...my entire life. That is why I NEED The Holy Spirit to nudge me & pull me in the right direction, like He did for Daniel. If you aren't familiar with Daniel, you should read up on him. That group of 4 were some kids of FAITH!! I mean they pretty much stood firm against a nation when they were asked to worship idols. By the way I learned about Daniel & many others in The Golden Children's Bible (1993).
I was also a little bummed out yesterday because I had planned to go grocery shopping for more healthy stuff, but didn't want to get Little Man out in the nasty weather. I thought I was stocked up, but the kids like the good stuff too, so I didn't have many options & it didn't look like he was going to be feeling any better today (which he didn't). Let's just say I'm glad I could add my parents to my support group. I mean Mom picked up things I didn't even think of. It is REALLY important to have supportive people around you.
All of how Day 2 went, proved to show me, that I can STILL eat healthy when things happen a little differently than I planned....which happens a lot around our house. I was able to be there for my son, get my daughter to & from school, with the help of my support system & make adjustments to Day 2's meal plan to still have it end as a pretty accomplished day. Now I know that my eating habits are engrained in my brain & I have some habits that need to be broken and replaced with good ones.
God bless ya'll! I'm already a day off track, so be ready for catch-up posts! Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus & let's get healthy together!!
I did my best to stay on the challenge plan... In fact I was SO proud of myself for how well I did on Day 1. Then yesterday....I did my shake and my cleanse & had a good breakfast....Then, the first snack after breakfast....
Well...let me SHARE something with all those people that don't have kiddos. They don't finish their food a lot....& mine have little snacks...little bite-size snacks. Well...my son thinks it's funny to feed us & he's SO stinkin' cute! Who wouldn't want to see him smile....
So...I TOTALLY didn't think about ANYTHING...as I consumed the two mini-chocolate chip cookies. In fact...I didn't even think about it until AFTER I already ate them.... Then about an hour later (on the phone again & about snack time) I grabbed the little Goldfish graham crackers that Heath was carrying around and started snacking....but that time I caught myself on the second one. Needless to say....I moped around the house...pretty bummed out at myself for about 30 minutes, mainly because I could not wrap my head around how I TOTALLY didn't make a conscious decision....there were no thoughts as I consumed them. I then started thinking about how much I probably NORMALLY consume and don't even REMEMBER. What a habit! I mean...I really feel like the only way I can STOP myself is by LIMITING what is actually in the house.
So then...I ate one less meatball for lunch & smaller vegetable portions & didn't have my last snack of the day.
That leads into something I read in The Daniel Plan...Chapter 2. In this chapter it discussed how our thoughts can sabotage us. "Negative thoughts, positive thoughts, or lack of thought can consume you." I've had both negative and positive thoughts consume me, but...lack of thought??? I mean...obviously it happened to me on Day 2, but HOW are we consumed by lack of thought? Because we are thinking of other things? Because it became a habit? But how? That's another one of those "in the middles" of how I go from Point A (Not consciously thinking... I guess) To Point B (consuming junk even though I THOUGHT I was making a CONSCIOUS effort not to.) I am VERY aware that I don't know how to fix that - EXCEPT for not having it around. I can also tell you...with two cute little munchkins that like those chocolate chip cookies too - It's gonna take MORE than will power.
So although I was shortly bummed out, I didn't beat myself up too bad & felt even MORE encouraged when I read this in The Daniel Plan: "The Daniel Plan encourages you to turn bad days into good information and to study your failures." I did that.
I want to share a little bit about Daniel. Daniel was one of the children that was taken captive when the King of Babylon and his army took over Jerusalem. The king put certain men over the different houses that held the captive children. Daniel was in a house with three other boys: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. The King ordered that all the children eat from the food of the King's table (including his wine), but Daniel felt moved in his heart not to & asked the master of the house (who really liked Daniel), if he could not eat it. The master of the house told him he was concerned because they needed to be nourished & the King may become angry if they look frailer than the children in other houses. Daniel and the house master agreed that for 10 days (same number of days as my cleanse) the 4 boys in his house would eat peas & beans and drink water. If at the end of the ten days they looked frailer they would eat of the King's table. After the ten days...those 4 boys looked healthier than the rest. In the book of Daniel it tells us that God blessed the boys with wisdom and learning. When all the children were brought before the King, not only were they stronger, but the King found them to be wiser and have a better understanding of things than all the magicians and astrologers in his kingdom. Coincidence? Hardly. The King decided to let them live with him because of all they had to offer.
This is an illustration from The Golden Children's Bible - 1993 Edition. This was the illustrator's depiction of what the boys may have looked like: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. |
It MATTERS...what we put in our body. That said, this whole change is gonna be TOUGH for me...REALLY. Especially when I think about my eating habits for...pretty much...my entire life. That is why I NEED The Holy Spirit to nudge me & pull me in the right direction, like He did for Daniel. If you aren't familiar with Daniel, you should read up on him. That group of 4 were some kids of FAITH!! I mean they pretty much stood firm against a nation when they were asked to worship idols. By the way I learned about Daniel & many others in The Golden Children's Bible (1993).
I was also a little bummed out yesterday because I had planned to go grocery shopping for more healthy stuff, but didn't want to get Little Man out in the nasty weather. I thought I was stocked up, but the kids like the good stuff too, so I didn't have many options & it didn't look like he was going to be feeling any better today (which he didn't). Let's just say I'm glad I could add my parents to my support group. I mean Mom picked up things I didn't even think of. It is REALLY important to have supportive people around you.
All of how Day 2 went, proved to show me, that I can STILL eat healthy when things happen a little differently than I planned....which happens a lot around our house. I was able to be there for my son, get my daughter to & from school, with the help of my support system & make adjustments to Day 2's meal plan to still have it end as a pretty accomplished day. Now I know that my eating habits are engrained in my brain & I have some habits that need to be broken and replaced with good ones.
God bless ya'll! I'm already a day off track, so be ready for catch-up posts! Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus & let's get healthy together!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Hi All! Be ready for MORE daily blog posts!
In 2014 I spent more time reading The Bible than I have my ENTIRE life....& it has changed my life. It is AMAZING to me how The Holy Spirit works inside of us & MOVES us. I've been gently nudged and made aware of so many things that I probably would've passed up or not paid any attention to in the past. Over the last several weeks my health and my eating habits have been at the forefront of my thoughts. I am pretty weak in these areas....as far as...knowledge on HOW to be healthier and actually FOLLOW-THRU with it.
Before Christmas I bought the Daniel Plan Book & Journal & I bought another set for my VERY dear friend down in South Texas...in hopes that we could ENCOURAGE each other to be healthier based on what the Bible tells us about our bodies, deepen our friendship, & deepen our FAITH & UNDERSTANDING of God's LOVE for us. She agreed....but like things usually go for me - with these plans I didn't know how to start & if I was "ready."
God has BLESSED me with one very persistent friend that is a STRONG believer in Advocare. I've told her NO a lot, but the last time we saw each other I just felt like this 24 day challenge she was talking about was something I should do. Really,...sometimes the whole - in the middle - of how I get from Point A to Point B astonishes me. I was really not into it & then I just was. Anyways.... since I decided to do the 24 Day Challenge, which started today, I decided to also start The Daniel Plan and my journal.
I've decided to share this journey with you like I did when I read through: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
I SO strongly URGE all of you to find a way to get closer to The Holy Trinity. I can't explain all the POSITIVE changes happening in my life, but the doors that open up are way better than I can explain, It doesn't have to be all "holy-roller-ish." If you believe in God - your Creator....all you have to do is TALK to him. I'm tellin' you...give him a little & he'll give you a lot...more than you ask for...& don't think that you have to be QUALIFIED to do it. (ex. Go to church every Sunday.) He WELCOMES you just as you are, just where you are. I've talked Jesus around a beer pong table & the two of us that were talkin' are better for it, Maybe not physically HEALTHIER, but spiritually stronger.
So to be clear. I think one of the BIGGEST reasons I agreed to the 24-day challenge, was that I KNEW I would have someone that would hold me VERY accountable & someone that was accessible to HELP me when I needed it. Through this challenge & with the help of my friend I will LEARN to eat healthier. From reading Pastor Warren's book: I also know that it takes about 40 days to FORM a new habit. That is why I decided to couple the Advocare challenge with The Daniel Plan.
Today was the first day of the cleanse. Besides the products I took (shakes, cleanse formula, etc.) here are the foods I ate: (I share this with you - in case it could help you.)
Breakfast: Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake
1st Snack: Kiwi
Lunch: Salad with Super Berry Vinegarette & 6 small organic turkey meatballs
2nd Snack: Pear
Dinner: Smoked Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Steamed squash,red bell pepper, & zucchini mix
3rd Snack: A little smoked turkey & baby carrots
I did 50 jumping jacks & need to drink more water than I did today.
If you want to make a change in your life & you need MORE than willpower & a persistent friend or several....go get THIS book. You will realize that you have masses of people praying for you & INVITE God to walk with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!
The first chapter of The Daniel Plan discussed why Pastor Warren felt MOVED to address this very issue of our society. It is filled with scripture & medical facts & statistics. On page 19 & 20 I found the very thought that has crossed my mind multiple times over the last several weeks: "If you want to know how valuable your life is to God, just look at the cross. With his arms outstretched, nailed to the cross, Jesus was sayng, 'This is how valuable you are to me. I love you this much! I'd rather die than live without you.' Now, if you are worth dying for, don't you think God wants you to take better care of yourself?" I'd feel twinges of guilt, because I know, like many of you know, that we NEED to be healthier.... We need to BUCK UP....quit making excuses! We need to BUCK UP & RIDE WITH JESUS! At least I do on this one....
I feel extremely blessed because I have a posse of about 7 people that are surrounding me to support me and encourage me, like I will them. Some are doing the 24 day Advocare Challenge, One is doing The Daniel Plan, & some are doing their own OR are just supporting me through it.
I will end today's blog with a prayer that Pastor Warren is praying over everyone on this journey. It is from 3 John 2: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." Amen.
In 2014 I spent more time reading The Bible than I have my ENTIRE life....& it has changed my life. It is AMAZING to me how The Holy Spirit works inside of us & MOVES us. I've been gently nudged and made aware of so many things that I probably would've passed up or not paid any attention to in the past. Over the last several weeks my health and my eating habits have been at the forefront of my thoughts. I am pretty weak in these areas....as far as...knowledge on HOW to be healthier and actually FOLLOW-THRU with it.
Before Christmas I bought the Daniel Plan Book & Journal & I bought another set for my VERY dear friend down in South Texas...in hopes that we could ENCOURAGE each other to be healthier based on what the Bible tells us about our bodies, deepen our friendship, & deepen our FAITH & UNDERSTANDING of God's LOVE for us. She agreed....but like things usually go for me - with these plans I didn't know how to start & if I was "ready."
God has BLESSED me with one very persistent friend that is a STRONG believer in Advocare. I've told her NO a lot, but the last time we saw each other I just felt like this 24 day challenge she was talking about was something I should do. Really,...sometimes the whole - in the middle - of how I get from Point A to Point B astonishes me. I was really not into it & then I just was. Anyways.... since I decided to do the 24 Day Challenge, which started today, I decided to also start The Daniel Plan and my journal.
I've decided to share this journey with you like I did when I read through: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
I SO strongly URGE all of you to find a way to get closer to The Holy Trinity. I can't explain all the POSITIVE changes happening in my life, but the doors that open up are way better than I can explain, It doesn't have to be all "holy-roller-ish." If you believe in God - your Creator....all you have to do is TALK to him. I'm tellin' you...give him a little & he'll give you a lot...more than you ask for...& don't think that you have to be QUALIFIED to do it. (ex. Go to church every Sunday.) He WELCOMES you just as you are, just where you are. I've talked Jesus around a beer pong table & the two of us that were talkin' are better for it, Maybe not physically HEALTHIER, but spiritually stronger.
So to be clear. I think one of the BIGGEST reasons I agreed to the 24-day challenge, was that I KNEW I would have someone that would hold me VERY accountable & someone that was accessible to HELP me when I needed it. Through this challenge & with the help of my friend I will LEARN to eat healthier. From reading Pastor Warren's book: I also know that it takes about 40 days to FORM a new habit. That is why I decided to couple the Advocare challenge with The Daniel Plan.
Today was the first day of the cleanse. Besides the products I took (shakes, cleanse formula, etc.) here are the foods I ate: (I share this with you - in case it could help you.)
Breakfast: Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake
1st Snack: Kiwi
Lunch: Salad with Super Berry Vinegarette & 6 small organic turkey meatballs
2nd Snack: Pear
Dinner: Smoked Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Steamed squash,red bell pepper, & zucchini mix
3rd Snack: A little smoked turkey & baby carrots
I did 50 jumping jacks & need to drink more water than I did today.
If you want to make a change in your life & you need MORE than willpower & a persistent friend or several....go get THIS book. You will realize that you have masses of people praying for you & INVITE God to walk with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!
The first chapter of The Daniel Plan discussed why Pastor Warren felt MOVED to address this very issue of our society. It is filled with scripture & medical facts & statistics. On page 19 & 20 I found the very thought that has crossed my mind multiple times over the last several weeks: "If you want to know how valuable your life is to God, just look at the cross. With his arms outstretched, nailed to the cross, Jesus was sayng, 'This is how valuable you are to me. I love you this much! I'd rather die than live without you.' Now, if you are worth dying for, don't you think God wants you to take better care of yourself?" I'd feel twinges of guilt, because I know, like many of you know, that we NEED to be healthier.... We need to BUCK UP....quit making excuses! We need to BUCK UP & RIDE WITH JESUS! At least I do on this one....
I feel extremely blessed because I have a posse of about 7 people that are surrounding me to support me and encourage me, like I will them. Some are doing the 24 day Advocare Challenge, One is doing The Daniel Plan, & some are doing their own OR are just supporting me through it.
I will end today's blog with a prayer that Pastor Warren is praying over everyone on this journey. It is from 3 John 2: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." Amen.
Friday, January 2, 2015
My Prayer for 2015
We had a GREAT New Year's Eve Party at our new place with LOTS of family and friends. It feels good to be in our space and have the ability to invite people into it. I had all the right intentions of sharing this prayer at the party, but there were people in so many different places, plus I'm still learning how to gather everyone together for prayer.
I want to start with a prayer of THANKSGIVING. This year was filled with growth in my business, my marriage, my family, my relationship with The Holy Trinity, my friendships, my ideas...I've read The Bible more this year than I have my entire life. If there is one thing I can encourage everyone to do this year - read The Bible...however you can, in a way that works for you. When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus quoted scripture ALL 3 times, which drove him away. Then God sent His angels to comfort and minister to Him. There is POWER in the Word of God. I'm the most thankful for finding the courage and the faith to quit my job in December 2013 and go to work for myself. When I followed thru with it...it was like doors opened that I didn't even know existed. I strengthened so many relationships and met so many amazing people that have helped me and my family develop as human beings. One of the biggest blessings of this year is learning that building your faith and working for God is WAY more important than working for money. It's taken a lot of self-work to own, believe, and have faith in that, but it's been shown to me over and over again and has, surely, given me more peace. I'm thankful for being blessed with our niece Ida. I'm thankful Uncle Fritzi's health was restored and for Grandma Pfeiffer's renewed strength and endurance. I'm thankful for having the opportunity to get to know Nila more. I'm thankful we've found Claire - who LOVES our children & we all LOVE her. I'm thankful for the health and growth of my precious family. I'm thankful for the newest journey I've embarked on - my real estate business. I'm thankful for ALL the lessons I've learned and my eagerness to learn more & I'm thankful for the DIVINE guidance - caring for us when we don't know how to care for ourselves - The Holy Spirit,
More than anything else this year....I want to be a source of encouragement to everyone I come in contact with and urge others to do the same. I've been blessed with a handful of people that have encouraged me thru the criticism I've encountered this past year. Be careful with your words. They can breathe life or kill dreams. Be positive and seek joy.
To everyone that celebrated New Year's Eve with us and to ALL our friends and family...I ask that you continue to pray for us this year....to support us in growing in ALL the areas that are important to us & to serve as a source of encouragement & lift us up as we fall. We will be doing the same for all of you. I urge you to not only pray for us, but for everyone that was there & everyone important to you. We are all human & need others to lift us up where we fall short.
"Just as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Here's to 2015, continued growth, and being a blessing and an encourager to other.
May God bless you ALL, in the name of Christ Jesus.
God, I ask that you cover these words with your everlasting LOVE, bless us, the people that read them & shine your light in all the areas of darkness we encounter in 2015.
I want to start with a prayer of THANKSGIVING. This year was filled with growth in my business, my marriage, my family, my relationship with The Holy Trinity, my friendships, my ideas...I've read The Bible more this year than I have my entire life. If there is one thing I can encourage everyone to do this year - read The Bible...however you can, in a way that works for you. When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus quoted scripture ALL 3 times, which drove him away. Then God sent His angels to comfort and minister to Him. There is POWER in the Word of God. I'm the most thankful for finding the courage and the faith to quit my job in December 2013 and go to work for myself. When I followed thru with it...it was like doors opened that I didn't even know existed. I strengthened so many relationships and met so many amazing people that have helped me and my family develop as human beings. One of the biggest blessings of this year is learning that building your faith and working for God is WAY more important than working for money. It's taken a lot of self-work to own, believe, and have faith in that, but it's been shown to me over and over again and has, surely, given me more peace. I'm thankful for being blessed with our niece Ida. I'm thankful Uncle Fritzi's health was restored and for Grandma Pfeiffer's renewed strength and endurance. I'm thankful for having the opportunity to get to know Nila more. I'm thankful we've found Claire - who LOVES our children & we all LOVE her. I'm thankful for the health and growth of my precious family. I'm thankful for the newest journey I've embarked on - my real estate business. I'm thankful for ALL the lessons I've learned and my eagerness to learn more & I'm thankful for the DIVINE guidance - caring for us when we don't know how to care for ourselves - The Holy Spirit,
More than anything else this year....I want to be a source of encouragement to everyone I come in contact with and urge others to do the same. I've been blessed with a handful of people that have encouraged me thru the criticism I've encountered this past year. Be careful with your words. They can breathe life or kill dreams. Be positive and seek joy.
To everyone that celebrated New Year's Eve with us and to ALL our friends and family...I ask that you continue to pray for us this year....to support us in growing in ALL the areas that are important to us & to serve as a source of encouragement & lift us up as we fall. We will be doing the same for all of you. I urge you to not only pray for us, but for everyone that was there & everyone important to you. We are all human & need others to lift us up where we fall short.
"Just as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Here's to 2015, continued growth, and being a blessing and an encourager to other.
May God bless you ALL, in the name of Christ Jesus.
God, I ask that you cover these words with your everlasting LOVE, bless us, the people that read them & shine your light in all the areas of darkness we encounter in 2015.
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