Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 16: "What Matters Most"

Welcome Readers!! Today is Day 16 of our journey through The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren.

"Point to Ponder: Life is all about love."

Daily Bible Verse: "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Galatians 5:14 (NIV)

Daily Question: "Honestly, are relationships my first priority? How can I ensure that they are?

From My Journal: Right now - it seems like my first priority is my relationship with God & I feel the tug in many of my other relationships. I think it is, yes. I have other priorities also, which seem important, but I brought the priority of even my business - back to God, to focus on our relationship within it. I had a friend/old co-worker pass away yesterday. Totally humble, Nice, Nice guy. His name is Ryan Wachel & he was my age. He REALLY knew how to love and appreciate the relationships he had. We really need to be as present as possible in our relationships. The time is NOW to mend, to love, to strengthen.

I LOVE HARD. I put SO much of myself into it. I used to think that I tend to put feelings and concerns and what is best for others before my own. Now I know...that what I really wanted was to fix things or mend things, but mend them the way I wanted them mended & maybe not what is best overall.

I have had to come to the realization that I can't always FIX whatever might be broken. Sometimes I have to go as far as what is healthy for ME. I have to be TOTALLY HONEST...even if it hurts another person to hear it. If I don't I could potentially RISK others getting hurt along the way & other relationships being ruined.  I can't MAKE someone think a certain way. I can't MAKE another person see what I see & I can't MAKE another person be open to listening & understanding. Truly open...

So what do you do when you love somebody & you want to help them with whatever is hurting them, but what you say &/or do is not resonating with them? You love them through it. If it is toxic to love them from a distance...BUT you love them. You pray for them. You make yourself available when they openly & HONESTLY want it. You can't force it & your role may just be to plant a seed that someone else helps water. One of the HARDEST things for me to come to terms with is that I DO NOT HAVE THE POWER to keep a group of people together or make right wrongs that I did not commit. Fellowship of groups of people do not dissolve because of one person. One person can cause the hurt, but if the others are not willing to come to a resolution with their problems & just sweep them under the rug, they did nothing to contribute to mending the relationship.

God has taught me something...well lots of things. LOVE is not cookie-cutter. Nothing about us is really cookie-cutter...society has made us think that it is...but it's not. Just because I want to love somebody a certain way does not mean it is HOW I am called to love them. If I force won't work.

This chapter discusses how IMPORTANT relationships are. We are called to love everyone like we love ourselves. Tough thing to do... REMEMBER...there are all kinds of ways to love. Make sure, however you're doing it, it is coming from a good place...a GOD place.

We have to be in REGULAR fellowship with others to learn what love is....all the different kinds of love. As much discontentment, anger, & other evil things that may be wound up in a relationship....there is more love. Maybe not more love between you & that person...but more love SOMEWHERE to mend whatever ails.

One of my favorite lines in this chapter: "Love leaves a legacy. How you treated other people, not your wealth or accomplishments, is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth." When you are dead and gone & your money squandered, what you did for people sits in their hearts LONG past your time here on earth. The LOVE my Grandma had for me still sits with me & I can SHARE it with my husband & my children & my friends & their children. LOVE LIVES ON. LOVE is more. Love multiplies. LOVE CONQUERS!

The hurt you put on someone can sit there too, if they don't get some LOVE on it.

This chapter also puts a lot of focus on TIME. When someone gives you their time...they are giving someone part of their life. We only have a limited amount of TIME here. LOVE gets stronger the more time you spend with it. I have friends that I want to spend more time with. I have some I try to spend more time with, but it's not yet (and may never be) a priority for them. I have some that I KNOW I need to make more of a priority & I am situating myself to where I know I can offer that. My husband and I are situating ourselves, so our children can offer that to others. Relationships are a two-way street & (like I said before) you can't MAKE somebody do something they aren't willing to do. BUT you can be honest & humble & tell them what you need.

Here is how this chapter ends: "Knowing that one day you will stand before God, here are some questions you need to consider: How will you explain those times when projects or things were more important to you than people? Who do you need to start spending more time with? What do you need to cut out of your schedule to make that possible? What sacrifices do you need to make?"

Buck Up Baby & RIDE WITH JESUS!! Spread your LOVE. Start LOVING!!

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