Welcome back readers!! Yes...I took a week long hiatus from my blog posts. Not because I didn't want to do them, but I had a general consignment auction this past weekend & it literally consumes my time. Yes...I could have taken SOME time to write these posts, but not much & you wouldn't get the quality post you'll get since my time has freed up...not to mention the new experiences to share. Sharing this with all of you is very important to me. I want to shine the light to whoever will read this book (The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? by Pastor Rick Warren) on how IMPORTANT finding our PURPOSE is & then living it. It's a journey...not automatic & I feel DRIVEN to share that with you.
Today marks the beginning of the THIRD purpose of our lives....To Become MORE like CHRIST.
Like I mentioned, this has been a BusY week. I worked at the sale barn on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, we started setting up tables for the auction & breaking down chairs & lining up chairs & moving benches, then Wednesday was FULL of sorting through items at 2 estates, boxing them up, and bringing them to the auction site...along with furniture & cement blocks & not getting home until after 3AM. Thursday held MORE of that & tagging & lotting all the items & displaying them and what not. Friday was preview day where there was more lotting & organizing & having consignments come in & Saturday was auction day.
Let me just say that this has been an educational week in the world of this Entrepreneur. I found myself SEARCHING for the PURPOSE of ALL. THAT. WORK. Here is what I can tell you.... I have had 3 of my own general consignment auctions now....since I got my auctioneer's license. Of the 3...my ANXIETY level was the lowest it has EVER been....and it seemed StraNge to me. Not unwelcome, but stranGe. I also SAW....how BLESSED & LOVED I am. I am BEYOND blessed & I am in AWE of it....& not very understanding of it. I was in VERY good company this week & had more fun with both of my siblings (at the same time) than we've had in a long time. I felt their SUPPORT & it is a blessing. I had some of the BEST friends that a girl could ask for come out & BE THERE & WORK HARD....without question... & when things didn't go maybe EXACTLY how I'd a liked them to go....they were there to SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE me. I could see SO MUCH BEAUTY in ALL THAT MESS.... I SAW so much positive growth in MULTIPLE areas.
God's plan is SO beautiful & SO HARD...all at the same time. I can recognize God's PROTECTION for me & his REVEALING to me. It's like glimpses... I still find myself trying to CONTROL certain aspects of my life & I RECOGNIZE more every day of how I need to let go & LET GOD. As I was reading through this chapter again this line popped out at me: "Move ahead in your weakness, doing the right thing in spite of your fears and feelings. This is how you cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and it is how your character develops." Man....have I learned how to do this & LET ME TELL YA....It isn't much fun DURING the process....but you will be left in AWE. I can also say that a lot of times I'm not sure AT ALL that I'm doing the "right" thing, but I'm trying to do the right thing.... Yeah....sometimes "The right thing" can get your wheels a spinnin' & a lot of times...YOU JUST DON'T KNOW & you can do all the prayin' you want to & God's probably not gonna drop the answer in your lap in a perfectly wrapped box with a pretty ribbon around it.
This chapter says: "God gives us our time on earth to build and strengthen our character for heaven." It also says: "You are a work in progress. Your spiritual transformation to developing the character of Jesus will take the rest of your life, and even then it won't be completed here on earth." Yep...I'm tellin' ya...just when you think you MIGHT have somethin' figured out...there's a whole 'nother layer that you didn't even know about. We HAVE to EXPERIENCE the tough times to TRULY appreciate the GOOD times & in those TOUGH times we HAVE to TRUST that whatever we are going through, dealing with, faced with...it is developing our character & we have to choose how to react to it. There is a line from a quote that I saw on Facebook & I have no idea who wrote it, but it says: "My name has been dragged through the mud more than once & every time I pick it up & wash it off!" My name...my pride...my work...& YES...I wash all that CRAP off & get back with it! Figure it out! That is the OTHER thing I've learned this week. I have always known that I DON'T QUIT. I may re-position or adjust, but I don't quit & I was sitting outside the auction (BEFORE the auction started) already thinking about PLAN B. Was I bummed about the turnout...yes. BUT for once I DIDN'T BEAT MYSELF UP. At the time I did what I thought needed to be done & what I had the ability to do. Now I have to do the same thing with the knowledge & experience I GAINED from this auction.
So here is my SPIRITUAL take on this week....I felt a CONSTANT calmness because my FAITH & TRUST in God has gotten stronger. I know that ALL will be okay & I could see with my eyes how ABUNDANTLY blessed I am. When you pump the brakes on all that WORRY you can sure see a lot of things clearer. I can see the ties that bind my family, friends, & staff are strengthening... Those are all the things that REALLY matter. The rest will fall in place.
"Point to Ponder: I was created to become like Christ."
Daily Bible Verse: "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2 Corinthians 3:18B (NLT)
Daily Question: "In what area of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit's power to be like Christ today?
From my journal the first day of reading: Developing good habits... good Godly habits. That is the area in my life that I need to ask The Holy Spirit to help me with. I am feeling like my lack of habitually doing things (not necessarily having bad habits (although I do)) is an underlying source of stress and chaos.
My take on things now....I was a little hard on myself that day. I need to be ALL I can be in any given day, without taking into consideration what EVERYONE else thinks I need to be. Maybe I'm not made (and this is highly likely) to habitually do things. I'm working now to do the best I can, with what I can & realizing that worry, jealousy, anxiety, are all roadblocks to finding my divine purpose.
A priest asked me one time: "Do you see God when you look in the mirror?" My answer then was "No, not really, but I feel a strong resemblance to Jesus." Well DUH!! Jesus is our living GOD, so the answer is YES. He moved passed that one probably thinking she'll get that when she reflects back on it.
I can tell you what I REALLY need The Holy Spirit to help me with.... Stripping myself of the expectations I put on myself, which are based on what, the society that I look towards, deems as acceptable & good & what I have also adopted. It's probably the MAIN way I still try & CONTROL things that are not mine to control.
Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus! When you stay in GOOD COMPANY you pick up their habits! God Bless!
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