I've had a lot going on these last few weeks.
I decided to quit my job. My last paid day was December 20th. I decided to start my own business & have been doing the leg work I need to - to get everything organized the way I want it, so once I find a building I can just go to work on the next set of things I need to do - to hold my first BIG general consignment auction.
I've been wanting to blog & work through my frustrations, BUT I could not figure out how to get it all out in words. I truly believe now that I wasn't ready to. God was working on my heart & was going to take me through some experiences to strengthen me.
I found out one of my dear sweet uncles (Uncle Fritz) has to have heart surgery in the middle of January. Seeing him working through the whole process brought me back a little to the job that I just recently gave my notice to.
I was a Marketing Liaison for a nursing home & a big part of my job was to follow up on patient referrals we would get from the hospital case management teams. That position did more for me personally & spiritually than it probably did professionally. I spoke with patients & families on a VERY personal level. Some of these patients were needing short term rehab services after a knee or hip replacement; some were at the end of life; some had wounds, or traches, or psychiatric issues; some had family; some still abused drugs; some were homeless; some needed more care than what they could get at home, but didn't qualify for government programs to get the assistance; some had insurance, but based on their insurance companies policies - were being sent back to their next level of care (maybe before they were ready) while others had no insurance OR for one reason or another (behaviors, drug-use, lifestyle choices) would not be accepted to the next level of care, so they got top-notch care at some of Austin's best hospitals.
I have talked with doctors, specialists & nurses that experienced some things I would never EVER want to. One nurse that I worked very closely with used to be an ER nurse in the Dallas/Fort Worth area & she told some stories that ranged from: a young girl (literally being pushed out & dropped off by a man) coming in with abdominal pains (not knowing she was pregnant) in active labor & having to help her mentally work through how her life was fixing to change to a young Spanish couple that did not understand English that had given their baby adult Tylenol for her cold (because that is what they understood from the nurse they spoke with) & having to tell them that their baby was going to die b/c the Tylenol had ruined her liver to a family of 4 having their trailer house catch fire on Christmas Eve & talking to a badly burned mother whose ONLY concern was her mother & 2 children (1 of the children died in the fire).
Let me just say that I (once again) feel like the GOOD LORD is conditioning me in a way beyond my understanding. He has caused me to see things I would have never seen & ask questions I would have never asked, meet people I would never have met, & face the true mortality of our lives (which WAS quite scary to me). I have seen (what I think) is the good & bad of the medical industry & insurance companies. I was interjected into peoples' lives & just had to act in the moment & deal with whatever emotion they were dealing with. I also feel like (more than ever) that the Good Lord has some other purpose for me (again - beyond my understanding). I did not act on it right away - in fear of all the worldly things LIKE: Will we have enough money? How will I be perceived if I'm not working? I'm not sure what will happen, so maybe I should just stay pleasantly uncomfortable for FEAR of the bad that could happen. So....(I think he thought): "I'll teach you a thing or two about life....then you'll move on & do what your supposed to do now."
The experiences, connections, & knowledge I gained in my last position seem more like road maps to me than actual job duties. I journal & the journal that I just finished filling the pages to has Bible passages on each page & I tell you what! It seems like wherever I am in my life - those passages speak straight to the situation.
"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths." - Proverbs 4:11
"Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." - Psalm 55:22
"I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands." - Isaiah 49:15-16
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." - Exodus 14:14
"And he himself has promised us this: eternal life." - 1 John 2:25
So I've talked a lot about my past job & the things I've learned & the clarity it has given me. I also want to talk a little about my internal struggles with the things that I've experienced & how I felt on Christmas Day.
Whew! Well....when I was working in my last position I had a time trying to process all the new experiences & information I was getting. I can say that we ALL need to RESPECT the nurses that we run into. They are working with people at some of the lowest, most difficult, & frustrating times of their lives & have to deal with people of all sorts. I worked in my position a little less than a year. These people continue to CHOOSE to be a nurse. I truly believe they are called to do it and have the ability to work with people on a VERY personal level. Just had to say that. So now....back to processing the new experiences & information....
I felt like I was becoming a bit of a hypochondriac. True story. When you see people that went in the hospital for a knee replacement & come out brain dead or see a young person stroke out or become diagnosed with a rare disease that totally changes their lives forever....it does something to you. I mean...there were times when I'd look at my eyes & both kiddos eyes to see if their pupils were dialted (signs of potential stroke (& probably a dozen other things)). I'd ask the nurses at work about every little bump, ache, skin irritation I stumbled upon.
Do you guys ever KNOW you are being ridiculous, but it's like you can't stop your thought process? Well...I do. Through prayers & reading & journaling & sharing my CrAzY I learned to TRULY understand a few things.
One of which, is our mortality & how it is completely OUT OF OUR HANDS. I can see my Uncle working through it & have talked with my Aunt & can identify with the struggle he is facing. This is the bottom line of it all & it is HARD to accept. We were put on this Earth to be vessels of God's light. Certain people come into our lives & we enter into others to spread our light, teach us lessons, see glimpses of the right & the wrong ways to act, LOVE EACH OTHER, share our experiences, & leave impressions (Good & Bad). GOD is the ONLY person in control. I know that is hard to believe when you see things like war, childhood cancer, well....all cancer, school shootings, gang violence, the list could go on. ALL we can do is work our entire lives to SHARE GOD'S LIGHT: touch people, leave a positive impression in their lives & learn from the negative ones we encounter. We are not in control of a whole lot & that was HARD for me to wrap my head around....even though I've heard the same thing I'm typing hundreds of times. A person can get mighty wrapped up in trying to control things they aren't meant to control.
I truly believe & have seen how hard work pays off into something much more than what you can imagine in the present. I had naysayers & negativity when my husband & I started dating & it has developed into such a STRONG marriage & BEAUTIFUL family. I have had hard times & struggles in past jobs snowball into a thought process MUCH bigger than the problems & I truly believe that the HARD WORK we are doing here on Earth is PREPARING us for our ULTIMATE GOAL: Being able to stand openly & honestly in front of our Maker when our time comes & it will be the most glorious meeting - WAY beyond our comprehension.
So....dilated pupils or not, operations gone bad, unfair diagnosis - JUST remember: "And He Himself has promised us this: eternal life." - 1 John 2:25
We were all sitting around at one of our family Christmas's & my two Uncles tried to give me the gift certificates back that we gave them for Christmas. They wanted us to use it for our family. I told them to take it. It was for them & between the two of them they told us: "Ya'll are a young family getting yourselves situated. We appreciate it, but we don't need it." My comment back was: "Ya'll have done SO MUCH for us & we'll NEVER, EVER be able to repay ya'll - that's just a little something for ya'll." Their response back to me was: "We just love ya'll. We don't care about all that." We finally settled on going to eat with them.
My heart was very FULL when we left. All I can say to you all my friends is PRAY. PRAY for understanding if you don't know what to pray for & open your heart to let it happen. Through prayer I was brought an EXPERIENCE from my AMAZING, CrAzY, sometimes chaotic family that SHOWED me: LOVE is really ALL that matters & we need to handle ourselves & live our lives in a way to bring GLORY to GOD, which will bring GLORY to your FAMILY & your FRIENDS & all the people you encounter.
In church on Sunday the sermon was about the FAMILY. The priest talked about The Holy Family & then discussed the family unit & how we all need to look at our family as an important cell in the make-up of God's creation & make it as strong as possible. That family is the foundation of our being & how the next generations are taught. Make your family STRONG. Forgive when your family doesn't understand. If you can't help them understand - LOVE them until they figure it out for themselves. FOCUS on your cell & THANK GOD for the blessings in your life everyday. There are SO MANY people out there that don't have family to support them when their figurin' things out....or to even disagree with.
Many, Many Blessings to you & yours! Go on... BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS & let your light SHINE!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Places God Puts You
Let me tell you.... Sometimes I wake up in the mornings, go to work, & wonder "What the heck am I doing?"
I can honestly say that I NEVER saw myself doing or SEEING some of the things I have seen. I have been working as a Marketing Liaison for a skilled nursing facility since February. I THOUGHT I might have some idea of what the job would entail, but...come to find out....not really.
I mean....I like it. I am learning a WHOLE lot....about the industry & MYSELF. For example....I used to think I was maybe a little pessimistic... NEGATIVE. I am about as optimistic as they come. Total reality check. I might be a little bit of a hypochondriac......maybe. Maybe it's temporary & maybe it comes with the territory & bein' in hospitals all the time, but I'm thinkin' one of the local docs might think I've gone a little koo koo.
So it may help to enlighten you on what some of my job responsibilities are. Ultimately it is to sell our business to prospects in the community that need the skilled nursing services that my facility can provide. However, that is a TOTAL understatement. Since I have been there I have assessed patients of all kinds, (with nursing assistance) with VERY different needs, complex personalities, & dealt with families in a capacity I never thought I would. I have learned a lot about Qualified Income Trusts, Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care Insurances, & the qualifications & guidelines that go with them. I have learned the process in how patients are referred to the next level of health care, whether that be skilled nursing, home health, hospice...& the differences of all of them. I have learned to APPRECIATE health care professionals & the ELDERLY on a whole different level than I did before. I have been forced to face what most see as the harsh reality...but what is simply the cycle of life. I have sat with family members explaining to their loved one, for the first time, that they are incapable of adequately caring for them & that nursing home placement will be good for everyone. I have also seen those types of individuals adapt & prosper socially, in comparison from their previous situation. I have also had to sit with families & patients & tell them they do not meet certain requirements set forth by their payer/potential payer source. Praise God that I am able to guide them to people that will help. I have gotten to meet & learned to know some extremely wonderful, talented, hard-working, educated residents.
I can say...I DON'T KNOW WHY (exactly) THE GOOD LORD PUT ME HERE, BUT THERE IS A PURPOSE. What that purpose is....I'm figurin' out. Until then (I can already tell) it is going to be one heck of a journey. I know I'm meant to touch the lives of the people I encounter, but its more than that. I have seriously experienced some of the strangest emotions I ever have. To name a few: the finality of life on Earth & the affirmation that it is completely beyond our control; this sudden feeling of being overheated & breaking into a cold sweat...all at the same time (probably because of the things I see or the reactions of family members); & the complexity of the human mind & the amount of importance certain people place on certain things. Whatever the GOOD LORD has in store for me...I can tell ya - is a HUMDINGER.
I had a situation that happened a few weeks back that made me: 1) Ask myself...Whaaaat the Heeeck am I doin'? & 2) Know that, without a doubt, I was supposed to be in that very situation for a reason that I may never REALLY know.
I had to go assess a patient at another facility, that wanted to move to a different city. When I say assess I mean make sure that they meet medical necessity to qualify for Medicaid in a nursing home. So I go in. I'm taken to the top floor & I go in with the social worker to meet this fella. So the first thing I notice is..............
PLAYBOY CENTERFOLDS all over the walls....... I am not joking...... I keep my distance & just start asking the questions I need to & opening dialogue making a note that I DEFINITELY NEED TO ASK THE SOCIAL WORKER ABOUT HIS BEHAVIORS. Then he says to me: "I guess you saw what I posted on my bathroom door." I just look at him blankly for a bit & say: "No. Actually I didn't." Then I slowly make my way over there (considering just walking right past & running for the hills) & take a look. I'm sure you are all wondering what it said. I'll be honest....I don't even want to type it.....
There it was, posted on white notebook paper in red ink(???): "Worship Satan 666 & a Mantra of Principles." I take a deep breath. I ask Jesus to help me & I turn around and go back in & just look at him. His words: "Those aren't actually my beliefs, but I don't like people forcing theirs on me." Hmmmm.... Really?
Our Dialogue:
Me: "How have others tried to force it on you?"
Him: "They bring me stuff & want to come in and pray with me & I just want to be left alone."
Me: "Have you told them that?"
Him: "Yes, but someone new comes in."
Me: "Have you ever thought about how you are forcing your thoughts & beliefs on someone by posting something like that?"
Him: "Well, I can tell you it happens a lot less often now & if they are going to force their beliefs on me than they will have to see that."
Me: "Well, I am a Christian & I don't understand why you would post something like that if you don't believe it or why you would not be offering the same sort of respect to others that you are asking for....to not force beliefs on them."
We continued to discuss how he was not being respected & that was his way of shielding himself from things he did not want to hear & I continued to try & explain to him how he subjected me, as well as any other person (that never tried to push anything on him at all) to this form of beliefs that "aren't actually his beliefs."
Honestly.....I don't know that I got anywhere with him. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. He is a very sick man & we all should remember that the devil will find any opportunity he can. I believe it could have made a slight difference in his life, BUT it made a significant difference in mine.
We as Christians have to be able to look the devil straight in the face, pray for God's divine grace, then turn around & interject any piece of the gospel or good morals or common decency that we can right back in his face. It isn't to preach to someone and tell them how they ought to live. It is to remind yourself of your commitment to Jesus & at least say something in his defense. It is the least we can do.
Our entire conversation NEVER got heated. In fact....it was laid back open dialogue. This man wanted to come to our facility, but we could not say with certainty that he met the requirements needed & some of his behaviors had the potential to put other residents at risk.
May GOD bless that man & may we all pray for the weak, the sick, the confused....
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! He will put you to work in the most subtle of ways & use you as his disciple whether you want to be there or not.
I can honestly say that I NEVER saw myself doing or SEEING some of the things I have seen. I have been working as a Marketing Liaison for a skilled nursing facility since February. I THOUGHT I might have some idea of what the job would entail, but...come to find out....not really.
I mean....I like it. I am learning a WHOLE lot....about the industry & MYSELF. For example....I used to think I was maybe a little pessimistic... NEGATIVE. I am about as optimistic as they come. Total reality check. I might be a little bit of a hypochondriac......maybe. Maybe it's temporary & maybe it comes with the territory & bein' in hospitals all the time, but I'm thinkin' one of the local docs might think I've gone a little koo koo.
So it may help to enlighten you on what some of my job responsibilities are. Ultimately it is to sell our business to prospects in the community that need the skilled nursing services that my facility can provide. However, that is a TOTAL understatement. Since I have been there I have assessed patients of all kinds, (with nursing assistance) with VERY different needs, complex personalities, & dealt with families in a capacity I never thought I would. I have learned a lot about Qualified Income Trusts, Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Care Insurances, & the qualifications & guidelines that go with them. I have learned the process in how patients are referred to the next level of health care, whether that be skilled nursing, home health, hospice...& the differences of all of them. I have learned to APPRECIATE health care professionals & the ELDERLY on a whole different level than I did before. I have been forced to face what most see as the harsh reality...but what is simply the cycle of life. I have sat with family members explaining to their loved one, for the first time, that they are incapable of adequately caring for them & that nursing home placement will be good for everyone. I have also seen those types of individuals adapt & prosper socially, in comparison from their previous situation. I have also had to sit with families & patients & tell them they do not meet certain requirements set forth by their payer/potential payer source. Praise God that I am able to guide them to people that will help. I have gotten to meet & learned to know some extremely wonderful, talented, hard-working, educated residents.
I can say...I DON'T KNOW WHY (exactly) THE GOOD LORD PUT ME HERE, BUT THERE IS A PURPOSE. What that purpose is....I'm figurin' out. Until then (I can already tell) it is going to be one heck of a journey. I know I'm meant to touch the lives of the people I encounter, but its more than that. I have seriously experienced some of the strangest emotions I ever have. To name a few: the finality of life on Earth & the affirmation that it is completely beyond our control; this sudden feeling of being overheated & breaking into a cold sweat...all at the same time (probably because of the things I see or the reactions of family members); & the complexity of the human mind & the amount of importance certain people place on certain things. Whatever the GOOD LORD has in store for me...I can tell ya - is a HUMDINGER.
I had a situation that happened a few weeks back that made me: 1) Ask myself...Whaaaat the Heeeck am I doin'? & 2) Know that, without a doubt, I was supposed to be in that very situation for a reason that I may never REALLY know.
I had to go assess a patient at another facility, that wanted to move to a different city. When I say assess I mean make sure that they meet medical necessity to qualify for Medicaid in a nursing home. So I go in. I'm taken to the top floor & I go in with the social worker to meet this fella. So the first thing I notice is..............
PLAYBOY CENTERFOLDS all over the walls....... I am not joking...... I keep my distance & just start asking the questions I need to & opening dialogue making a note that I DEFINITELY NEED TO ASK THE SOCIAL WORKER ABOUT HIS BEHAVIORS. Then he says to me: "I guess you saw what I posted on my bathroom door." I just look at him blankly for a bit & say: "No. Actually I didn't." Then I slowly make my way over there (considering just walking right past & running for the hills) & take a look. I'm sure you are all wondering what it said. I'll be honest....I don't even want to type it.....
There it was, posted on white notebook paper in red ink(???): "Worship Satan 666 & a Mantra of Principles." I take a deep breath. I ask Jesus to help me & I turn around and go back in & just look at him. His words: "Those aren't actually my beliefs, but I don't like people forcing theirs on me." Hmmmm.... Really?
Our Dialogue:
Me: "How have others tried to force it on you?"
Him: "They bring me stuff & want to come in and pray with me & I just want to be left alone."
Me: "Have you told them that?"
Him: "Yes, but someone new comes in."
Me: "Have you ever thought about how you are forcing your thoughts & beliefs on someone by posting something like that?"
Him: "Well, I can tell you it happens a lot less often now & if they are going to force their beliefs on me than they will have to see that."
Me: "Well, I am a Christian & I don't understand why you would post something like that if you don't believe it or why you would not be offering the same sort of respect to others that you are asking for....to not force beliefs on them."
We continued to discuss how he was not being respected & that was his way of shielding himself from things he did not want to hear & I continued to try & explain to him how he subjected me, as well as any other person (that never tried to push anything on him at all) to this form of beliefs that "aren't actually his beliefs."
Honestly.....I don't know that I got anywhere with him. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. He is a very sick man & we all should remember that the devil will find any opportunity he can. I believe it could have made a slight difference in his life, BUT it made a significant difference in mine.
We as Christians have to be able to look the devil straight in the face, pray for God's divine grace, then turn around & interject any piece of the gospel or good morals or common decency that we can right back in his face. It isn't to preach to someone and tell them how they ought to live. It is to remind yourself of your commitment to Jesus & at least say something in his defense. It is the least we can do.
Our entire conversation NEVER got heated. In fact....it was laid back open dialogue. This man wanted to come to our facility, but we could not say with certainty that he met the requirements needed & some of his behaviors had the potential to put other residents at risk.
May GOD bless that man & may we all pray for the weak, the sick, the confused....
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! He will put you to work in the most subtle of ways & use you as his disciple whether you want to be there or not.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Friday Blessings
This passed Friday was FULL of SO MANY BLESSINGS for me. I started making a list about halfway thru the day because SO many things became APPARENT to me.
Friday was me & my husband's 5th wedding anniversary. We've been together a total of 11 years. We LOVE each other so much more than we did even a year ago. I posted a picture on Facebook of us on our wedding day & a picture from our last Christmas card. 5 years later we are more in love & have 2 beautiful little blessings that we LOVE SO MUCH! It made me realize how much my love has grown for my sweet daughter that just celebrated her 4th birthday & how blessed all 3 of us are for having Baby Heath join our family this year & sharing that LOVE with him. Then I realized how many of our family & friends "liked" my picture & share in our lives. Let's just say an OVERWHELMING feeling of LOVE & BLESSINGS came over me. My husband is a real GEM of a Fella & I KNOW that we are so much better together than we ever would have been on our own. So that was my first......awareness of MANY blessings of the day.
On to the next..... Like I've told all of you. I think A LOT.... sometimes too much. We have so many things we want and need & sometimes it just flat boggles my mind. You know? The feeling where you don't know what is right...or that feeling where you aren't sure you are doing what the GOOD LORD wants you to be doing right now, but you aren't really sure what to do OR when to do it OR how to do it. SIGH.... I'm at that place... In fact, I'm in that place in different avenues within my life & let me tell ya... Sometimes you have to just DO SOMETHING & ask the Good Lord to guide you steps, mind your mouth, & give you the energy you need to do his will. I try not to WORRY because we aren't supposed to, BUT it is ENGRAINED in me...somehow! So I go to worrying about my AUCTION CAREER. Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing? Am I goin' about things the right way? Should I do more? So guess what happens.... I get a Facebook message from a fella that heard me call bids at one of the Volunteer Fire Department Fundraising Auctions I helped Uncle Melvin at & they needed someone in a pinch for an event benefiting the Ronald McDonald House. I made a little money, was able to help them out & raise money for an AWESOME charity, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, God answered my question. You are doing what you need to do & all I need to do is all I can. Blessings will come from it. He KNOWS our intentions better than we do & will open more doors than we even know exist.
I have a friend that is leaving the state in a matter of days now. We have been FRIENDS FOR YEARS, but we have really barely seen each other the last few years. I know.... HOW DARE US! BUT.....there are very few people that have friendships like we do.....very few. I guess with all that happened that day her message just sent me over the top & I felt that feeling....that BLESSED feeling & almost could not contain my tears. I know....nothing to cry about. She's only a phone call away. They were happy tears....VERY HAPPY tears. We have both come into our own on our own, but I think we are both well AWARE that we will ALWAYS have someone in our corner...no matter where we are. I wish my Rissa Roo all the best!
Facebook was workin' hard for me on Friday! A little while later I get a message from one of the first responders that took my Dad to the hospital the last time he went a few years ago. She saw the post about our anniversary on Facebook & wanted to check on Daddy. I told her he is doing good & gave her the latest update & she told me that "she will never forget him & that he was was one of the most entertaining people they have ever had to transport." You know....sometimes your family can drive you CraZy & my Daddy sure has at times, BUT... Me and my Pops have ALWAYS been close. Thru the years we've gotten even closer on a different level & I felt SO blessed that someone else APPRECIATED him like I do & that he was able to make a lasting impression on her. You know....when I was pregnant with my little girl, I was nervous as all get out about the whole birthing process & believe it or not...my Daddy is the one that calmed my nerves & helped me to REALLY give it ALL to God. He sure the heck isn't any kind of SAINT, but he is a BELIEVER & is filled with SO MUCH LOVE for his people it just oozes out of him.
With my new job.....Admissions Director at a skilled nursing facility (It's amazing where the GOOD LORD puts you...) I have seen A LOT of things I never thought I would, understand things I never thought I'd have to & deal with families on a MUCH more personal level than I ever have in the past. Last Friday we found out that the husband of one of our little residents was in the hospital. He had been there EVERY DAY without fail & we hadn't seen him in a few days, so my boss (who cares for all of our residents & families like they are her own) found out where he was & sent me to go visit him. Him and his wife have NO LIVING FAMILY. All they HAD was each other. When I went and visited with him he was SO APPRECIATIVE. All I could think about was how worried we were about him, how thankful we were that he was okay, and how else we could help this little man and his wife. That was ANOTHER JESUS MOMENT. It made me APPRECIATE my life & everyone in it. It made me APPRECIATE the LOVE that this little man & woman have for each other. It made me APPRECIATE my job & the people I work with. It just opened my eyes on so many levels.
On the way to my next patient assessment I gave a little homeless man money & told him I hoped it would help him turn things around. I noticed the car behind me gave him some money & I saw the little homeless man look my way & thought how we never know who we will touch and how it will help someone.
Then, on my way up to see my next patient - I ran into a lady that used to live in my hometown that worked at the hospital (I had no idea.) Her kids were around my age, but we weren't necessarily close. However, in a small town EVERYONE is linked somehow & honestly are closer to each other than some people are with their families. I'm not sure what exactly she was on her way to do, but I know it was something that was not necessarily going to be easy & we shared a talk about hardships, prayers, & God's unknown intentions for us.We have each other a hug & I got back on the same elevator we met in. Talk about knowin' the Good Lord is at work & puttin' his people in places they need to be...
THEN.... to top it ALL off. I got a phone call from someone that eased my worries about something that I have been worrying about since August or so.
Between ALL of these wonderful events, the GLORIOUS needed RAIN we received ALL DAY, & the COUNTRY MUSIC from the 1990s I listened to ALL DAY LONG...I'd say I had one of the most BLESSED days I have had.
AND....if anyone reading this thinks like my philosophy professor did once upon a time and thinks these are all "koinkidinks" you can just BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!
Have a BLESSED day everyone. Each day is a gift.
Friday was me & my husband's 5th wedding anniversary. We've been together a total of 11 years. We LOVE each other so much more than we did even a year ago. I posted a picture on Facebook of us on our wedding day & a picture from our last Christmas card. 5 years later we are more in love & have 2 beautiful little blessings that we LOVE SO MUCH! It made me realize how much my love has grown for my sweet daughter that just celebrated her 4th birthday & how blessed all 3 of us are for having Baby Heath join our family this year & sharing that LOVE with him. Then I realized how many of our family & friends "liked" my picture & share in our lives. Let's just say an OVERWHELMING feeling of LOVE & BLESSINGS came over me. My husband is a real GEM of a Fella & I KNOW that we are so much better together than we ever would have been on our own. So that was my first......awareness of MANY blessings of the day.
On to the next..... Like I've told all of you. I think A LOT.... sometimes too much. We have so many things we want and need & sometimes it just flat boggles my mind. You know? The feeling where you don't know what is right...or that feeling where you aren't sure you are doing what the GOOD LORD wants you to be doing right now, but you aren't really sure what to do OR when to do it OR how to do it. SIGH.... I'm at that place... In fact, I'm in that place in different avenues within my life & let me tell ya... Sometimes you have to just DO SOMETHING & ask the Good Lord to guide you steps, mind your mouth, & give you the energy you need to do his will. I try not to WORRY because we aren't supposed to, BUT it is ENGRAINED in me...somehow! So I go to worrying about my AUCTION CAREER. Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing? Am I goin' about things the right way? Should I do more? So guess what happens.... I get a Facebook message from a fella that heard me call bids at one of the Volunteer Fire Department Fundraising Auctions I helped Uncle Melvin at & they needed someone in a pinch for an event benefiting the Ronald McDonald House. I made a little money, was able to help them out & raise money for an AWESOME charity, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, God answered my question. You are doing what you need to do & all I need to do is all I can. Blessings will come from it. He KNOWS our intentions better than we do & will open more doors than we even know exist.
I have a friend that is leaving the state in a matter of days now. We have been FRIENDS FOR YEARS, but we have really barely seen each other the last few years. I know.... HOW DARE US! BUT.....there are very few people that have friendships like we do.....very few. I guess with all that happened that day her message just sent me over the top & I felt that feeling....that BLESSED feeling & almost could not contain my tears. I know....nothing to cry about. She's only a phone call away. They were happy tears....VERY HAPPY tears. We have both come into our own on our own, but I think we are both well AWARE that we will ALWAYS have someone in our corner...no matter where we are. I wish my Rissa Roo all the best!
Facebook was workin' hard for me on Friday! A little while later I get a message from one of the first responders that took my Dad to the hospital the last time he went a few years ago. She saw the post about our anniversary on Facebook & wanted to check on Daddy. I told her he is doing good & gave her the latest update & she told me that "she will never forget him & that he was was one of the most entertaining people they have ever had to transport." You know....sometimes your family can drive you CraZy & my Daddy sure has at times, BUT... Me and my Pops have ALWAYS been close. Thru the years we've gotten even closer on a different level & I felt SO blessed that someone else APPRECIATED him like I do & that he was able to make a lasting impression on her. You know....when I was pregnant with my little girl, I was nervous as all get out about the whole birthing process & believe it or not...my Daddy is the one that calmed my nerves & helped me to REALLY give it ALL to God. He sure the heck isn't any kind of SAINT, but he is a BELIEVER & is filled with SO MUCH LOVE for his people it just oozes out of him.
With my new job.....Admissions Director at a skilled nursing facility (It's amazing where the GOOD LORD puts you...) I have seen A LOT of things I never thought I would, understand things I never thought I'd have to & deal with families on a MUCH more personal level than I ever have in the past. Last Friday we found out that the husband of one of our little residents was in the hospital. He had been there EVERY DAY without fail & we hadn't seen him in a few days, so my boss (who cares for all of our residents & families like they are her own) found out where he was & sent me to go visit him. Him and his wife have NO LIVING FAMILY. All they HAD was each other. When I went and visited with him he was SO APPRECIATIVE. All I could think about was how worried we were about him, how thankful we were that he was okay, and how else we could help this little man and his wife. That was ANOTHER JESUS MOMENT. It made me APPRECIATE my life & everyone in it. It made me APPRECIATE the LOVE that this little man & woman have for each other. It made me APPRECIATE my job & the people I work with. It just opened my eyes on so many levels.
On the way to my next patient assessment I gave a little homeless man money & told him I hoped it would help him turn things around. I noticed the car behind me gave him some money & I saw the little homeless man look my way & thought how we never know who we will touch and how it will help someone.
Then, on my way up to see my next patient - I ran into a lady that used to live in my hometown that worked at the hospital (I had no idea.) Her kids were around my age, but we weren't necessarily close. However, in a small town EVERYONE is linked somehow & honestly are closer to each other than some people are with their families. I'm not sure what exactly she was on her way to do, but I know it was something that was not necessarily going to be easy & we shared a talk about hardships, prayers, & God's unknown intentions for us.We have each other a hug & I got back on the same elevator we met in. Talk about knowin' the Good Lord is at work & puttin' his people in places they need to be...
THEN.... to top it ALL off. I got a phone call from someone that eased my worries about something that I have been worrying about since August or so.
Between ALL of these wonderful events, the GLORIOUS needed RAIN we received ALL DAY, & the COUNTRY MUSIC from the 1990s I listened to ALL DAY LONG...I'd say I had one of the most BLESSED days I have had.
AND....if anyone reading this thinks like my philosophy professor did once upon a time and thinks these are all "koinkidinks" you can just BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS!
Have a BLESSED day everyone. Each day is a gift.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Buck Up Baby & Ride with Jesus!
So some of you guys may be wondering: Why 2 blogs? I recently had a Jesus moment....maybe more like a Holy Spirit moment & thus....Buck Up Baby & Ride With Jesus has been created. You can still see my original blog about auctions, life, Junk Proms and whatever else I decide to talk about @ http://buckupbaby.blogspot.com.
In this blog I am going to try & have Faithful Friday posts, where I will share my current journey OR my ride with Jesus, if you will. I'm really very much a thinker & I think A LOT. Life can be WiLd & Wooly, ConfUSing & beautiful, & a WHOLE LOT of other adjectives. Feel free to comment. Remember these are my thoughts, questions, opinions. I'm not makin' you read'm, believe'm or anything of the sort. I'm just sharing my point of view & hope that this blog will help me (& others) GROW in their FAITH.
My first story to share that kinda prompted the whole thought that I needed something MORE is this:
I recently started a new job & had the opportunity to accompany an RN to a hospital to assess a patient. We had the opportunity to visit & get to know each other on the commute to & from the hospital. Along the way we discussed our families, home life, political views, upcoming plans, & GOD.
She has a son that is mentally retarded. He is in his late 20s, but has the mental capacity of an 18 month old. She shared with me that the only words he really says are: "Momma Momma. I love you Momma" and I told her what a BLESSING that must be to have those words repeated to her over & over again.
Later we were discussing politics & the state of our country (amongst other things). She made the statement that she thinks Armageddon is closer than most realize. My mind went to : Where will my children be if that happens in their lifetime & I felt fear & concern. I told her the thought scared me a little and her response was "Scared? I'm excited! I can't wait!"
Needless to say...It got me to thinkin'. I had a rush of anxiety come over me. Kind of like... I shouldn't be scared. I should be excited for the coming of Jesus, but....quite frankly...the thought of it being right upon us SCARED ME. How will it happen? Will I be with my babies? I better get right with JESUS! All kinds of things were running through my head. My new RN friend could have glanced over and saw the blood rush from my face....I'm tellin' you....a JESUS moment.
My RN friend has moved back to her hometown. I only had the chance to get to know her for 2 weeks. Tell me that's not a God thing!
Needless to say. It made me start thinking a certain way. It made me face the thought, the reality, the whole basis of our being. BELIEVE ME.....I don't have answers, BUT I have a better grasp on where my head needs to be, what I should be teaching my babies, that we NEED to SHARE OUR FAITH with others....
It also gave me perspective of my life and how TRULY BLESSED I am. My friend SHARED some of her STRUGGLES with me. Her son knows nothing else besides the LOVE that she & her family give him. She knows her struggles & battles she has faced & HER FAITH IS SO STRONG! She KNOWS with NO HESITATION that there is a BETTER WORLD where there is NO PAIN. Our STRUGGLES will be over. We will find PEACE and it will be MORE BEAUTIFUL than anything we could ever imagine. It sees to me that her struggles have made her APPRECIATE & ANTICIPATE the COMING OF JESUS.
I hope that this story resonates with someone & I hope whoever reads this feels more apt to SPEAK FREELY about their FAITH.
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! It's the BEST COMPANY you'll ever find. May GOD BLESS you! Stay tuned for my next entry!!
In this blog I am going to try & have Faithful Friday posts, where I will share my current journey OR my ride with Jesus, if you will. I'm really very much a thinker & I think A LOT. Life can be WiLd & Wooly, ConfUSing & beautiful, & a WHOLE LOT of other adjectives. Feel free to comment. Remember these are my thoughts, questions, opinions. I'm not makin' you read'm, believe'm or anything of the sort. I'm just sharing my point of view & hope that this blog will help me (& others) GROW in their FAITH.
My first story to share that kinda prompted the whole thought that I needed something MORE is this:
I recently started a new job & had the opportunity to accompany an RN to a hospital to assess a patient. We had the opportunity to visit & get to know each other on the commute to & from the hospital. Along the way we discussed our families, home life, political views, upcoming plans, & GOD.
She has a son that is mentally retarded. He is in his late 20s, but has the mental capacity of an 18 month old. She shared with me that the only words he really says are: "Momma Momma. I love you Momma" and I told her what a BLESSING that must be to have those words repeated to her over & over again.
Later we were discussing politics & the state of our country (amongst other things). She made the statement that she thinks Armageddon is closer than most realize. My mind went to : Where will my children be if that happens in their lifetime & I felt fear & concern. I told her the thought scared me a little and her response was "Scared? I'm excited! I can't wait!"
Needless to say...It got me to thinkin'. I had a rush of anxiety come over me. Kind of like... I shouldn't be scared. I should be excited for the coming of Jesus, but....quite frankly...the thought of it being right upon us SCARED ME. How will it happen? Will I be with my babies? I better get right with JESUS! All kinds of things were running through my head. My new RN friend could have glanced over and saw the blood rush from my face....I'm tellin' you....a JESUS moment.
My RN friend has moved back to her hometown. I only had the chance to get to know her for 2 weeks. Tell me that's not a God thing!
Needless to say. It made me start thinking a certain way. It made me face the thought, the reality, the whole basis of our being. BELIEVE ME.....I don't have answers, BUT I have a better grasp on where my head needs to be, what I should be teaching my babies, that we NEED to SHARE OUR FAITH with others....
It also gave me perspective of my life and how TRULY BLESSED I am. My friend SHARED some of her STRUGGLES with me. Her son knows nothing else besides the LOVE that she & her family give him. She knows her struggles & battles she has faced & HER FAITH IS SO STRONG! She KNOWS with NO HESITATION that there is a BETTER WORLD where there is NO PAIN. Our STRUGGLES will be over. We will find PEACE and it will be MORE BEAUTIFUL than anything we could ever imagine. It sees to me that her struggles have made her APPRECIATE & ANTICIPATE the COMING OF JESUS.
I hope that this story resonates with someone & I hope whoever reads this feels more apt to SPEAK FREELY about their FAITH.
BUCK UP BABY & RIDE WITH JESUS! It's the BEST COMPANY you'll ever find. May GOD BLESS you! Stay tuned for my next entry!!
Holy Spirit,
Registered Nurse,
Special Needs
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