We continue on to Day 32 of the book: The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren. This chapter talks all about our SHAPE & how to understand it & USE it.
Here is the first thing that jumped right off the page at me: "It was only after I began accepting opportunities to speak that I saw the result, received confirmation from others, and realized, 'God has gifted me to do this!'" Pastor Warren was talking about his ability to teach. We've talked about each of us having LOTS of gifts. We've also talked about how sometimes we didn't know we had them. I can tell you...after some of my life experiences...that I wonder what I've still got bottled up inside me.
I took a job in sales...didn't even know there was such a thing like it, until I applied for it. Really...had NO CLUE on how to sell what I'd be selling. They taught me how. I listened & placed in our annual sales competition EVERY year, but not only that...I realized (& so did my bosses) that I had a knack for connecting will people...all kinds of people...& not just to make friends, but to build campaigns & work with people in a business setting. That's my first example of a spiritual gift I discovered.
Here's another...had the IDEA come to me about being an auctioneer. I NEVER called an auction before. Never really had any interest to try. I called my Dad, who called my Uncle who TOLD me I was going to go with him to a Church Feast in Plum, Texas & help him....in TWO weeks. I didn't have a chant. I hadn't practiced. Heck...I was still working through the thoughts of if I REALLY wanted to do it & what some people might think about it. I hadn't even told my husband. I could have NOT gone. Uncle Mele still would have loved me :)....BUT...I WENT. For two weeks, I watched You Tube videos, chose my filler words, practiced with my family, counted fence posts as I went down the road & SCARED OUT OF MY MIND.....WENT. Uncle Mele told me to spot first, so I could see where the main bidders were. I did. Then I got up there & sold. Not only did people compliment me, but asked me where I learned how to do it...when I told them You Tube videos & practice they about fell over. Then I did another & people URGED me on with MORE compliments & not only compliments, BUT advice to pursue it. I went to another & thought...okay these people don't HAVE to be nice to me & decided to get my license & here I am PURSUING it. That is example 2.
I was working a full-time job when I started this whole auctioneer journey. I mean I was busy, but I had just unlocked a door to a whole world full of new thoughts & emotions that I had NEVER had. I had a friend that had a Blog called: Pistols & Cupcakes & she wrote a blog about us winning a Halloween Contest with our Ninja Turtle Costumes. HONESTLY...before that I had NEVER read a blog. I didn't really understand the point of them...until I read hers. I can tell you...It was the PERFECT place for me to UNLOAD all of my thoughts about my journey...ALL of them....so I started the blog: Buck Up Baby! & started SHARING my journey. Initially I used it to UNLOAD thoughts...then I started giving props to the organizations & bidders that were at the auctions I did, now I use it to do those things, but also as a marketing tool OR a way to clarify certain things about the events that we are a part of. Anyways....once I started giving props to the events, individuals, & organizations...I started SHARING it on Facebook, on my page & the page of anyone involved. The truth of the matter is though...that I thought a FEW people might read them, but I didn't expect to get the POSITIVE reaction I got....really & I sure didn't expect to get compliments on the WAY I wrote them. I mean I just type it how I think it...& that is usually not grammatically correct...or politically correct. Here I present...Example #3.
I can also tell you that another SPIRITUAL GIFT that God has GIVEN to me is COURAGE & the ABILITY to (sometimes blindly) look past the drawbacks, judgements, perceived thoughts & march onward. It has to be God-given, b/c sometimes I think I'm flat cRaZY for trying to tackle some of the things I do, but I've already gotten myself half-way into it, so there's NO TURNING BACK.
Here's another important...lesson, from this chapter: "Part of accepting your shape is recognizing your limitations. Nobody is good at everything, and no one is called to be everything." WOW...what a lesson I have learned, & I wish I would have learned it sooner. I still strugGLE with it, but I have LEARNED that when I start feeling overwhelmed, stressed, cRAzY, bumfuzzled, twisted up, anxious, out-of-control...there is SOMEONE around me that can HELP me. We are SUPPOSED to work together. Just because you know you are ABLE doesn't mean YOU have to do it. Someone else is able too....& may just have the ability to do a better job at it.
I'm in the middle of a project now where I KNOW...to give the GLORY to GOD...I NEED people to HELP me. I need people to BRING their talents & their SHAPE to the table. This is another one of those things that wouldn't even be a thing....if I wouldn't have decided (with friends urging me) to "CREATE WITH ABANDON" as my journal cover says. That means (my meaning): BELIEVE IT. ENVISION IT. ACT ON IT. Then figure out how to MAKE IT what you ENVISION once you got the ball rolling.
Here is the last thing I'll share from this chapter before I get to the daily info. "Satan will try to steal the joy of service from you in a couple of ways: by tempting you to compare your ministry with others, and by tempting you to conform your ministry to the expectations of others." BELIEVE THIS: Just like God uses us to HELP each other...Satan uses us to HURT each other...all day, everyday, & as often as possible. No one is off limits. Also KNOW...that when you are doing God's work...Satan will ATTACK you every. chance. he. gets. I truly believe that GOD is strengthening my MIND right now to handle his attacks. Pastor Warren shares this in the book: "You will find that people who do not understand your shape for ministry will criticize you and try to get you to conform to what they think you should be doing. Ignore them. Paul often had to deal with critics who misunderstood and maligned his service. His response was always the same: Avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendation. One of the reasons Paul was used so greatly by God was that he refused to be distracted by criticism or by comparing his ministry with others or by being drawn into fruitless debates about his ministry."
"Point to Ponder: God deserves my best."
Daily Bible Verse: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
Daily Question: "How can I make the best use of what God has given me?"
From my journal the first time of reading: The truth is - it seems like it is slowly being revealed to me...in pieces. I know auctions and sharing my journey is part of it...and maybe that's it, but I believe there will be more, once I handle this part.
Believe me when I say...there's MORE. There will always be MORE...& God won't wait until you "handle" one part... It's all on His watch.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus!! This chapter talks about a "Life Review Retreat." I'm down for that if anyone knows anything about one. Also...this chapter ENCOURAGES us to talk to our people about our SHAPE...to see what others see in us. Do that...I know it's not easy, but probably worth it.
Heather Schoenst Kaspar
TXL 17037
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